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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. ya 8 were caught and 4 were tossed back down the hole, nice and healthy good to be caught another day tdunn my buddies were nailing lakers all morning and early afternoon till they left with their limit in nice sized lakers, but they didnt go for specks!
  2. i know terry and slot size. the other 2 are my buddies.
  3. hahaha well i jinxed myself today!! i have no problem with that!!
  4. got up bright and early and was out in goulais for 7am. gassed up the sleds and we were off!! at the lake by about 8am. first caught 8 lakers between my buddy and i. we had our limit so we went off in search of of some speckies! i pulled up 3 specks in no time. had my limit in lakers and specks by 9:15am hahaha!!! went riding around on the sleds then stopped where 3 of my buddies were fishing and they all nailed lakers like crazy. all fish were caught including specks on a #30 williams wabler in rainbow trout colour jigged about 5ft below the ice in around 15-20fow. was a great day out on the lake!!
  5. ya it'll probably be a zoo by the time you get there all the hung over goulais folk will just be hitting the lake. im getting there early get my lakers then off on a speck hunt
  6. we'll be on the shoal out in the middle of the lake dr.sal. you'll hear my buddy coming with his fusion 900 with a big bore kit and its all piped hahah wake up those fish!! ohh and stop and say hello or if i see you i'll stop. i'll be looking for the all mighty legend!
  7. So tomorrow morning im suppose to be meeting my buddy out in goulais(20min north of the sault) for 7am to head to our fishing hole which is a 5-10min snowmobile ride. i keep telling him that we are going out wayyyy to early and they wont even bite till atleast 9am! i've been fishing for a while and i know the early bird doesnt get the worm. so what do you guys think?!?? is there actually an early bite or does my luck just suck in the morning and that im a softie?? haha!! ohhh and i can understand getting up early to go some place far away so you can fish the day!
  8. sweet right on!!! one thing though?? why do you have your lines so close together and lined up?? myself i usually spread out my lines and move them often if theres no action basically to cover more ground.
  9. ya ice fishing my mind isnt set on c&r, im on a meat hunt and who the heck wants a bunch of perch when you can get lake trout?? i have zero interest in perchin i go for lakers then head for specks or rainbows. those lakes are fun to get out on and have an action packed day even if they arent big, so i wouldnt consider it wasting my time and i know i'll be bringing home something and it doesnt brother my conscience cause its stocked annually. i dont mind a few other ppl around on those lakes, im friendly and talk to other, its nothing like southern ontario fishing shoulder to shoulder. i go in search for lakers in the 2-5lb range best eats not some big old fat spawner. my only c&r is in the summer with bass and pike cause well i get sooo many it just doesnt even matter
  10. xeon have you ever fished crooked, jarvis, bone, lonely, iron, etc?? they are all loaded with small lake trout that keep you busy all day and just want to leave them on for bait. its like perch fishing for lake trout, get on a school and the action doesnt stop. the limit was 3 of any size and no complaints. and whats the deal with lakes like upper island lake no slot size there, how can that lake possibly be more healthy then all the surrounding lakes when its surrounded by homes and camps!?! i've fished other better lakes in the past but its hard finding ppl willing that own a reliable sled(i dont go with only one sled) and the limits are to low to travel any distance for 2 lakers, all lakes i said are within 30min of town and are stocked annually. If i go for lakers now i always have a plan to go for other species after. Monday bone for lakers then tupper/pickard for specks. alot more ppl are doing this and specks will take a hit or ppl will just start saying screw the limit and start chancing keeping more fish and well if they are breaking the law they might as well go all out. i say either 2 with no slot, 3 with slot sizes or change opening and closing dates of lake trout but now that will never happen.
  11. cant tell you why but chartreuse and fire tiger for inland lakers hard and soft water....i said to much
  12. still lines, i hide a 12g, and tie some fishing line to the trigger and to the bottles, i setup a trail cam to watch the action.
  13. selfmade we call them "greys" here. and pretty neat going from jarvis to crooked only a 5-10min snowmobile ride away, totally different looking lakers. ohhh no shoot me!! all the southerners are gonna be coming up and cleaning out those lakes, sorry guys!! and i can catch the poachers but there wont be any catch and release! the secret bait is blue light
  14. Well my buddy and i went out today to jarvis first thing in the morning, got on the lake at 9am and fished it till about 11am then booked it off to crooked lakes till around 2:30pm. the bite was SLOW i never seen it sooo bad but i did get a nice snack. the bigger one came from jarvis coming in at 19" and got 3 other little guys that went back. On crooked got 5 lakers and took this 15" little buddy home with me. how do you like the colour on the smaller guy?? thats what they all look like in this lake no spots and brighter orange fins then normal. half were caught jigging a willams wabler just plain no bait and the rest on medium dace ranging from 10-25fow. i took a pic with the OFC thing there, not impressive fish but it puts team 3 on the board.
  15. ya im shocked the hasnt been locked. making such a big deal out of something so small. if he wants to blur it out then so be it. i really dont mind, its all good. i dont fish that part of the world. i have my spots and i enjoy exploring, the adventure for me is a big thing for me when fishing. to many whiners, know it alls, and perfect ppl on here lately.
  16. the highway variety here in town sells that also with burgers and alligator and sorts of neat meats like that. i wish we had something like that, the only "outdoors" show we get has more contractors showing new material then fishing or anything close to it.
  17. http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/prod...mp;merchID=4006 what do i win!?!?
  18. thanks for the reply TDunn. i'd like to see a report for wakomata, everytime i drive past it i say i gotta fish it and i hear great reports from ppl. i'm off to jarvis tomorrow to go slay lakers then monday heading to bone to go jig out some lakers then probably off to tupper/pickard after i got my laker limit
  19. and no i dont want to sit and wait for my ass to grow haha!! and no i wasnt being serious about the scrap metal thing, not a bad idea for a little extra cash on the side. and for side work not to many ppl take me seriously or trust me cause im young, the only way i've got side work is from ppl at job sites that have seen what i can actually do. When i was doing new homes the owners would come in and see me hanging a door or doing baseboard and would make arrangements to come back after the house was closed and do some side jobs.
  20. theres also something called being loyal, i really liked my boss, i dont want to leave him for mouthy pushy scream fit ass that ive worked for in the past there is simply no need for it. This is why ive had so many different jobs, as soon as things got slow i left and found work else where, i've worked for 3/4 of the known contractors in town already and im unsure of what my rep. is. My boss told me that we do have work coming up(next week we have a 2-3day job) and i told him i'd be there. what i was asking in this is should i sit here and wait for grass to grow or jump the fence and see if its greener on the other side.
  21. the problem is its not worth taking a 10per hour job when i'll probably get the same on EI sadly. haha justin what are you doing night?? the truck is warmed up! hahaha
  22. jerkk!! just when i get layed off! tempting, very tempting! bookmarked it for later
  23. irishfield i worked for sal-dan when i first got out of high school, they were a bunch of asses and i will never even consider working for them again. i dont want to move where the work is, well unless is a temporary job with a local company. syn the construction area in the sault appears to be picking up and theres suppose to be some big jobs coming up but i cant rely on that. i also dont have a record and i dont do drugs im in the clear there. Danc "the big 3" are looking nicer and nicer, i have hook ups with in the field and its definitely an option im considering. im giving myself time to ponder before i play my next move, filed for EI today yipppie. hmmmmmm.....
  24. Yes, i have to do something, just looking for opinions, advice, etc. before i make my next move, i dont want to make an implusive descision and regret it later. i realize there are alot of others out there in the same boat and wanted to here from them or from others that got out of the boat and overcame the same situation i'm in now. My buddy matt and i have been talking for years about opening our own business, we do side work together but we don't get enough to quit our day jobs. maybe one day it'll happen. and ya im not sure if i want to work in that essar, i'll be dead by 55 haha! but if it comes down to it i might have to, it is an option, i think lol.
  25. no way in hell am i gonna join the forces!! thats out of the question! i love the sault and dont really want to leave, i did 2month inschool down south and i tell you i HATED it. i'm doomed for failure haha!!
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