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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. The 4 strokes can be a little touchy in the cold, but if your car starts, so will the sled. I have a 4 stroke Yamaha and live North of 60*. I plug it in just like my truck @ night when I want to use it the next day when the temps are bitter. It always starts no problem when plugged in. It's usually not an issue until night time temps drop below -25C. During the day once it has been run there are no starting issues at all. People I know who use their 4 stroke sleds out at their cabins here plug them in to their generator for an hour in the morning to defrost them to get them running in the morning on cold days. The fuel savings more than make up for any hassle of having to plug them in though. Just remember to order the battery tender, battery warmer, block heater package when you purchase a 4 stroke sled.
  2. One of the rare sitings I had when I lived in Ontario was a Scarlet Tanager. I only ever saw one and it was on a fence rail near Grand Valley where I lived at the time.
  3. Picked up this nice little jewel on my travels. :good: Should work nicely on my trusty Sage RPL 5100.
  4. I live in the big bright city, so I have gooder internet. Ping times and download are good but upload, not so much. Price sucks too. 77ms ping, 5.8 Meg Down and 350kb up. My package (standard) claims download speeds to 5 Meg and upload speeds of 384Kb, so I'm getting what is promised and a bit more. But it's $70/Month. For $120/Month you get 50 Meg Down and 2 Meg up and 110 GB bandwidth.
  5. Drew My dad is using Bell's Turbo Hub. It's a router with built in cell connectivity. It has RJ45 connections for non-wireless computers and also has built in wireless access point. When I have used it it has been failry speedy.
  6. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MrIxH6DToXQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. Still have 3 3/4 60 ouncers left Mike. J ace Yes it's the bridge at Kenai Lake in the picture. Water levels went up from about 9' & 3500cfs to 16' & 20000cfs in a week. There was plenty of termination dust the first week of September but it has warmed up since then. Seward got 10" of rain in 2 days and they are still getting pounder there. My buddy Keith is there doing emergency dispatching of dozers and backhoes. Not a good scene there. Update: Just got word that the river is closed to all boating starting @ 1pm today. Gotta find somewhere else to fish for a few days I guess.
  8. Waiting fer the water go drop. :-/ Been here for 3 weeks now and just as the bite was turning on we had a couple of feet of rain. But the fish are still biting, it just takes a bit of work.
  9. In case you were wondering, this is what it looks like in action.
  10. I've got a Hardy. Can't beat waxed cotton in the winter. They are toasty. They don't breathe worth beans though.
  11. OH, in that case mid to late October when the ramps freeze up. Then the ice gear comes out @ the beginning of November. + hunting season runs from August through spring so the gun can come along on the fishing trips.
  12. Shutdown? Why the heck would I do that? I use the boat until ice prevents me from launching and then I break out the ice fishing gear. If I were to sgut it down I would go nuts as the open water season is shorter than the ice season here!!! Besides I like catching big gators through the ice.
  13. When you get a new vehicle start using full synthetic oil right away. I used to run 60-75K per year and when I started running Mobile1 full synthetic I never had another motor wear related issue.
  14. If you think that's bad you certainly don't want to see what a Grizz or Wolverine will do to a cabin!!! Or an expensive SUV for that matter!!!!!
  15. I replaced my helm because the original one tended to let the wheel turn when you let the steering wheel go due to the vibration on the motor. It would quickly start turning right and you had to keep adjusting your course. A major pain while trying to set riggers. My original helm was one of THESE I replaced it with one of THESE The difference is the new one has a built in clutch that holds the wheel steady when you let go. Just get your course straight and go set lines. Wind will still blow you off course but life is much easier with the NFB helm.
  16. And out of stock as well as being wrong handed.
  17. No man!! This is the year they go all the way!!!!
  18. You're right it wasn't a question it was just inaccurate information.
  19. LED is the back lighting method. It is actually an LCD screen with LED back lighting as opposed to CFL (compact flourescent lighting) back lighting. There are 2 different arrangements of LED back lighting and one arangement for CFL. LED backlighting comes in edge or matrix. Edge being where the perimeter of the screen is lit while matrix uses LEDs that are spread throughout the rear of the LCD screen. CFL is edge lit only. With this information we can glean some information about picture quality as it pertains to LCD televisions. Edge lit screens are brighter towards the edge of the screen because of the design. The blacks are also not as black due to light bleed because of the way the screen is lit. Matrix back lighting has the ability due to the distributed nature of the LEDs to have more even light and better blacks because the LEDs can be controlled more precisely in an area where the picture is supposed to be black (ie. they can beturned off so much less light bleed is evidenced. Their are however true LED screens that the image is actually produced by LEDs. The giant screens you see at sports stadiums are built this way. So now you know.
  20. I think you mean LED and CFL. These are the type of back lighting used to illuminate the LCD TVs.
  21. I can't listen at 11 with my system for very long as in does strange things to the heart and makes your vision blur!!!
  22. I had the same issue with my '91 2 stroke this spring. Problem was a bad plug. Been fine since it was replaced. Change it first and if the problem is still there change the coil.
  23. We had that happen with 140# tarpon at the side of the boat during the release. Get's the old blood pumpin' fer sure!!!!!
  24. Yeah, I've got a bit O $$$ invested in my sound system too. Actually about 6X what I have into the TV.
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