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Everything posted by Whitespinnerbait

  1. They take on a second job..Just to see how it feels to actually work for a living...........
  2. Are they doing it for the money ..or because thats what they like to do ....
  3. I want to see Nurses make $ 100.000 to $ 150.000 .......Now theres some hard working people right there...
  4. Hey Dawg....... I didn't know they allowed you to use the internet at the'' Betty Ford '' clinic....
  5. If you get lucky enough to catch one of those Monsters...let us know for sure...
  6. Drove by that area today in search of the Snowy Owl............ 447KM round trip=no snowy owl sighting...
  7. If your refering to .........Its a Wonderful Life I`ll poke both my eyes out if I ever have to watch that Movie again..
  8. Most people on this site are probably still in Shock the leafs won a Game....
  9. WoW... A real Sweetheart for sure ...and the little dog is not bad looking either....
  10. Remember this Mike................Shimano = Superior Quality
  11. To kill some else a couple of weeks later ....
  12. Tragedy that the girl was killed.......Blessing in disguise that the dude fleeing went down
  13. Just wondering............ Did anybody mention Uni-Uni ........
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