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Everything posted by xeon

  1. I noticed this summer on the logging roads the dodges back end jumps around like mad and goes all over the road. I noticed ford seemed to be the better truck on those roads, followed by gm and then chevy. Dodge also seemed a bit worse on gas compared to the other two. Dodge does make a serious looking truck though.
  2. I change my mind, I want camo. Preferable Real Tree HD, or even snowcamo for ice fishing. Or fleece in black.
  3. Ive personally never done it even with more expensive items. I figure if the company wants your repeat business bad enough then they wouldnt care if they got a peice of paper or not.
  4. Nice job! A few of the 2nd years did their coop at resorts too, and I cant remember whether or not one of them was at LOTW. I spent my co-op guiding bear hunts just north of the Sault... gotta love this program eh?
  5. I dont know, I think its pretty interesting. If you eat what you catch, its all the same, different lure.
  6. Goto neebish before this Saturday and go for dinky perch by all the shacks, you'll learn.
  7. Each lure costs $4.25US a peice so about $5.45CAD for a two colour lure. So basically you would need $2725CAD to cover the costs. Plus shipping. I also dont think you get to choose a colour other than the Red and White or Black Pearl. I personally dont fish either colour so it would be a novelty item to me.
  8. They use to be high because the americans would come over here for the whitefish, now they are the same on both sides of the border (as far as I know). Reason they are so high is because no one targets them other than in simcoe.
  9. Very interesting indeed.
  10. Thanks for the help, I was at the trading post earlier in the week and all they had were the fin and sweed bore blades. Ill have to try western auto though, if anyone has them they probably would. I'll actually ask my friend if he still needs a big auger, I know he was looking for one in the early season. 10 is just too big for what im catching, I was actually thinking of downsizing to a 4''... ya that bad.
  11. Alright, heres my story... Thought I'd be a nice guy and take my roommate icefishing, started drilling holes in the ice and I handed him the auger to drill his. I see him take the auger and use it as a cane, so I yelled at him a bit and told him that doing thats going to mess up the blades, so I get an Ok didnt know wont happen again. Then after drilling his hole, he tries to stand the auger up in the same way you would with a shovel, by sticking the blade in the ground. Well theres 5'' of powder on the ice, and i saw what he was trying to do, so I yelled at him again, got the same thing from him. So we move a bit, time to drill my hole. I put the blade down, start turning, and the head is dancing all over the ice, so I figured it didnt have much grip, so i kept twisting, then it finnally went in. Took about 2mins to drill a hole with a 6'' auger through 18'' of ice. I knew by then something was terribly wrong. Pull up the auger and take a look, I drilled that hole using 1 and a half blades. By this time im pretty ticked, but I didnt see him break the blade 100% so im only going to say he broke it, not tell him to buy me some blades. His luckey day I guess. Anyways, does anyone know where to buy 6'' strikemaster mora blades in Sault Ste Marie? Or if anyone has 6'' blades that they dont use, ill send money via paypal. Im going to try Canadian tire tommorow, but I think Ill have to end up buying a new auger all together. I figure if the blades are 30CAN and shipping is 10CAN, new auger from canadian tire is about the same. And I can get that fancy chartuse one Ive always had my eye on.
  12. Im trying to find some free plans for either an aluminum boat or aluminum canoe. All Ive seemed to find so far are plans on plywood boats, I want something that can take a pounding. Doesnt matter if theyre drawings with or without dimensions or CAD plans so long as I can make sence of them all. I figure it would make a nice project for this year. Thank you.
  13. I agree Carp Starter. WHOA 100 POSTS!!!!!!!!! (lmao)
  14. Theres no law about posting his email address is there? Im sure a few of us would like to fill up his inbox with some hate mail... and sign him up for the latest viagra spam mailings.
  15. It was hard to be productive when your hyperventilating in a corner... all alone.... so alone........ Thank god thats over.
  16. I like the comment though.
  17. $625-725 a year in coffee. I like the Folgers idea. Hell they even sell the coffee cans at tim hortons too. You can play online now aswell.
  18. Eset Nod32 is great. Look around on the internet and you can find cracked copies of it.
  19. http://www.canoegear.com/catalog/home.php?cat=89
  20. You forgot Corner Gas. I do however agree with keeping the radio. Theres been allot of times where your listening to the radio all day, everyday for a while. I just cant listen to music on the same station and hear it repeat over and over and over. But then again they have allot of crap on there too.
  21. I'm in one of my better ones so far. Great brook lake splake and rainbow trout fishing North, bass pike walleye and perch East, whitefish salmon and steelhead in town... got everything I want.
  22. Nice job Joey, and nice little unit you got there.
  23. xeon

    20 years ago

    IMO Definitly a very touch subject. Im not questioning the OFAH biologists, but I think that their views have been pushed aside or they may have the blinders on if they fit into the angler or hunter group. In their view, sure theres evidence to the contrary, but majority of the people that pay them to represent them believe that the cormorant is some sort of apocolipse happening to the fish. Try telling some of the worlds most stubbron people theyre wrong, and youre going to be looking for a new job. My personal thought on this, like any other species the population is due for an eventual mass decline, followed by a natural balance. The birds wernt there in the same numbers for many years, and in that time, their habitat has flourished, and its only a matter of time before that deminishes; and again will reach a natural balance. Mother nature doesnt take crap from cormorants, she'll sort em out.
  24. xeon

    20 years ago

    What was the reason for the decline?
  25. NO NO NO everybody has it all wrong! I saw the same thing on King of the Hill, they just sell "bait", and apparently it works wonders for bass fishing.
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