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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. i bought some of those jigging spoons before and i could never figure out why those double hooks were there. i did some research online and i found some articles on them and the proper use of them. those jigging spoons are were made for fishing bottom. you drop the lure to bottom so its laying there and you give it light twitches to act like a minnow dying on the bottom with silt moving around. the fish comes and sucks it up and odds are it gets hooked by those middle hooks. this lure is deadly on whitefish.
  2. holy crap!! ppl are actually posting pics of their top secret brookie locations!! im shocked!!
  3. hahah yes definitely doer up vinn! haha! hey i actually like bud light lime! not in large quanities though haha and of course we had other beer
  4. so thats what you've been doing in your room all alone with the door shut
  5. heyyyy we did have some bud light lime!! no shortage of beer might have to give that a go next time!
  6. yes pike is very tasty and i rank it second as my most favorite fish to eat. my fav is lake trout. i catch sooo many pike and go so often i can clean a pike faster then any fish that swims. i might have to try that pancake mix!
  7. not sure on the dealers but my uncle was a mechanic for toyota for years and he said most "wear and tear" toyota parts are equal if not cheaper then the big 3 but if you want an odd ball part that isnt normally on the shelf then it'll cost you. dont know if its still this way or not.
  8. So my buddy invited me over for dinner saying that hes had a bunch of pike thats been in his freezer for a while. So i go out to his place and hes out in the country. We go to cook the fish up and theres no type of fish crisp or bread crumbs and hes even out of flour!! so we are like crappp what are we gonna do??? we dont want to drive all the way back into town. So we find some blueberry muffin mix and put batter the fish in that hahahaha!!! and to be honest it was quite good! anybody else make up some weird stuff??
  9. ya i was looking into the carrot stix and i asked on here a few weeks ago and i was pretty much told to stay away. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...;hl=carrot+stix theres the topic right there.
  10. here in the sault during the winter you have to go thursday to get dace if you plan on fishing the weekend. if not you will be stuck with chubs and pearl dace(looks lot like chubs) ohh and theres tons of shiners to go around.
  11. somebody left the door open on my truck!! OMG!! i just zoomed in on my grandpas place and hes out cutting his lawn!!!! LMAO
  12. just dont shower for a few days, nobody will fish near you
  13. boy, sounds like tough times for strikemaster, i guess thats what you get for building junk in china!
  14. thankfully i just bought a normark! cheap dollar store junk and you probably got it for the same price as the regular eh!
  15. hahahaha its hard to show sarcasm on the net!
  16. AAHHHH SPOILEDDD!! how could you!! meanie!!
  17. ya exactly what the other guys said for freezing. lake trout and specks will go up even into a foot of water in search of all sorts of critters and creatures. ive caught lake trout in 5fow(got a nice one in that depth today) and ive got specks in shallow as 3ft. i've got both casting into shore in the spring. yesterday i got a speck with a live cray fish in it. they eat all kinds of stuff.
  18. of course i went fishing and yes i layed the beats on some lakers and specks! family?? what??
  19. i jig a small #30 williams wabler just about 5ft below the ice, just keep it moving and they just hammmmmer it, no bait needed! same with the specks to!
  20. thanks stern rules, countless speck lakes in my neck of the woods!
  21. haha right on dr.sal! my buddies got some nice 2.5lb lakers, have to fight off the squirts! what are you using in there?? i jig a plain spoon and i dont even brother putting a still line, ive yet to see a fish come out there on a still.
  22. ooo boy!! how do my topics always get out of hand?!?! haha easy on the razzin!!
  23. ive done well on all colours but perch!! fish cant get enough of them!
  24. what trevy for keeping 4 last year when the limit was 3???
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