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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Beauty eye!! I think... I'd be sooner to think you're performing some kinda alien autopsy! It gives me the willies just looking at that thing. Bien joué gros. HD
  2. Ah man... you had me at "A Huge"..
  3. Wow shweeeet dude!! A few more nooks in the river should bring in a few more of those! I get a handful of those where I fish and they're never far from salmon. I just hope it won't make or break this season, as we only came accross a handful of em last fall. guddun brah. cheers HD
  4. Nice fish and nice report budday!! cheers HD
  5. ATTA BOYEE!! Bring on the slabs. Bubs your tanned hide makes you look like a greek god!! cheers HD
  6. mmhmmm yip flavivolata!! Sure brings back a lot of sweet memories... Boiled in a tea, it's effects are a lot like those of leaf buttah!! Good one dude. HD
  7. noice!! Do that again, with a sturgeon... cheers HD
  8. Why not just take her to miniature golf??
  9. AAHH MAN!! It's just no fair... I wanna throw a fit right now something fierce!! WORK SUCKS. That's a thick spread my man. Beauty!! One fine day... cheers HD
  10. Awesome budday!! Really glad you shared that with us. The place, the critters, the fishing... You totally pimped that out dude! cheers HD
  11. Guddun Mike. You still working for them??
  12. Saw em at Wake Stock a coupla summers ago. Was shove dancing in my jesus boots I was!! T'was all in good fun..
  14. Yeah the skies do seem a bit marmalade! Am I giving you flashbacks dawg??!
  15. Where abouts in East York are ya?? The islands are a good bet for largies but there's some good smallie water in your parts too!!
  16. Nice work guys!! I hope to do some violating of my own this sat... Photoshop!! cheers HD
  17. Dude your avatar pic.... that's totally taking the piss ain't it? Wasn't that an OOS fish??!!
  18. Ooh purty!! That's a good clean water indicator right there. Cheers Brah!
  19. People who give more... get more. Simple as that. Share something nice with us before you go ahead and just start asking questions, especially stuff that's not fishing related. Plus, it makes you look like less of a sketchball!! HD
  20. Brown bullhead?? By the by, I'm sure you're aware that a mud puppy is an amphibian. You must really clean up at the pub with this kind of portfolio LOL!! And this thread is bunk without pichures.
  21. Check out your system tray... bottom right hand side of your screen. If you see a little case with FR (french), click on it and select EN (English). And if youève got a francamophone using your puter, tell em to use their own!! àààèèèéééêêêêÉÉÉ!!!
  22. Awesome dudette!! My dad's been a smoker since he was 12... I'm dreading that phone call. cheers HD
  23. TJ What are you thinking dude!!
  24. I'm afraid dat's politics gentleman... Some Dukakis Hugging Moon Maiden has their hand in the pot. It doesn't matter that they're totally ignorant, as long as they have deep pockets. They'll only bring the hunt back when one of those fat cats up state gets mauled!! HD
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