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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. I've encountered the same thing. They're nomadic creatures around these parts... Could it be that they follow the baitfish?? Either way, those are some beauts!! I've broken the 40 mark for a coupla times, xept for this year. They're around though!! MSP got one this spring in the area that was in the mid 40s at least, and I've seen some BIG post spawn females that were slinking along, recuping from their harassement, but have yet to tie into one of them yet.. You get those fish this year? They put Snag's fish to shame dude HAHAAH!
  2. Funny you mention that. Grant and I were thinking of getting decked out in our finest and getting thoroughly slimed by some gators. Now that would make a kewl report!! Thanks bud. Go git em.
  3. Those brookies are sweethearts... I'd step over my own mother just to have one.
  4. Urge to spawn... RISING!!
  5. If this forrum was a holstein you'd have milked it dry by now...
  6. My guess is the earlier the better. We've fished Eve in August and the fishing was tough. Mind you; we didn't have sonar so that didn't help much. Sucker Gut doesn't get very deep, so the fish probably scatter once the temps go up. 1st week of June would be prime IMO. You thinking of roughing it or staying at a lodge? If you're opting for the latter, a day spent with a guide will make a world of difference. Good luck! HD
  7. Noticed I mentioned your name in the report? Just to remind you that I'm still thinking boutcha!! Thanks dude.
  8. Thanks bud. Ya know where to find me! Plus, I don't mind risking my life to land em..
  9. Gear ratio is faster on my curado, but the calcutta has more torke I find. Okay okay, get the Curado!!
  10. Ya strippers are "fun" to.. "catch". LC 100 SP, Clown. Been doing some tweaking on my leaders and I've started using braid. 80lb mono is just too stiff and buoyant for slash baits..
  11. I feel your pain dude... That first fish.. Is that a recent catch? She's a beaut! At least you're catching somthin... Buck up, eh?!! cheers HD
  12. You guys are messed up!!
  13. Yip I hear ya. Some spots are absolutely void of cabbage, while others seem to be okay. I probably has alot to do all the rain we had over the summer. Murky water means less light penetration, and less light means less weed growth. No biggy though, the spots that have cabbage will have more fish!! And don't worry about my scruff. It won't hurt... much..
  14. \ Ah I gotta dou it incognito eh? That's the kind of thinking that's gonna git me in a heap dude!
  15. But I'm supposed to let it grow! I promissed the guys I'd be rocking a full muff for my bachelor party... IN VEGAS!!
  16. Sorry dawg I just can't rock the wool like you can...
  17. She was a bit on the thin side. Real purty face on her though!! And the funk is wrong with my hold dawg??!!
  18. HAH!! Unkie Herb is right around the corner I swear!! Best you take care of biz today though. One day is better than a lifetime of hurt!! My ladie's birth date is next weekend. I gotta spend 2 days in Haliburton at this icky spa retreat and the gear has to stay at home! BRUTAL. If only they made an 8 piece baitcaster!
  19. That will soon change, once my photoshop skills are up to parr.
  20. Hah jeeze...
  21. Shore bound this time. The harbour police don't like when I tube in the harbor.
  22. Hey gang, Was supposed to hit up a trib today for samskies but looked at the Hydrometric charts and decided against it... Decided to terrorize some local gators instead. Turns out it was not a bad idea. Fish were on definetly on, in spite of the storm cell moving through. Water was just hazy enough to keep the fish in ambush mode. They would smash a bait just as it hovered over the weedline. What a rush to see the takes. I think I love piking again! 3pm was the happy hour today. This fish took just after the dinner bell rang! If only FHR was with me.. I hope he's slaying strippers on the coast. Miss ya dawg. cheers HD
  23. They're both entry level. Get a Calcutta.
  24. Henry put up a great thread for uploading pics.. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...p;hl=imageshack I noticed you already have a pic posted to your account.. You must have had to resize the image to the maximum size with is 250kb or less in order for that to work so you must have the image editing software. So just resize and upload the rest of them to your account. Then click on the image to get the full size, right click on it to display the properties and copy and paste the adress (URL) from the image in order to insert it into the thread. The {Insert Image} icon is located beside the smiley face. Click on it and paste the URL inside the text space, click on it and presto, INSTANT GRATIFICATION!! Hope this helps. cheers HD
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