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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Good haul!! Brown roe... I could just salt them and spread it on melbas, it's that good!!
  2. Kill it??!! Such a creature deserves a better fate than the fillet knife... I couldn't bunk a fish like that!! Game freezer is a little low though...
  3. Mets-en torsvice!! Gros merci mon grand.
  4. OOOHH dats nice.. cheers! HD
  5. You're absolutely right. It's not the waders that make me look phat, it's my molson muscle!! Shirley Temples...
  6. Tis a nice little nook that spot.. My next 40 is gonna come outta there! Nice fish Geoff. Did ya get the office duds all nice and slimed up?? Grant, you outta call me once in a while you know..
  7. The wifey knows where the rest is going... Actually, it was a small red worm.. Hope you got your waders fixed dude. Doesn't Simms have a warranty on the seams??
  8. Beauty!! There's even a bit of a red hue on the fins. cheers HD
  9. Gmornin! I'm all smiles this morning, considering my glossy look and dreadful headache.. Whiskey n cokes don't taste so good the morning after... Went 2 for 4 yesterday on the new Lamiglas. 2nd time out with the pin. Finally, after so many years of never really getting it quite right, so many lost fish, so many drifts that were just out of reach.. All in the past. You could say I'm entering graduating class, steelhead academy. Mind you, it's pure fluke that this new float fishing venture ever happened. I got lucky at a steelie tourney this spring and my name was drawn for a brand new Raven SST float reel. It sat on the shelf until just recently, when I started youtubing casting clinics and lurking floater boards. I have a couple shorter noodle rods, but the limitations were evident. Fine for frog water, crap for long drifts and long casts. I needed a real float rod. No skimping this time. Called a few tackle shops and got prices on custom sticks and I was left feeling more confused than before. I'm a big proponent on Sage, because I fished with them for years. But there was no way to justify spending 900+ for a finished product with average components, and a newer generation blank that was a bit whippy for my liking. Exasperated, I made a call out to Solo and boy, was that a good move!! He offered advice on blanks, components, where to have the reel seat, etc. He put me on to a good rod builder, a mister John Colinas, and I made plans to go see him. He was outta town some, so the visit would have to be planned. Spoke to John I was told a month to have the rod in my hand, which was no big deal. But waiting for a rod during prime steelie time is kind of a downer eh??!! Got a PM from Solo Friday before last, just as I was about to ring up the buidler. Would ya know it? He had a shweeeet custom JC build up for sale. A 13ft 3pc Lamiglas, Fugi SIC mid frames, coco bola reel seat... And the price?? Well, let's just say that it was a sweet deal that couldn’t be passed up. He drove out to my shop in Mississauga with the wee ones that afternoon and by the end of the day, I had in my hands a beautiful custom build. Which meant I could fish with it the next day. NO WAITING!! And I'm reaping the rewards... Thanks budday. You da man. River was crowded like I have never seen, but managed. Went 1 for 3 right off the bat, a nice male brown in full spawn mode. He swam away before I could snap a pic. Came back to the run later in the day not expecting much, water was gin clear and the sun was high, plus there was 3 dudes working the tail end. After a quick chat with one of the fellers I knew, I made my way to the top end. I had dug up some dewies earlier and I had one left… 2 drifts and BABAAM, fish on!! This one's for the gear hawgs. Cheers, HD PS. MJL, you da man too!!
  10. Shenanigans.. He's a bush lurker who will stop at nothing to get there first!!! C'mon Shnag. Give it up!!
  11. HAH! Soo true. Those mini cheeze burgers.. Musta been a gong show!! Ever try distilling grape juice? Our shipper guy had liver spots 3 years ago and refused treatment.. Said he could cure himself. Started making his own special blend of eau de vie and he says he can drink as much as he wants without the hangovers.. His teeth are almost gone, but he'still going strong!! Props on the tip.
  12. My my that is a goddun bud!! Good on ya for not bunking her too..
  13. Pinnin for steel with steel.. shweeet. thanks mang. HD
  14. true dat. We could all use a little more color saturation come winter. cheers!
  15. You can get a retractable rod at CT for 20 bones or so. Great general all-purpose rod if you don't mind skimping a little on performance. Snag is a huge proponent on them and says they're the bees knees for snot rockets!! Call ahead to avoid any surprises... If you're planning on chasing baby tarpon and bones, you might wanna look into something with a bit more pep. St-Croix makes a 3 piece Premier that would be ideal, and it comes with a pvc case. I bought one as a back-up for my trip to Cayo Coco last Febuary and it was perfect for small tarpon and cudas!! Good luck. HD
  16. Oh yeah!! Great macros Louis. If you don't mind me asking; what's your camera and did you use the same setting for all three shots?? FA-BU-LAS!! cheers HD
  17. Dude did you loose some wheight?? Those skinnies make you look skinnier... PHRUNKY!! BLAH HD
  18. I see ya got your new toy.. She looks great on that Rainshadow!! Tried the new Lamiglas this weekend.. Couldn't put any bend on her, but she's just purrfect and will no doubt bring me many years of pleasure. Twas good seeing you and the wee ones on Friday. cheers HD
  19. Good stuff Mike. Field work is way sweeter than taxonomy eh?? Hope you weren't followed... cheers HD
  20. I'm glad I ain't the only one having flashbacks..
  21. Noice dude!! I've got that drivetest site as my home page... Once this whole mess clears up, the first thing I'm gonna do is call you up! cheers budday HD
  22. Great read Joey. A little getaway with friends goes a long way sometimes. You guys sure know how to have a good time!! thanks HD
  23. Here's one Wayne.. American Tackle Company has got some dandies!! Hope this isn't too... risqué.. cheers HD
  24. Yeasure dood.
  25. Michipicoten!! A bit harsh doncha think??
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