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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. hahaha yes archie is a safe boy! he fears going with me! im a bit wreckless with my driving and what nott haha! white knuckles archie!!
  2. welcome! you'll enjoy the site. sorry cant help you for your area
  3. nice!!! we are definitely gonna get that boat covered in fish blood and slim! and arch with such a large boat are you trying to overcompensate for something??
  4. ya seems to be about right and only a good month early!! last year i went april 21st and the last i went was the second week in may. conditions are right, waiting for some go getters to come back with reports before i venture out. i dont really care for smelts because of the whole cleaning part but catching is sooo much fun! anyone ever catch and release smelt??? hahahaha!!
  5. sucks that ppl are out of work but i didnt care one bit for lakeport! does this mean brava is on its way out to?? i enjoy bravas now and then when im feeling cheap. keystone light ehhhh?? i'll have to look for that and giver a try next time im in the beer store.
  6. i was at the lake infront of my new place yesterday, still fully covered in ice but i wouldnt chance going out there looks like pure slush. wont be long probably 2weeks or so.
  7. carwin destroyed mir, i thought that was gonna be a close fight to the death but nope not even a chance for mir. i cant wait to see carwin take on the lensar. the Gsp fight with hardy was LAME!!! what a boring fight!! come on gsp FINISH a fight! i want to see gsp lose with some guy on top of him finishing him with a ground and pound just didnt want hardy to do that hes to cocky but one strong bugger!
  8. GSP will destroy him! will be a blood bath! i have a few buddies that flew down to new jersey to watch the fight tonight! lucky pricks! although for semi good seats $350!!
  9. ya i go on once in a while when im bored. im a blackberry user. opera mini works great with the site
  10. hahaha pretty twisted?? haha it actually works quite well. ive fished with guys that use it. i dont though, im to lazy to be salting and curing it and keeping it in my freezer.
  11. i know of ppl that cut up the belly of lake trout into small pieces salt and cure it and use it for lake trout. is that illegal?
  12. darn!! when it was titled fresh meat i was thinking about something totally different!!
  13. and whos gonna pull the boat to the river for you archie??? i'll drive you and load and unload it if you gas up the outboard and make sammys, i'll go anytime! and ya i was layed off for and on EI for 2weeks and went back to work and started a new job 3weeks ago still working construction and currently doing fine!
  14. everyone take it easy, its a mud puppy not a unicorn. hes trying to save this "protected species" and teaching his kids to not kill things and help and release them back in the wild. if he left it out it would have been eaten by now.
  15. ohhhh archie give me a break!! you know what your getting in for when your coming with me! and we did get into fish that day and you hada great time and memories!!
  16. right on matt! i've been meaning to get out there! smelting again this spring? hahaha
  17. thanks for the replies. the house is west of sault ste. marie at prince lake. im definitely going to check out xplornet.
  18. So i'm in the process of buying my first home. Its 15-20min out of town on a lake. there is no cell service out there and theres no cable for cable tv or internet. what appears to be the only sevice out there is mainly bell for satillete and dial up internet, star choice for tv, and i've heard of this ontera company for "high speed" dial up internet. i hear bell is terrible and to stay the hell away but seems to be the only company offering both services. whats the best place to go for or look into? also as of right now my cell phone is my main phone line and i dont really want a landline but im gonna have to, i've heard of ppl hooking their cell number up with a landline so when someone calls they both ring or something along those lines!?!?
  19. if you fall into a bottomless pit..you'd die of stravation..

  20. i wear my running shoes all winter in these http://www.overshoe.com/recreational/produ...tail.php?s=N5PS
  21. sooo stupid all you can do is laugh and shake your head right mike?
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