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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. After second review ....i do believe i am too... very well done ...how bout ity bity teeny ones i can tie flys on ?
  2. Do some reading Nick ...i think youll find what your looking for in other threads .....welcome to the forum Good Luck
  3. theres something magic about the mushrooms....standing timbers is my favorite though with the creek pano @ a very close second
  4. i hope no one actually answers this question .... no disrespect Doc
  5. WE ALL are a resource ..we just need someone to write the tickets if they know where to go ...mind you ...by the time we are aware the damage will be done why dont they take the fishery students out of class this time of year to assist in the monitoring ( call it practical enforcement prerequisite ) must have X amount of hours logged towards graduation...
  6. good on ya Burtess maybe we should ALL call it in
  7. Done ...good luck ...!
  8. reading this post word for word ( outloud) i wonder if you have spit marks all over your monitor too..? now you have the bait ...just need to learn the presentation...
  9. most excellent !!! you have a good eye for photography thanks for sharing this the theme song from Jaws comes to mind looking at the fish
  10. Ever think of trying Real worms....its raining outside check your lawn/garden....trout love great big fat dewys
  11. imagine that scenario in a court of law... if i was the judge the evidence would be deemed inadmissible...
  12. try adding this story to your facebook...and ask your friends to ask their friends and so on ... just an idea
  13. To answer your question of " when is a fish ..not a fish?" When it becomes poop
  14. Congradulations !!! to your wife for making an honest man out of you and the acquisition of half your fishing gear and Congratulations to you for such a beautiful catch
  15. ummm nice Bass?
  16. i use a barrel knot ...no issues
  17. 20 bucks is cheap in consideration of how much its going to cost later when it is running ... fuel is the cheapest part of a sled
  18. rained like a mutha here all morning ...but the sun is out now...
  19. Marshmallows isnt taboo.It requires a certain type of presentation that is generally required when using them ( bottom bouncing ) and some people believe that that type of presentation is for lazy fishermen...( sit and wait). Sometimes issues come up when a bottom bouncer (regardless of the bait) casts into a moving pool that float fisherman are using and they have to cut their drifts short due to a stationary technique....so some people frown upon it ..im not saying its wrong but most times a bottom bouncer is new to fishing and sometimes over looks consideration to other fisherman and their techniques. Some rivers in the Maritimes when fishing pools after three casts in the same spot its an unwritten law that you take three steps down the pool and repeat until you are at the end of the pool in which you step out of the water and walk to the top of the pool and start over .... The technique is best used in deep slow moving pools /harbours ( ideally where float fisherman are not at )
  20. usually my fingers and sometimes my toes... GCD do instructions come with that calculator?
  21. indeed
  22. Smart woman..that way she will never have to witness her husband wearing a belt hiked up to his belly botton and suspenders at the same time suspenders and a belt = serious trust issues
  23. very good and welcome to the board
  24. and the award for best homemade fishing compilation video goes to ...(drummmm rolllllllll.....)someone crazy glued the envelope closed ........FISHING 24/7 !!!!!!! your efforts are appreciated!
  25. Yes it is ...although there is no rule against it "the rule of thumb" should be ( when it comes to salmon and rainbow) if the skin is dark and the meat is white.....it aint right . This is only my first season being on this board for the salmon run..does this subject seem to repeat itself year after year? Just curious
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