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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Anyone want to bet on the game? (must be born after 1975 to play)
  2. probably around the same time your picture was taken Wayne
  3. His name is Vern...also a rod builder and key figure with LHFC ...Fantastic man...it just so happens its his preferred technique...He could have used a rake instead of broom here though... but in the end...the job gets done..and everythjing else...doesnt really matter
  4. Dont forget extra batteries for the camera Jacques....expecting a video of success... Safe hunt Cheers
  5. sheesh...whats with people always posting pictures of fish on this forum.... Nice Shootin Paul....some pretty chunky yellow jumbos...yummy
  6. Sincerest condolences NAW....do your part to mourn then do your part to be strong for the rest of the family
  7. Nice Shooting! Only critique would be ....Identification of the birds for those that dont know Very Nice!
  8. After a short pitstop at the water treatment plant...these fish found their way back into the lake
  9. Twocoda


    1/2 stop more on the first one to bring the entire leaf into focus ...both great shots though...capture the feel..good job glad your having fun Cheers
  10. I disagree with the convoluted highlighted statement...but i guess i kind of agree in a convoluted way...if "your supposed to know the rules before you play" then the people your confronting arent playing stupid...
  11. It shows great character to grab a camera and show the humour to us then get pissed off ...Casey is a lucky dog! Heres an older one from last summer that we came home to...I think Paxton was trying to eat the pictures of meat off the flyers or he actually learned to read and seen the sale prices
  12. you dont have to be able to write a ticket to say something or carry a garbage bag...just saying education doesnt always have to have a punishment attached to it...
  13. those shrooms dont look like the ones you get out west....they arent covered in chocolate
  14. bring a 15 foot rod for sure! just my thoughts
  15. fresh batch of wine bottled today Skip?
  16. That video was designed to draw attention...I think it was a successful decision...not all of the videos are Richard Simmonsy...I think they will be good to watch up until they get on the sponsor ship wagon
  17. You had the "Holy Crap Cereal" for brekkie this morn eh... Maybe if the Fiberal Gov wasnt squandering away all our tax dollars for its on going shenanigans...we might have proper policing for the resource....
  18. lol...iknow..still better then the reflection of the flash...quickly whipped this up for this thread...no time invested in making it look good..but i got you to stare at it for a few seconds thinking .."What the Heck?" Trick accomplished ....Happy Halloween Lickmyarmpit- crazy awesome skills
  19. Sorry no pumpkin...but heres a black cat
  20. her face looks to me melting...tsk tsk tsk
  21. Thanks for the adventure..Great photos!
  22. windy ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=E0okh6dxfgs edit to add ..those are 50 foot cliffs
  23. i see you married up and she married down and your furnace is working good
  24. nope but Ill switch back to using roe if thats what it take for me to catch one...
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