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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. i got a canada goose jacket! archie my chev had 450km when i sold it and still see it around town and you know me, if i owned a 1pc rod, it would have a short life! i say you buy whatever is particial for your appliction. if you do alot be a racer wanna be buy a race sled, if you do alot of steep and deep with some rough trails a mountain sled is the way to go. if you want to haul your gear into camp get a utility sled. if you wanna take the family out buy the 2up or yes the skidoos 3up or just buy each member a sled. www.hardcoresledder.com is a great site for finding out info on sleds.
  2. i feel if you dont have a sled and want to ride along back then tough crap, hold on!! i wouldnt buy a 2up bahhhh ugly to! remember always let the girl drive the machine, they have natural handles! honk honk, squeezy squeezy!!
  3. shhhhh archie!! i drove my truck right to the beach not to long ago, they dont have much snow out that way. a sled will do you wonders for getting you where you wanna go out there, if not then i say just go to ottertail, gordon, or carbiou. good luck out there
  4. i would not want to be going anywhere remote on a ulitity sled unless there was a winch bolted to the thing. they are under powered and will leave you digging and walking if you get yourself into a nasty ditch or steep hill. i highly recommend a mountain style sled with atleast a 600cc liquid motor and a 144" 2" paddle track. carl12 has my dream sled with the 2010 summit 800r grrrrr jealous! i have a 2003 polaris rmk 700 and i love it, it goes anywhere. those skandics and VKs are amazing sleds for pulling an ice shack out onto the lake and great for loading piles of gear on it but hey what are sleighs for and mountain sleds usually have long tunnels and they come with all sorts of add on storage like gas racks and gear racks. i've pulled out them amazing tundras out of holes that they couldnt seem to make it out on their own. and for reliable well theres no snowmobile truely reliable and you should always be riding with someone else. some sleds and models are known to be better then others, gotta do your research on certain models before buying to find out its "known problems" good luck on whatever you purchase.
  5. right on!! another local!! welcome!
  6. come on now!!! i take care of my stuff ya i've given my truck quite a bit of character sleds been through the bush more then once haha broken fishing rods the list goes on but i make sure everything runs tip top just dont look to wonderful lol
  7. all i know is that you'll be a pro at cleaning fish by the time you get to the last one!
  8. dont worry glynn, thats pretty common knowledge stuff! i wont give away the real secret about the kind of trout in there
  9. well about 45min ago i buzzed across heyden, lower and upper island lakes on my sled. tons of ice bud!! you head down old mill road and you come to the causeway between upper and lower. out from upper you'll see a few shacks to the left and they are going mostly for perch there. i fish the far far end of the lake for lakers. going out from the causeay you head straight and just keep walking till you hit the last island and i fish the back side of it. theres fresh holes there. i had my jig rod in my sled and i was considering giving it a few jigs haha!! i missed a nice 4-5lb laker there last winter when i fished it one afternoon. theres also smelts in there and some monsters to! i got a 14" smelt on a medium dace. so if your getting alot of bites but cant hook into anything it could be them. also there is no slot size on the lakers in upper island. good luck out there!
  10. So for next spring i wanna get a new rod. i've been eyeing up those carrot stix rods. im looking for an all around 7' medium action spinning rod does anyone own one? how do you like them? what about warrenty, good customer service?? i'd like some honest opinions! thanks
  11. those are the ones we probably should have been going to. have u tried them? im now interested in trying them out. pm me if you like. and dr. sal you need a sled, just dont stop till you hit land haha
  12. right on ssmfishingguy!! i wouldnt be worried about going anywhere now. just look out for river mouths and current. lakes are solid and enough snow for a sled!
  13. yesterday was a beauty of a day!! of course cleaned house in crooked but nothing of any real size then went broke trail into some other lakes for next week so i can just fly in. and ya eazy a personal skunking for you today! i got the trophy speck of a day hahahaha!! only 3 specks caught all day between 5 guys and one tossed back, pretttty darn slowwwww.
  14. i do pretty well the exact same setup as dara but i change my line every year and i put lighter 8-10lb on a jigging rod when i feel like jiggin. hasnt failed me yet.
  15. i find just regular monos work great, i think ice lines arent much different, in fact i find them to be pretty crappy, i've tried a few different brands and so far they all suck. im gonna stick with my regular summer mono hasnt failed me yet and isnt to bad for ice build up, no worse then ice lines.
  16. so today i went with my whipped buddy and we stopped at a buddys camp that ive been working with on the same job site. the 3 of us headed into crooked getting our limit about 5times over haha!! we also broke trail into upper crooked to try that out and it was a bust and we broke trail into christam and weashkog and will probably try those next week knowing we can just fly in there now. working on plans for tomorrow probably eazy, archie and moi by the sounds of it. hope all of yous have had good luck so far this weekend
  17. i wouldnt say crooked is "dirty" but ya unlimited amount of little eaters, aggressive litle buggers. its like perch fishing for lakers
  18. very good possibly eazy! i asked archie about going with you but hes leaning towards crooked cause i can gurantee him fish in there. if you can promise him some lakers in where we are going then we might just head in there with you if not join us at crooked
  19. sooo ive been thinking! my buddy up at camp only wants to fish specks, hes to paranoid to fish the big lake even though i'm sure theres a ton of ice and i'd definitely be out there and it will cost quite a bit after gas for the truck and sled, and food, and booze. i'm thinking of staying home and going out both days and taking the poor whipped guy out cause i did orginally promise to take him out when he had a chance to go and maybe after laying into a pile of lakers and having a great time it'll motoviate him to want to go more and maybe stand up for himself. kinda get him out there and remind him what hes missin. also i have a few booty calls this weekend and the one asked if she could come fishing to! ohhh no!! am i weak to?!?!?
  20. hahahaha the guy i work with told me to do that today haha!! we gotta sled 8km into this camp, and he'll be riding carp i should "sabotage" my sled so it doesnt start and we are screwed!! til sunday when i unsabotage it and we can go home when i want to lol
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