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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. You sure like to spread it on doncha?? Epic write up dude. You sure know a lot of loogans!! Oh and New Liskeard is part of Temiskaming Shores now... And Moonbeam?? I know a purty french girl from there, among other things... This one outta keep the filler at the bottom. cheers!! HD
  2. Congrats dude! Fish jumped right in the boat, now all you gotta do is whack er with the oar!! She makes a great fishing budday no doubt. Mine's gonna need a little practice... All the best. HD
  3. How did you do that??!
  4. float rod??
  5. You must keep your rod rack beside your bed stand... I know.. It helps me sleep soundly too. Real shame Loomis won't be selling blanks anymore. I heard a rumor though, or perhaps I dreamt it that Garry will get back into the biz.. Garry if you're reading this, you have the power!! HD
  6. Bill, would that be the GL3 1622 blank??! Cause if it is, I'd want to be buried with it too!!
  7. Nice chunkers dudes!! That water looks absolutely prime... Solo, what stick were you using?? cheers HD
  8. I'm told that stick is lighter and crisper than the sage SCII 1136-3, and it won't blow the bank... but what do you expect from 20 year old technology... Tom at AS quoted me $920 for a finished custom stick.. Can you freaking believe that??! Solo has good things to say about CTS too... Hopefully, this helps me make up my mind. Looks like Christmas is coming early this year!!
  9. Very noice my friend. Psychedelic!! Too bad about the copywrite filter.. Pray tell.. what tune did you have picked out? That bout of creativity needs to go with something a little.. floydesk. Two internet windows, a little synchronicity... shouldn't be too hard! cheers HD
  10. For moi??! I'll revel over them in a bit. The missus needs her speed walk! luv, Skeebone
  11. That was a sweet read Louis.. cheers HD
  12. Ya I hear they make great pets!! Poor thing.. If momy was shot, the humane thing would have been to wait for baby and dispatch it too. cheers HD
  13. thiamine deficiency??
  14. Now that's a buck!! Got a shot of that Ho too?? cheers HD
  15. Right on brothah!! What kind of set up you using?? Is that a bullet weight I see there? Awesome. HD
  16. He's in paradise right now.
  17. Why even bother with Erindale Park?? It's a free-for-all rube war zone.. If you play in the killing fields, expect to see destruction and gore!!
  18. Might have been mineral oil.. TRCA uses it on the ground nests on bird island here on the Leslie Spit.. Been doing so for years. Doesn't look to be slowing them down much. Couldn't find any info on the numbers here either. Wonder if the cottagers have their own methods and it's hush hush.
  19. WOW!! Thanks TJ!! HD
  20. Yee wha???!!
  21. Glad to know you're not exactly on lockdown you lucky bugger!! And look what you can do on a steady diet of yoga and All Bran... luv, Skeebone..
  22. I got a coupla pack rods but they're only 3pc... Should do the trick though. Shouldn't be too hard to stash in my long johns... Thanks brah!!
  23. No way!! That's amazing!! I wonder what intervals the cam was set at... That cat is just about to pounce. Gotta question the authenticity though. Thanks! HD
  24. I'm gonna be at Eagle Lake this weekend at Sir Sam Smith's... I've already told the wifey I'm bringing the gear. If she wants a happy weekend, then I gotta do my thing!! Wicked report guys!! Thanks HD
  25. Aye sa pas de bon sens!! You guys have it pretty darn good. Wicked report! cheers HD
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