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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. So i'm fustrated and i don't know what to do. i'm layed off work AGAIN! i'm 22 i've been layed off probably 6-7 times now. i work in the carpentry field and its vvverryy unstable work atleast for an apprentice. I'm a second year carpenter with close to 6000 hours and second year cabinetmaker with 2500 hours. I've worked 4-5 different jobs and none seem to be getting me anywhere but layed off. Most times i just go look for another job right away cause i cant stand being on E.I not that im not loyal, gotta do what you gotta do. My boss now tells me we have work coming up but not enough to get my 40hours a week till atleast spring. i've been in this situation to many times and i dont seem to be going anywhere soon. When i was in high school they really pushed to get into the trades and i listened. They told me that i'd do my 4year apprenticeship get my papers by 21 and be making 30 something per hour. Sounds great!! Well that was when i was 18 and i'll be 23 this summer and i'm looking where i am. still at home, old truck in the driveway, no real debt but seem to be stuck in a "hole" that i cant seem to get out of. i have dreams/ goals that seem to be fading and they arent very big ones. i dont set the bar to high. all i ask is for a steady job with a small house and garage with a decent truck in the driveway. and at the rate things are going i might achieve this by age 40! i dont want to be 40 living at home with the parents. i see my buddys in electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc and they never seem to be out of work and make alot more then me and well i dont get it carpenters gotta know the most as to whats going on when building homes, buildings, etc because they have to think about those trades and how its all gonna work. i dont wanna just give a little cry story to you guys. just looking for some guidance. wondering if others were in the same boat?? what should i do? just stick with it and hope for a good break? talk to my other trades buddies and see if i can get on with electrical or plumbing and start from the bottom again? do something totally different??? i'm not the sharpest tool in the drawer and i never did well in school and did the bare min to do carpentry. and yes i know theres not cant!! im young and can do anything if i apply myself. just to what!?! what to do!?
  2. yuppp nice pike!! there is some trophy snot rockets in ottertail its just shaking off the mass pile of little buggers. last winter i seen a guy pull up a 12lber from ottertail, my largest is 7lbs from that snot rocket/weed polluted lake. theres also nice walleye in there but also hard to get at with all the rockets flying around.
  3. ive yet to see "light biting" lake whitefish. when you see a "light hit" its actually a whitefish swimming around the bite bumping into it. i watch the whitefish down my hole and theres 4 or 5 of them swimming around it almost like claiming their terriortory or whatever and they tend to run into the lure. then out of nowhere one swims by quickly and steals it from the rest! pretty neat watching them.
  4. ive got most of my whitefish in the shallows to! sometimes even in 3ft of water. i've watched them down my hole, no need for a fish tv!
  5. i think it is alot easier to fine tune your drag when fighting a fish with a rear drag reel. there doesnt seem to be any better quality rear drag reels out there, in shimanos line isnt the spirex the highest quality that comes with a rear drag??? i really think they need to improve it and start doing it to more reels. i only have one rear drag spinning reel and its an old el cheapo shimano.
  6. ya we need another 3feet of snow for the rmk to be in all its glory! we need more ice to! its feb. and we got around a foot! we usually have 2 feet around now. at this rate the lakes will be opening by mid march
  7. hahaha they arent good on snow either!
  8. that second pic is in the sault eh?
  9. you can see open water at night. its all white then BLACK, stay away from the darkness, or get on that throttle always fun doing an evening ride down the goulais river, did 30 miles of the river last week one evening. and sleds are pretty good on the water.
  10. she was singing? i just put it on mute the things i'd do to that girl, it would gross out chinese ppl!
  11. ya the bugs are HORRIBLE that time of year! bring nets and once you get on the lake you'll be fine, hopefully they have screened in porches!
  12. if i had a 1pc rod it would quickly turn into a 2pc rod real fast.
  13. is there poison in that just for dr. sal??
  14. I havent been on here a super long time but i have noticed a change since i've joined. still like the site, sorry wont leave yet haha! i'm from the sault area and there only seems to a good handful of members from the area, i'm not to worried yet about a pile of ppl showing up to my spot when i get to the lakes im fishing. most wont even know the way, most dont have the means to get there atleast not in one piece. i can see you southern boys all worried. here i take a pic and its just bush good luck telling where i am. i cant say ive ever "found" a good spot from another member. dr.sal shows some pretty nice pics from the park, i knew of the place and the potential and stories before i joined. he makes me want to take a trip up in there more and more but darnnnn im lazy!! haha and for spam i havent seen to much and if there is it any it gets roasted pretty quick, keep up the good work boys.
  15. ohhhh boy where do i begin with this one!! hiking a couple km into a lake carrying a 50lb battery, fishing in a rubber dingy and just slaying the lakers and loosing almost all the fish do to the lack of a net and lack of being able to move in the dingy, we did bring home our limit. biking into a back speck lake then have the boat sink and having to walk around the lake through the bush! great!! 4wheeled 2hours in the pouring rain, get to the lake, get out 200 feet and goodbye prop, 2 hour 4wheeler ride back in the pouring rain. hiked 3-4km through 3feet of snow with no snowshoes, slayed the lakers though!! fished in lots of blizzards gone out breaking ice with the boat. gone out in april on superior with a 12foot tinner getting smashed by ice bergs haha camping on an island and having a wild storm come in and not bring able to leave the island till the storm died out and had to get home for work hahaha!! been buried in some nice mud holes and given the truck a beating ohhh the list goes on!!!
  16. i mostly fish bit i am slowly getting into hunting. right now i do grouse and small game. i'd like to start getting to migratory birds and possible deer and bear hunting. not enough friends do it.
  17. haha ya sorry bud!! keep up the good work!!
  18. curado if you wanna go a bit cheaper get the citica
  19. story of your life eh!! haha just buggin had to say it!!
  20. come on now mikey!! your PB should be 40"+ your clearly not fishing enough
  21. i wanted the same type of rod and i did looking around and looking around and i bought the cabelas fish eagle ll 7' medium/heavy and its a 2pc what i wanted and i got it here with the shimano citica baitcaster. i love this setup. perfect for working crank baits. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true its hard finding a decent 2pc baitcaster. you wont be disapointed and you can also get it with a more expensive reel. thats my suggestion, like to here what you get.
  22. we have thousands of good no namers for specks tons of good fishing around there, alot only accessible by 4x4 truck or 4wheeler not saying more on here shoot me a Personal Message though!
  23. HEY is that xeons pike!?!? you fish robber!!
  24. irishfield thanks i did use the search thinger and i actually found the old topic usually i cant find a thing using the search! seems like most ppl vote plasma now which im surprised at its going down in the rec room theres 2 windows which shine some light in during the day and thats it, i dont think it'll be a big affect on glare.
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