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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. "Fish doing their thing" includes nooks, hos, and browns.. Didn't see any bows in this one... I'm aware of the difference. cheers HD
  2. Ah I see... But Dave, don't you think lining fish would be easier with a shorter lead versus a longer one? And I just so we're on the same page, we are talking about the same trib yes? Guess it's just been a long day.. Given our history though, can ya blame me? HD
  3. Great pics and nice brown to boot DMASSE.. But, and not to question your integrity, or your credibility.. But, how close to the spawn we're those fish??? And.... How deep and how wide is that trib?? I think it's pretty safe to say that we both know the name and particular location of that trib, and we both honestly believe that it out to be protected, because, let's face it, those fish were probably spewing eggs when they were beached. I can't help it but chuckle everytime I see you post fish from that part of the river, when you know that the fish in that particualr trib and at this particualr time of year, outta be left alone to do their thing. I'm really trying to keep an open mind here.. Please tell me you don't believe that lining fish with a fly rod in a foot of water is more diplomatic than say: someone doing it with marshmellows at the pier. Can you offer a rebutle? I'd really like to hear it mang. No offence of course. HD
  4. SHWWEEEETTT!! I wish you could see the smile on my face. cheers HD
  5. You're absolutely off your rocker!! That's why we hang duude.. H to the D
  6. Yeah it's not bad... I guess.. HD
  7. Not enough people fishing with too much time on their hands.. We're all to blame for that one! We could post more, but.... Someone fill the gap for me. HD
  8. Great pics brah! And thanks for everything.. You've left us with some good little tidbits and fond memories. Wild Billy and Drewballs agree and send their regards. PS.. That catfish was delish! We might just work em harder next time and put on a big feed. cheers mang HD
  9. Bill, that's a great shot. I see no mud and bits of grass or twigs on that fish, and that's how it should be! You're right on the colours though.. They're quite vivid for this time of year! Next time, just take a good deep breath before you snap a pic of a good fish. Kinda like getting ready for a shot at that big bull moose.. It takes steady breathing and a slow pull of the trigger. Keep em coming. HD
  10. Right on! Hey what's the name of that tune?! I don't believe I've ever heard Curt signing about fishing... Well done mang! HD
  11. There.. Isn't that much better? And doesn't it leave you with a feeling of peace and serenity? cheers HD
  12. Hey that one's mine jigga! HAHAAH
  13. Right on my southern brotha bubba.. Thanks for showing me how to skin a catfish and introducing us to that wonderful nectar.. Moonshine.. OOH I can still feel it eating away at my gut LOL. cheers HD
  14. Ah right on Joey... Love the pics and report. Glad I finally got to meet you and Paul!! You're way hotter in person!! HD
  15. A bit dim are ya?! Those salmon are close to accomplishing their final stage, which is the spawn, and are preparing to expire.. Their flesh is starting to rot. You obviously know the difference.. Are you yanking our chains or what??! You took a notch off their lifespan by beaching them and the time it took to prepare this shot didn't help much either. So no, they most certainly are not chromers. HD
  16. PM Sent.. Nut busted.. Great spot budday. You've made me a believer.. you're not aloof and conceided.. lol Thanks for a great session. HD
  17. AH YEEE!! It's soo good to be home.. Beauty fish Pat! HD
  18. Just arrived at this end.. Real good to meet you too! Fishing and the weather were great, and the company was just awesome. report should follow shortly.. HD
  20. We were supposed to hit the lake this morning... My guess is he's still shnoozing.. He's likely to re-emerge again sometime next year.. Doug's had a banner smallie season though! Sorry Doug, I gotta do it... AAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYEE HD
  21. I've heard of male lions mauling other cubs, but eating them? Can a fish with a wee brain be really that proactive?! LOL
  22. EEEWWWW... dat's gross!! Trials and tribulations of nature, but still disturbing.
  23. Oh and if I may add... Rig up with some strong braid like powerpro or spiderwire. The contact with your lure is almost a %100 (for better hook-ups), it'll resist abbrasion, and you'll be able to cast further, without skimping on line strength... And.. If your line crosses with someone using mono, guess who's gonna havta re-tie! cheers HD
  24. Holly shnikes I fish that area in Dokis! That's right close to Monetville and Lakair... Hope this doesn't smell trouble... I'm gonna phone my uncle Terry and find out what the rhubarb is.. Thanks for the news. HD
  25. roe bags are held together with mesh and string, and skeen is held together because the eggs are not fully developped and they're still attached to the membrane... And Canadadude... Kings are called Kings cause they can get real big, not because they have a distinguished palet.. Are there any other theories on why salmon would hit skeen? It just boggles the mind when I think about it. Are they that primitive?!! Glad I could help reef, hope to cross lines witcha sometime! HD
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