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Everything posted by farsider

  1. Nicely done Bill! Thanks for posting
  2. Was the magazine. Blurb with it said it was submitted by your brother. Cheers
  3. In the July/August Adventure Special 2018 edition of Outdoor Canada, a picture of Kickingfrog and his Son with his son's Smallmouth is highlighted. It can be found on p. 14 Wtg Rob! Cheers, Mark
  4. Napa has Seafoam on for $7.99 again for the month of June. Cheers, Mark
  5. Very cool Rob! Passing on the traditions for both. Great job. Mark
  6. I used a plastic bucket/Aluminum pot/coffee can that I filled with concrete. While it was setting I inserted an off-cut of a 2x4 with nails/screws near the bottom that will be covered by the concrete. After it cures, screw another off-cut to the 2x4 or cut the original to desired height if it was long enough. Attach some rounded plastic or a sanded round off-cut to the top of the stand. Right, job done. Just what I had on hand but, easy to scrounge from a construction/renovation site. Cheers, Mark
  7. Some Westin lures used among others. JB's had some last year and North Bay Outfitters also carries some. https://www.northbayoutfitters.com/product/westin-percy-the-perch/ https://www.northbayoutfitters.com/product/westin-mike-the-pike/
  8. Free boat just posted if someone is close by. https://www.kijiji.ca/v-free-stuff/oshawa-durham-region/free-12ft-aluminum-boat/1351350128?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
  9. Who remembers this shack? Who's backyard is missing one? https://www.mynorthbaynow.com/29451/abandoned-ice-fishing-hut-found-on-lake-nipissing/ Cheers, Mark
  10. We all take in information and filter it through our prism of lifetime experiences and personal biases. This thread was supposed to be about some enforcement for once. Most of all this frustration stems from lack of enforcement. We see habitual poachers, call it in and nothing changes. Be it buckets or the gong show the river fisherman have to endure during the spawning runs for Trout in the spring and especially the fall Salmon run, or others. Poaching with impunity and seemingly few repercussions. Little to zero enforcement breeds more frustration. We play by the rules and respect the resource for future opportunities but see others abusing at will. I was glad that some enforcement was taking place. Although, the punishment seemed low, I guess there would be less guilty pleas if the vehicle was taken and fines where higher. I am glad Dutch has called in the habitual abusers he has encountered when he night fishes. He must know first hand the frustration that results after nothing changes even after he has repeatedly called it in. Cheers, Mark
  11. At least they caught him. Ice fishing on Georgian Bay. https://www.muskokaregion.com/community-story/8389929-man-caught-with-more-than-double-allowed-fish-ice-fishing-georgian-bay/
  12. Yep. Believe it to be this Universal Bracket (KD 180 U) http://kwikdox.ca/products/plates/#!
  13. Some dock hardware. Gangway that attaches to dock and has a post sleeve on the land end. Post sleeve is held in place on post with through bolt. SS bolt threads though sleeve. Sleeve is Galvanized with threaded insert(SS maybe). Bolt head torqued off at threaded insert. Worst case scenario, I cut off sleeve from post and replace with new sleeve. Wanted to try removing the bolt first. Get yer head out of the gutter. (lol) Not positive if it is yet. Maybe SS or Galv. Thanks
  14. Thanks for the input and thanks Dan. It really suggest it is a two part question but, it got me thinking if there was a superior penetrating fluid. Helping a buddy at his cottage and wanted to bring all that I would need to cover my bases. Hopefully backs out first go but, he has already monkeyed with it a bit with little success. Mark
  15. Figured I would ask....tons of experience on this board. What is the best penetrating fluid available to aid removing a compressed broken off SS bolt? Heard good things about Kroil, except where it might be available. Saw the ATF/Acetone 50/50 mix story too. Anyone use this? Thanks in advance, Mark
  16. Geebus! That is a real beauty! Nicely done sir. Mark
  17. If he/she is so proud to be Fashionable, Sexy, Haute, and Nouveau, I guess there was nothing left for consideration and/or parking skills. https://issuu.com/fshnmagazine Cheers, Mark
  18. I love it when a plan comes together! Nice fish. Cheers, Mark
  19. I have the Mustang two piece. Really shines with regards to the layering flexibility. Cheers, Mark
  20. Thanks for the feedback! Agree, the weather is looking rather wet for the next bit. Might hold off until it firms back up. Looks like your timing was ideal Cheers, Mark
  21. Well done. Sounds like a good day all around. How did you find the conditions? Slush? How thick was the ice? Walking? Thanks in advance, Mark Sorry, edit to add, probably going to hit that lake myself this week depending on conditions.
  22. So, will they just sell this next year with the conversion plate as a package? Could be slick. Cheers, Mark
  23. Thats awesome! Perfect choice on the replica option. Well done sir! Mark
  24. Can't you park on sidestreets after 7am? As long is there is no weather coming? I believe there is no overnight parking allowed. (wouldn't want any visitors?)
  25. Remember, that the ft/lbs that is quoted by the manufacturer is relatively meaningless. There is no standard on how this metric is achieved. They are just marketing figures. One maker can realize those numbers under zero load in a lab. Or another accomplishes it another way. However they want to position a particular model within their other models or compared to other makers. I have used an early Makita with a 3ah on my FB3 (8). But I baby it. (clear out the shavings often as I go and keeping batteries warm when not in use) But, I also don't drill a ton of holes in a day. Have heard many good things about the Milwaukee. Milwaukee now has a 9ah battery and Makita has a 6ah. The beauty of investing in a good drill is it is a useful tool the rest of the year. Compared with a gas auger which as AB might say, is a unitasker and mostly takes up space. And, I always bring the manual handle along just in case something goes kaput so I can continue fishing if something conks out. Cheers, Mark
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