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Everything posted by Whitespinnerbait

  1. Why do men with Gorgeous Wives ,,have to go out and get some old worn out checkout girl to satisfy themselves sexually.....
  2. OK ... Buster and CH312 ... You two Dudes now have my utmost Respect , Calling things they way are right to a TEE ,,,, That is Good Stuff right there..
  3. Thats number one right there......it should be written in stone
  4. The main reason most unionized places supply all the safety gear is not for your safety , but for the safety of the own ........knowing that most unoin guys are just waiting for a chance to go on long term disability....
  5. So what ... If you were really worried about your own safety ,why rely on the company to supply it ..Buy it yourself
  6. Look after number one ... I bet the kids have too many Goodies already....
  7. Not me , I wish they would open more of them .... Put all those little stores out of buisness ..you know the ones that way way overcharge for everthing...
  8. Only thing wrong Here is .......'' ME '' All the rods in question were broken because of my own '' Rough '' handling of them...
  9. what the hell...... Man I was only joking when I said someone else could take my spot.... Some fishing partner you are
  10. Whities big time... Walleye on the way up to the Whities....
  11. Yeah did they ever teach Wal-mart a lesson .... They put themselves out of a Job...... Kudos to Wal-Mart...
  12. Ah For God Sakes .. They sent you the wrong rod by Mistake , That would be a great starter rod for Melissa , either that or snap it in half and lop it in the Garbage .... And purchase the heavier rod you want... Shimano is a Great company to deal with .... They've already replaced a dozen for me over the years....
  13. Walleye Man ... If you ever want to trade hot spots just let me know... Your Brown Trout Hotspot for my Speckled Trout Hotspot..
  14. No need to learn French or Move here..... Just drive down this weekend and we'll take you out for a tour of all the Lake X's....
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