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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. I hear King milk makes great lube.. Dirt Mcgirt dude!!
  2. SWEET!! Too bad it's already patented eh??! Nice work bud. cheers HD
  3. Sure we've all done it.. Like Stonefly said, it gives a good impression of the fishe's size and we all like to show off our gear. It's one of the reasons we buy premium stuff to begin with. My bearings aren't sealed though, so I guess in wanting to avoid getting sand in the reel, I keep it in the water, along with the fish...
  4. No big deal at all dude. We've all seen the reel in the avatar and the report to go with it. Maybe I should change my avatar to show off my Able ported just for kicks eh?!! What I'm getting at is the time it took to get this shot ready. Fish is flopping around in the mud and budday's thinking about including his pin and giving it a nice cushy surface for the money shot, instead of properly handling the fish. You can revive a fish all ya want and watch it swim off, but the mud stuck in the gills... Do you think he carefully washed that off before putting the fish back??
  5. Nice colours on that fish; too bad about the back drop. I see your reel got a nice surface to rest on. You should have extended that same courtesy to the fish also!! Could someone please explain to me why pinners feel compelled to include their reels in the fish pics??!! This really irks me. Before I get flamed by the pin posse, I'm not trying to find fault in your pic, it's a real nice fish and good on you for releasing him; the release shot is nice too. If that one bank shot with the fish in the mud by your pride reel could have been omitted, I'd have nothing but props to give. cheers HD
  6. Dudette I wanna dig up some pictures of my sis. You look just like her... and you were a lip bitter too!! Such a cutie... Wha Happen??!! HD
  7. Good to know there's samskies at that spot!! WTG!! cheers HD
  8. Don't put the hooch away just yet dawg!! Tonight's topic: The easiest and most economical way to hook a chinny!! I will guarantee a flossing good time!!
  9. mmmm yeah just what i needed.. Wicked pics!! thanks
  10. Wow dawg you is dexterous something fierce!! Could you give us a little run down on how you make them little beauts? Right on budday!
  11. Dude arn't you freakin from there??!! If you have to drive a distance to get there, then fair nough, but otherwise, wouldn't you just rather go down there and see for yourself?
  12. yip. My folks were there!! Something like 80k showed during the 5 days. Never seen anything like it. Campers on the 11 as far as the eye can see!! Sorry D, noice fish.
  13. Or trolls..
  14. Nice! Sure has been an exceptional summer in terms of water temperature. We're pulling resident fish much lower than normal... Here's one from yesterday. I think it's a steelie shaker, but she sure was purty! Bring on the frost!! cheers HD
  15. David Attenborough is the man! Did you try d/l the torrent file?? You can get all the episodes in that series, in HD. cheers HD
  16. My deepest condolences Joey.. Hopefully we can help bring you some comfort in your time of need. Either way, I'm here for ya. Be well.
  17. I'd like to know how the heck this got to court in the first place!! Seems a bit shady to me... HD
  18. Looks just like a scottish land locked brown budday. Gorgeous fish!! Atta boyee! Looks like I may be in your neighborhoud in the very near future... HD
  19. Wow that's gut wrenching... A hero who refuses acknowledgement for saving a life. Very humbling. Your pop's a good man. thanks for that HD
  20. Dang that's some sweet eye candy.. cheers HD
  21. LMBO!! All those lakers in one report make you look like a pro dude! We need a bittersweet symphony to go with that. That was great bud. cheers HD
  22. shush it!! Word to yo moma.
  23. Great little read Mike.. Looks like you'll need more of them fluro leaders. And like GCD mentioned, improve those clinches!! Now go git um!!
  24. Wow congrats!! Just stay away from the harbour. I mean that. HD
  25. While you're at it.. I'm still waiting for my Sabiki Rigs!!!
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