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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Hey Bill What flow rate is best for the Don?? ?? I don't want to waste any time so want to know what flow rate is the perfect rainbow green?? ?? Been using that site and this one and for many years.
  2. The OP doesn't say that his tip is broken, only that he want's a replacement tip. Maybe his rod is fine and he just wants a spare in case. Possibly the OP can clear this up. If it is infact broken, just send in the rod for warranty replacement as Solopaddler says.
  3. Brian I think you should go with the MinnKota that your wife wants. I know you really want the maytag but for the sake of your marriage go with what will make the wife happy.
  4. 'Couldn't be that cold, the river's still liquid!!!! Mind you our river is still liquid and it was -25 this morning!!!!!
  5. Second week of January would be nice, that way I can get some good steelheading in when I visit my folks at Christmas.
  6. Simcoe has some really good outfitters. I have been out with many there and here's a list of some really good ones. Bill's Fish Huts Casey's Fish Huts Floyd Hale's Fish Huts If you're looking for these and other Ontario Ice Fishing Outfitters look here. Scroll about 1/2 way down the page. Ice Fish Ontario
  7. Now maybe they will do something about the commercial nets choking off the rivers out there. I doubt the commercial guys bring 1/2 a billion dollars into the local economy.
  8. Sweet!!!!! I'm in the market for a new motor, but it hasn't been the weight that has had me holding off it's trying to come up with $11,000 for a new 90!!!!!
  9. Back in the winter of 2000 I got laid off, I took it as an opportunity to go back to school. It was the best thing I could have done as I'm now employed with the Govt. of the NWT doing a job I really like in a place I really like. Plus when I retire I will actually have a good pension!!!! UI paid for 1/2 my schooling and paid me while I went to school (although not much).
  10. Not only is it safer, it's cheaper!!! I hit a 12 pointer back in the 90's and the insurance adjuster asked me if I hit anything else (which I hadn't). I asked him why he wanted to know and he told me that if I hit anything other than the deer it is considered an at fault single vehicle accident. I was lucky considering the deer did almost $8,000 worth of damage to my truck. What this means is instead of not having to pay the deductable and not having your insurance rates go up, you get to pay the deductable and get to pay higher premiums!!!! So keep it in a straight line and jam the brake pedal to the floor.
  11. The only place you can expect to make a living guiding fishermen is on the west coast. Anywhere els in Canada the seasons just aren't long enough. If you are talking great lakes chartering you really have a limited window of opportunity unless you are going to diversify and spend your time moving from port to port following the fish as well as changing species as the year goes by. If you are based out of one port you will have a very short peak season. i.e. Port Credit has a seaon that is mostly mid July to mid September for salmon and trout. If you want early seaon fish you will have to move your setup to the western end of the lake for April and May and then head East for June and strat following the fish back to Port Credit. Now that you've found the fish and can catch them consistently you need to get clients. This will start of very slowly, don't expect to be booked solid, if at all the first year. It can take a lot of time to build up a client base plus you have to remember we are in the midst of a recession and people are not spending as much on non essential items like charter trips. Think long and hard befor you spend your savings on a venture of this kind. Talk with some charter owners and listen to what they have to say, it could save you a bunch of money and heart ache.
  12. I need to repower my boat as well. I have been fortunate enough to guide on Great Bear Lake the last 15 years and have used 4 strokes from Mercury, Yamaha and Honda. My personal experience is that the Yamaha would be my first choice unless I can save a good chunk of $$$ by buying Mercury. It's nearly $11,000 to put a Yammie on my boat. If I can save a couple of grand by going with Mercury I will as they are almost as good a Yamaha. We found that the Honda's were a little weak in the lower unit to be using them at the lodge. We found that just about any contact with a shoal would demo the gears, This does not happen with the Yammies and Mercs. Living in shield country it's not if you are going to hit rocks it's when and how hard. So there you have it. I pick Yamaha as #1 unless Mercury is a good bit cheaper. I would pay a $1000 more for a Yammie but no more. P.S. This I'm looking at a 90-100 hp motor.
  13. Had it happen with a giant Laker while fishing Brookies in Lake Nipigon. Fought the fish for an hour but was never able to raise it mor than a foot or two off the bottom. Finally admitted defeat and snapped the line. Sure would have liked to have seen the fish, I'm guessing that it was in the 40# range.
  14. T.J. there is a real possibility that you may be a few fries short of a happy meal!!! On another note, when I'm in Ontario visiting my folks at Christmas I'll have to pick up a couple of pairs.
  15. He's right Paul, the hat's gay!!!!!! Couldn't be any gayer if it was rainbow coloured and covered with Rue Paul pictures!!!!!!
  16. Pfffffffffffffft!!!!!!! That's not ice!!!!!! This is ice!!!!!! Took these last week on a business trip North of me.
  17. Man that beaver looks ticked!!! And as everyone knows there is nothing worse than an Angry Beaver!!!!!!
  18. Yes but you can regulate where they drop their nets. Start by giving the river mouths a wide berth. That way it will also be good for my favorite fish the Steelhead. As it is now too many end up in the nets parked at the river mouths. If the way BC raises it's salmon is the reason for poor returns, how do you explain the poor returns in California, Oregon,Washington and Alaska?
  19. Nice!!!!!!! Here's some shots I took yesterday!!!!!!!
  20. I have a pair of Rocky Gortex boots that I have been using for almost 10 years and they're still kickin'.
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