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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. haha your on your own slowpoke! jk ya its some great scenery, only way into the lake is snowmobile or 4wheeler. thanks sandbag, i plan on selling it this spring and upgrading. and bait affects the action of the lure. the other 2 guys we were with (one being eazy) was using meat on the hooks and they only got one. ive never seen a fish caught on this lake with a still line cause for one reason theres no live bait. i dont even bother putting out a still line, just drill a bunch of holes and move hole to hole. i find small inland lake lakers taste better then specks but thats just me. i also love eating pike haha!
  2. http://duckettfishing.com/home.php they are some ugggly rods! white and red? really? looks like those 70s canadian tire rods you find in someones basement covered in dust. but it sounds like a good idea with the smaller guides, i'd like to try one out to see for sure and get some actual reviews on them. and the prices are outrageous for a " high end" "professional" rod
  3. they are, wayy better then specks, probably my favorite eating fish and boo wwhooo whooo 150 views 1 post! im announcing that im leaving this site
  4. so i went fishin today on bone and ohhh my goodness it was sloowww!!the worst ive ever seen on this lake. we really had to work hard for fish and they werent to large. biggest of the day was only 17" we were getting them jigging silver williams wablers just plain no bait. im messing with photobucket hopefully the pics work. experimenting here so bare with me if they dont want to work. we brought home a little snack/dinner for myself!
  5. i just picked up the olympus stylus tough 6000. first time having it out today taking pics! it did a great job!! i got mine on ebay new for $160
  6. i've yet to see a goby in person, i dont see a problem with them. if my area was over run with them my opinion might change but its not, only fish that over runs the odd lake around here are rock bass and i just toss them back.
  7. i say giver hunt wolves nothing wrong with that but im against hunting to just kill them. i feel if your gonna shoot it the wolf you have to use part of the wolf for something. if its for the meat to eat, even for your dog, or for its fur, haha make a fur jacket for a homless person! or have it stuffed. make a rug whatever. i just feel shooting the thing and leaving it to "let nature do its thing" is wrong, you wouldnt catch a fish and fire it in the bush for the birds. just posting my opinion like it or not.
  8. i say "hows it going? oh ya? they are really on the rags today eh?" "so all you got is batter for dinner?" "gonna have to cook up alot of taters for those little guys eh?" when fish are light biting i say "these fish are like me, they fear commitment!"
  9. i called every insurance company in town when i bought my truck. i have a 1994 dakota 4x4 v6. the cheapest quote i got was $300 per month for just basic. i looked every where on the net and the cheapest i found was through kanetix and im with desjardin insurance paying $150 a month. i was looking at the new ford rangers and full coverage was $310 per month for full coverage. ya not paying double. and ya i have been putting a bit of money away for a house probably by this time next year(depending on what i do for work and how that goes) i'll buy a house and im sitting patiently waiting for the right place. i want a house out of town on the lake, not gonna be cheap but i do carpentry so a fixer upper would be perfect. i know that property and homes you will always atleast get your money back if not more with raising prices. things take time and money.
  10. we got a light dusting of snow and is now stopped. i never seen so little snow this time of year. this is been an extremely crappy year for snow.
  11. im back to working a few days a week. have some money saved and i plan on selling my sled soon which wont be very difficult to sell. i would love to just buy a new vehicle and take my truck in for that cash for clunkers or whatever it is. i seen 2 weeks ago that the ford dealer here was offering $3300 for your old vehicle. the problem is insurance. If i buy new and do any type of loan i have to put full coverage insurance on it and i would want to put full coverage on a new vehicle. Full coverage is $300-400 and yes i do shop around for the lowest rates. it really sucks being young for stuff like this and no i do not have a bunch of accidents or claims on my insurance.
  12. studs are great to have, they make them for a reason and are on alot of sleds. just 96 up the middle and your laughing. they definitely help you in icey conditions and help stop with braking and cornering. alot of ppl complain about guys without studs that slide around corners on the trails icing them up and ripping up and tearing up the trail gunning it and spinning out. and ya my sled doesnt have studs, i dont think they make studs long enough for my paddle track, i do miss studs but dont trail ride enough anymore to care or justify buying them.
  13. i feel how your feeling fishingnut. if your gonna be like that then ya you have something to hide and i dont want it, ill keep looking, i dont need something right away. My truck runs and gets me where i need to go just want to upgrade so i can take as long as i want. and yes i do understand that doesnt cover motor and tranny but brakes, ball joints, needs new headlights, etc etc that can really add up. When i bought the truck i have now i drove it for 3days and blew the transmission in it and i was not "hot rodding" it. $2500 later really hurt on a vehicle i just bought and the guy at the transmission shop said the guy could have never known this tranny was gonna grenade, these trannys go without warning at anytime, thanks dodge!!
  14. i'm looking all over for trucks and will probably end up getting one down south. not as easy just taking it to a mechanic. but yes definitely test drive it and i wont buy it unless its certified or they have in writing from an authorized mechanic saying what it needs. it will be my first time buying a truck out of town so it will be a learning experience. i did drive 10hours round trip for my snowmobile in the states, the border was quite interesting haha!
  15. dootalk is a great site!! been there for about ohhh 6years!
  16. I've been looking around for an older pick up something in the early 2000s. Now i talk to guys selling trucks and i seem to get alot of the same thing. They are selling it "as is" and i ask them if they would be willing to take it to a mechanic and just find out what it needs to be certified. I'm not asking to spend the money and get it done just get a list of what it will need. and alot of guys are like nope not doing it selling it as is, take it or leave it. like really?? is it me? am i asking to much? like i dont want to buy a truck and get any surprises. i feel they are trying to just dump off old junk for a higher price. every vehicle i ever sold was certified or i gave them a piece of paper from my mechanic showing what it needs before they purchase it. ohh and im looking for a ford f150 extended cab 4x4 with the 4.6litre v8 with under 200km in the the $4-8000range.
  17. it was an odd ball size i believe 16.5x124. on 121" tracks i'd run 96 studs up the middle with double backers staggered, so i'd order 100 studs. you can still slide around the corners and feel like it did before but with better traction taking off, slowly down. if you run the 144 studs with them on the outside it changes the feel and you get alot of hook up on the corners, if you arent use it and not careful you can easily flip the sled coming in a little to hot into a corner.
  18. i would tie some fishing line and and a crankbait to my ankle as i swam around!
  19. my buddy has the gloomis fish skeleton logo on his back, looks pretty darn sweet! and my buddies brother has the fear no fish on the back of his shoulder
  20. i would freak if the bait shop gave me a mixed bag of water, when i ask for a dozen medium dace, i want a dozen medium dace! dace seems to survive a beating and just ask for more and thats why i use them, i believe (dont have facts) that the red bellied dace look much more yummy to the lake trout and specks in these parts anyways.
  21. hehe good one radnine!! yup shiners are the shiny ones the red are red belly dace, the none red ones are just plain dace the ones that kind of look like a chub are pearl dace question.... what do you ask for when you go pick up minnows?? just say hey can i get a dozen minnows and you get a mixed bag???
  22. shhhh nobody say anything!! maybe he'll get the idea!
  23. anybody can send me lures to test for them! i'll gladly test them
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