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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. justin the problem is you havent been out on the ice this year your getting cabin fever
  2. trap and relocate them to P3TA rallys and high nusense areas and in large packs, then maybe action will take place and have a cull
  3. ohhh and dont forget to bring your rape whistle to!
  4. haha honestly i think thats funny! stupid little rat dogs! remember no killing animals eh!! they'll just kill each other
  5. thanks alot for the replies, good info to know if i ever get summoned again. but what a relief. ohhh and i signed up for a correspondence course to upgrade my math if i plan on going to school if any of yous were following my thread earlier about getting layed off and not knowing what to do.
  7. also it is only like $50 per day and if it lasts longer then something like 30 days its increases to $100 woo woo!! could atleast give me what i would make for 8 hour shifts or something.
  8. sault ste. marie! tell me how yours goes!
  9. it would be pretty fun playing bumper cars with those things!
  10. very good observation!! the jury ppl should be the guys on EI with nothing better to do! ohhh wait that includes me, although i am working a few days a week
  11. ya im pretty sure he was just a screwed up lake trout! i did feel bad for him and took him care of him
  12. hahaha! drifter that reminds me of my one buddy. he has a 12 tinner and bought a 15hp evinurde. mannn that is one scary boat!! we had to add some angle iron on the back cause the back transom was getting destoryed from that big of a motor hahahaha!
  13. ohhhh snap it is a subpoena dr. sal!!! haha jk!! ya thank god it is not!! when i seen it in the mail i was like ooo god what did they find out about me!!?? we'll see how it goes if i feel if its a privilage or just a pain
  14. i'll remember daves chappelles lines from this when i go in. ***Caution it is racist*** im in no way a racist just a way to get out daves is pretending to be a blind black guy that thinks hes white and hes apart of the kkk. sorry if i offend anyone in anyway im just kidding around!
  15. i say go for a 9.9hp. The extra power is always nice for getting to your spots quicker and if a storm or something rolls in you can get out of there in a hurry and be back on safe ground in no time. i have a 1999 evinrude 9.9hp and i love it. trolls wonderfully, very few problems(the problems i had were my own fault haha!) i picked mine up 2 years ago for $600 and it was spotless (cant say the same now being bounced around in the back of trucks and in boats) motors like to keep their value and its very hard to find a good deal on a newer motor but they are out there if your patient and keep your eyes peeled. i wouldnt go older then mid 80s either.
  16. So a few months back i got a letter in the mail saying i have to fill out this form saying what i do for a living and what not cause i could be a canidate for jury duty. i filled it out saying yaaa right like they are gonna pick me! Well sure enough i get a letter in the mail the other day saying ive been summoned and i have to show up for some kinda interview at the court house march.8th. like really why me? how did i pick the short straw?? dont they know im crazy?? i bet they pick me even if i pull the race card haha!!
  17. tail looks "natural" colour and all there does not look like it was bitten off or anything.
  18. i just use steel leader atleast 12" long. the pike dont seem to bother one bit and i've fished lakes with pike and specks and i've caught specks on it, they really dont seem to care either. all they care about is what is at the end of that line.
  19. there is specks in the lake but very rare. i only know of one speck being caught in the lake by my uncle 2weeks ago, first speck he seen in there and hes beening fishing it for 20+ years and well first one ive even heard of. if its a cross then its definitely a rare fish for this lake.
  20. My buddy sent me the pics of this lake trout he caught when we went out 2weeks ago. this tail is screwed up! it doesnt look like its been bitten or tore off. theres the traditional white at the tip of the tail. he was caught in about 8feet of water. impressive that he could swim and survive. he was a stubby 18" haha!!
  21. my bad! they arent outrageous for something high end.
  22. ya i was just like geez if its this slow on this lake then i wouldnt want to be on any other lake cause i'd be getting nothing at all and nope, no slush yet but its no worries the rmk can power through it with ease
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