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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. those blue eyes are going to set many engines a runnin through out her life...congrates
  2. http://www.whitewolfpack.com/2013/08/live-webcam-of-alaska-brown-bears-on.html he just got a double header all by himself...
  3. I know its a long weekend because our little town turns into a cluster frik of stupidity...but on the bright side....its the last one for the tourists...im sooo looking forward to making a left hand turn without having to go to lights
  4. Same thing happens to me everytime i see Big Foot now who on this board can tie one of these guys???
  5. same thing happens to me everytime i see a Big Foot...camera up...and he is gone... Nice shootin' WSB
  6. Its breast kind reminds me of a peacock...cool looking bird...nice shootin'
  7. Ill give ya 4 to 5 pounds...and you can add the fisherman's tax to its weight...Nice shootin even though you missed your target
  8. sounds like trailer parks are a pain in the butt...why commit to one lake or lot...there are wheels under the things ya know..enjoy em all!
  9. thats funny ...the right to bear arms but not a needle
  10. Make sure all the mechanicals (stove refrig toilet furnace AC are working properly ...go through with a electrical tester to check EVERY receptacle ( wiring in these things can be a nightmare)....thoroughly check for plumbing leaks (again another nightmare to repair) ...look for any dicolouration on the carpet (indicates water leakage or used in cold months and not properly vented) If it has slide outs check the seals very closely by poking your finger all the way around to ensure proper sealing...these are just a few things to look for when purchasing a used trailer....we just bought a 5th wheel and are loving it ... we're not going to commit to any one spot as its our intentions to travel and fish with it .... but im sure you will have just as much fun planting it and using it as a cottage...enjoy!!! your gonna love RV lifestyle....Good Luck
  11. worm blowers you buy in the sports stores have needles that are too fat and the worms eventually deflate...as suggested the hypodermic needles are far better...thinner the needle ...less likely to cause worm deflate ( i think i just made up a new condition for worms)
  12. smaller lakes have a tendency to have tighter waves (closer together) ...this is what causes so many problems...there isnt a bilge pump in the world that will keep up to a boat being swamped by a wave....but if someone reads this and it gets imbedded into their mind...it just may serve its purpose Very sad for the family
  13. lol...kinda like the way Wayne Newton hates the sun
  14. was trying to post some Data from a spead sheet of early fish counts but it wouldnt load properly so deleted
  15. Nice going B...i took the GDaughter down for an evening fish two nights ago....she hooked into a sheephead and dropped the rod running away...lol...luckily it wasnt a salmon
  16. FYI http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/sudbury/story/2013/08/22/sby-sudbury-mnr-herbicide-spraying.html
  17. Put me down for a autographed book because im not going to stand in a line at Chapters to get your signature on your book tour...Great shots Mike! Positive thoughts for victory!
  18. If the camera added two pounds to this one ....i think you owe the camera company about a pound and a half of free advertising...
  19. Its good to see selfless acts in these trying times...the tree is dead and very dangerous to hold any weight
  20. looks like you got out fished again ....i think you should sign over ownership of this forum to the real fisher in the family
  21. Just make sure the coating you consider isnt brittle when cured like Rhino...your cheapest route is to mask off and shoot on a rubberized rocker guard...if you dont top coat it ...touch ups will be cheap and simple as needed...
  22. if they thought they were bored before...wait till they get their 8x10 room for the next X amount of years
  23. fish or no fish...you definitely didnt get skunked..the birds of prey are worth the admission alone...
  24. This is the response letter to the Person who wrote that dreadful letter to the family of the Autistic Child by the child's mother... Dear “One pissed off mother”, Your letter has left me feeling terribly sad. Not for me, or for my son Maxwell -- that’s his name by the way, not “idiot” or “wild animal kid” -- but for you. In reality, I will never share your thoughts with my son, because he is a happy child who brings an incredible amount of joy to those who know him. And while your words were very hurtful to read, the support I receive from my family, friends, and my more understanding neighbours lifts me up on a daily basis and outweighs anything you could ever say to me. The fact that you have chosen to address me anonymously gives me some insight that somewhere deep down, you know that what you wrote to me is wrong, and that gives me hope. Because those who know that they've done wrong sometimes want to do better, I want to help you know my son. Perhaps then you will open your heart to the beautiful person he is. If not, I will at least know that you have been provided with the opportunity to become educated, and that maybe something good will come out of your negativity and misguided hatred. Maxwell has a diagnosis of autism. He is not “mentally handicapped” or “retarded”. Autism is a disorder of brain development characterized by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviours. The noises he makes that you describe as “dreadful” are in fact the way he expresses happiness. He loves being outside, and shares the right to enjoy the outdoors just as you or I do. Perhaps you find his form of expression unpleasant, but if you took the time to meet Maxwell and got to know him, I would like to think he could bring a smile to your face. Maxwell loves jumping on his trampoline, playing on his iPad, hanging out with his family, and reading books. Most of the time he has a smile on his face, and he has never said a cruel word to anybody. You could actually learn a lot from him. Because of the lack of empathy in your letter, it seems likely to me that you have not had the privilege of having a close friend or family member with special needs. This is a great shame for you and your “normal" children. You do yourself and them a disservice by limiting who you interact with. There is no reason to be scared. In fact, people with special needs have much more reason to fear intolerant individuals such as yourself. My son is a gentle soul who would never want to hurt anyone -- physically or with hateful words such as the ones you typed in that letter. A great man named Mahatma Gandhi once said, "A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members." While you and I clearly have very little in common, we both live in Canada -- a nation that passed The Canadian Human Rights Act in 1977, which states, "All individuals should have an opportunity equal with other individuals to make for themselves the lives that they are able and wish to have and to have their needs accommodated, consistent with their duties and obligations as members of society, without being hindered in or prevented from doing so by discriminatory practices based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability or conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered." If you need me to put that in simpler terms for you, the law states that Maxwell has just as much right to live his life without being discriminated against as you do. If you have a problem with that, it seems to me that you're the one who should move to a trailer in the woods where you hopefully won't be too annoyed by the sounds made by actual wild animals. Yours truly, Katrina Carefoot, one proud mother
  25. There has to be laws against this many different species having sex with each other....but intersting enough...what do you get when you cross a fisherman with a 57 inch Musky One happy fisherman (get your minds out of the gutter)
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