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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. so do pork frogs and nobody seems to mind that.... I'm a big fan of gulp and in my experience it did outfish regular powerbait/other plastics....i got my ass kicked jiggin for walleye on a northern ON backwood lake, type of lake where the fish see about 3 lures a year, and gulp killed it....fish count was seriously 26 to 7 for gulp....thats the day when i deemed it was the worth the few extra bucks...
  2. this is deadly....works great for pretty much everything that swims....I also run droppers below my jigging spoons....as short as 4" and up to 1'
  3. I'd recommend being respectful of people's property....not saying nothing about your character at all, just giving ya a heads up is all....because odds are you will encounter a jackass out there....especially on chemong, I have lots of hours on that lake, lived in ptbo for 4 yrs.... if you see somebody out and about on their dock politely ask if you can fish it before hand.....if you're flipping jigs or whatever make sure you're decently accurate, try not to be bouncing off hulls and scratching somebody's gelcoat.... touchy subject and I personally can see the merit from both sides...
  4. how old are the blades? check for ice buildup as mentioned...otherwise, just buy new blades, solid investment and worth 50 bucks easy in my mind at least
  5. if he has a passport it's a 50/50 chance.....try crossing the border in the early am hours, in my experience they get lazy......I've crossed numerous times where they have looked at our passports, asked us a few questions and then hand the passports back without even scanning in the system....we had a guy in the group cross the border there and back with no issues and he has a drug charge....don't recommend hoping to get lucky but the potential does exist I guess
  6. i've made a few pond rinks so know a little bit aobut making good ice....i jsut moved out to BC to work in the mountains and there is a small rink built on the lake...nothing fancy, no boards, loose snow around the edges.... i want to expand the rink, it's only about 2 weeks old now....but i wasn't around when they built it and i know there is a bit of honey combed ice on top of the hard black ice on the lake....has anybody ever expanded an existing rink? I'm guessing it'll be a pain in the ass to have the new ice level with the old ice?... maybe better to plow a new larger rink area and start new ice from scratch? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  7. you can make a sled pretty easily and depends how fancy you get but can easily end up being cheaper than buying one.....1/4 plexi for the bottom and it'll pull nicely
  8. beauty fish....on a side note...love those purists but way too nice to be paired with a quantum stick....lol
  9. if you have your budget in mind just buy a used reel in good condition and swap in new bearings....a centre pin reel itself is pretty simple by design, they're all pretty much the same....but it's the bearings that affect the performance you experience on the water....pretty much the more you pay the tigther tolerances you get my 4 yr old aventa with upgraded bearings outspun every islander I played with yesterday.... I'd recommend looking for an okuma...aventa or sheffield....relatively cheap brand new and lots of used ones everywhere, good quality and look good enough too....a little on the light side to balance the long sticks or heavier rods but there are ways around that too
  10. my understanding of running dacron backing is because it's lighter which makes for easier spool startup.......and provides some cushion which prevents the spool from warping....not sure how you would warp a centrepin spool, snag maybe? but that was what I was told years back.... a few things I'd suggest: -agreed on keeping it simple...are you new to centre pinning or new to steelheading entirely? if you're complete noob I'd recommend just running your spinning reel and learning more important factors: ie how to tie your own egg sacs, reading the water, learning how to identify steelie water and dead water, how rainfall affects the rivers you fish, water temps, shot patterns, various knots, etc, etc....mastering these basic skills will improve your success far more than a centrepin - find somebody who knows what they're doing and get out as much as possible....if you don't kjnow anybody then actually start watching guys on the river and what they are doing before you get out in the river - raven makes a pretty informative little booklet, great for starters
  11. perhaps I'm not familiar with this dude's previous posting history? but asking about how the bite is on a fishing forum....what a fool, I mean the nerve of him to ask such a question on a fishing forum..... I take it fishingguypat is new to steelheading???....welcome to the number 2 rule: NEVER ask about the bite on a popular spot.....rule number 1: never ask somebody for a spot or access point....steelheaders don't like to share....hahah lol here's a link for river levels: http://scitech.pyr.ec.gc.ca/waterweb/formnav.asp as mentioned previously, it takes considerable leg work in order to become successfull....start at hwy 5 and work downstream....I typically will hike (if it's a new creek to me) and look for the deepest pools to fish first and then fish my way up and/or down from them I find downsizing your baits gets me more bites...small egg sacs(ie 2 salmon eggs or 3 or 4 rainbow eggs), single eggies or beads, various nymphs, etc get yourself a stream thermometer and take note of the river temps....particularly when you catch a few....trout prefer cooler water but even still when it gets to low 40's and lower even trout slow down....in the fall i find that you don't need to be out there at sun up...my best fising comes late morning and into mid afternoon....when the sun is on the river and warming things up a degree or two lastly, unless you are an ACTUALLY good float fisherman I'd recommend starting with bottom bouncing.....when the fish get sluggish their strike zone shrinks, you have to be running your setup perfectly if you're float fishing to get inside that window......I feel that bottom bouncing is easier and has more room for error than float fishing good luck
  12. I was impressed with rapala rods from when they first came out...long cast and tournament series were both good to me...most people probably only see the cheap crap walmart carries.... basically the short versiou of the story I've heard from the local shop owner is that rapala is developing a reputation for stealing or copying technology and then selling at a lower price point....the new r type rods sure feel pretty sharp but I'd personally still wait to hear how the reels make it through a season or two
  13. if you found the aventa clumbsy, it's def not the rod length....aventa's are garbage, spaghetti noodles basically... I've fished quite a few brands and once you get into the higher end models it's really hard to pick what's "best"....it all comes down to personal preference really and your personal fishing style if it's your first float rod I wouldn't break the bank really....get something in the middle price point....one thing I would for sure recommend would be to get a rod with sliding reel rings and experiment with where you place your reel.... MJL listed some good models there, i have the wild series myself and have fished my buddy's raven quite a bit...both good rods.... if you're fishing superior tribs, which in my exp are smaller and filled with brush, is I would look for a shorter with medium action....as opposed to an UL or light action....
  14. Hey bud, I've been following your lures for a while now...always check out your posts....i got into this way back, def fun and good way to pass the winter months only thing I'd suggest, which I held back cause you were making solid wood bodies thus far.....screw in eyelets WILL eventually fail...especially if you're fishing for pike, musky, big bass....if you're already going to hollow out the body, aka cutting the body in half anyways, take the time to run a steel wire from nose to tail with drop downs to attach split rings.... I would lightly glue my two body halves together with a sheet of wax paper in the middle...put it on the lathe, shape it, do whatever, etc...only when i had the body perfect (aka I had a lot of wasted bodies) would I then separte the body halves and bend the steel to fit nicely....it takes some time to learn how but can be mastered quick enough..... once you invest in an air brush kit you and make a few stencils you can make blow some pretty impressive finishes....good luck
  15. he was most likely catching them to eat....I don't think that incidental catching would qualify as "targeting," regardless of open season or not
  16. I'd say your best bet is to locate and contact a reputable outfitter or tackle shop near where you will be staying and ask them directly.....or I'm sure there must be a BC based forum....I understand there are some pretty strict regs and licences required, etc.... if you're only paying flight and not room book a half day guide and then just repeat what you learn afterwards.....
  17. rod upright on the table and use wood dowel on the sliding right and give it a little knock.....won't hurt it... i've had the problem on one of my rods, just fit a pinch too tight with the reel i preferred to use on it....assuming you don't want to grind a little off your reel seat i had good improvement by waxing my reel seat, just used candle wax....you could try a few drops of lube but i think wax sticks around longer after repeated dunks in the river
  18. perhaps my reply was taken the wrong way...I'm not saying it's a good idea, I'm not encouraging it....but i'm not against it either....if it happens i'll suck it up and won't be bothered by it I'm just saying it's not different from wearing a seatbelt....and does anybody argue that anymore? so we all might as well expect it coming sooner or later and just get used to the idea.... regardless of anybody's opinion on gov't....there are some aspects/branches of gov't/other public bodies that try and improve society....(PS - do not beat me down on this, I do not love the gov't, just saying that there is reason behind the madness with this specific topic) While boating deaths overall are down, not wearing a PFD (personal flotation device) or lifejacket is still a big contributor to the drowning problem. During 1996-2000, the same number of boaters not wearing PFDs still drowned as in the previous five years—643 victims. Most boating victims were not wearing a PFD (85% of those for whom PFD information was available). And one-third of victims did not even have a PFD in their boat (31% of deaths for which PFD information was available). Stronger measures appear needed to motivate more Canadians to wear a PFD Almost all boating victims are male (91%). Half (48%) of all boating victims are 35 to 64 years of age. One-third (33%) of boating victims are 18 to 34 years of age. http://www.lifesaving.ca/content/english/p...ingRepFinal.pdf google US boating accident stats....much more US content than CDN available bottom line is very simple.....pfd's help save lives....the push to enforce them will only get stronger I wasn't wearing my seatbelt and I got hit with 2 points and 115 fine....but I didnt' carp about it, I knew better so I sucked it up and I damn well wear my seatbelt every second in my car now....hit my wallet and it is effective enforcement.....so maybe someday that will end up saving my life.... somebody said this, " It's a matter of managing risks. YOU CAN'T MANAGE THEM ALL" that is exactly the point....but you can manage/reduce your own risks....and wearing a pfd helps reduce your risk....most boating accidents occur while the vessel is engaged in motion...aka there is a much higher risk of being ejected from your vessel on the water than in your car....in that split second before impact how many are going to grab and fasten their pfd???? everybody on this board I'm assuming would consider themselves to be experienced on the water...so we possess a better safety awareness/common sense on the water.....but the bulk of deaths occur with recreational boaters, novice boaters....sunny, good weather days also have the most deaths/accidents..... it's purely an inconvenience of comfort to anglers but overall has potential to seriously reduce deaths in the big picture of things. legislating mandatory pfd's would be aimed at reducing preventable death on the water......it's not a tax grab, it's not spoon feeding the weak/dumb/can't think for themselves....there's public interest behind it, perhaps not anglers or anybody else on this forum, but there is a public push for more enforcement..... would you call a minimum 2k fine a tax grab for speeding 50km over?....it's applying enforcement where it makes a difference and people will actually be scared of the consequence and prevent them from repeating those same actions...it's no different than wearing a seatbelt.... you can't argue that using common sense "should" be able to prevent everything....common sense is a great idea in concept but it never works in reality because it simply doesn't exist in reality....and that's where the mandatory thing steps in.... "Almost all boating victims are male (91%). Half (48%) of all boating victims are 35 to 64 years of age"........I'd say it would be very interesting how these stats would relate to the popular opinion on this board.....
  19. I don't understand all the fuss about this....no different than a seatbelt and that's mandatory... a PFD won't prevent carelessness, drinking on the water, sheer stupidity, etc....but the fact cannot be denied that ONCE YOU ENTER THE WATER (fully concious and strong, accidentally, injured, unconcious or otherwise) wearing a PFD greatly improves your odds of survival.....a rescue operation can potentially take hours, even a strong swimmer can struggle with that..... common sense could prevent most mishaps....but common sense is never a factor in passing legislation....dont' get pissed at the gov't or call it a tax grab, it is not, a "tax grab" is too commonly used to throw at everything the gov't does....sometimes true but often not.......it's public error that causes legislation like this....... it's every dumbass that did something stupid on the water and ended up a statistic..... PS...when did it come law to wear a PFD...i just thought there had to be adequate PFD's on board for every passenger....and they have to fit...I've been asked twice to confirm that it's in fact an adult lifer.... and for the record, I always have mine on board but don't wear it as much as I should...mainly when moving spots in rough stuff....
  20. interesting.....my card has been through the wash and dryer one too many times..warped, slightly melted and borderline illegible....I did my test online....guess I'll find out how soon how much of a hassle it is to get replaced....
  21. that's what uncooked nuts will do to ya.....he should have tried Vince's nuts maybe....I'm sure he would've loved them....ha
  22. I have a good story here......I grabbed a Foster's, cracked it and it was pretty much jelly inside....so being half loaded and a house full of first year students we went online and sent them a nasty email....so Molson, who brews Foster in Canada sent me an email, called me and sent me out a package to return the beer....they also sent me vouchers for 4 FREE CASES...not a bad deal for me I'd say so 3 weeks later the woman follows up with me, says the test results indicate it was a protein buildup that caused the beer to solidify, something about the cap maybe wasn't on perfect and air got in.....end of story...for a while.... 2 yrs later I see an old roommate and start chatting, asked if he stayed in touch with anybody, including the deadbeat loser roommie we had, which I had some issues with, we did not get along....and then I get the REAL STORY....so my buddy goes: "and oh hey, I'm not sure we ever told you, you remember that jelly beer you had, that was ryan(deadbeat loser), he put in some laxative in and resealed the bottle....." I'm sure Molson's testing obviously revealed it was laxative and not protein buildup.....just goes to show you what manufacturers will hide and aren't going to admit anything, they probably thought the laxative was on their end.....
  23. perhaps you've already done this.....but depending on the amount of HP you want try looking on kijiji...I see lots of decent deals for smaller HP outboards....
  24. from my experience, unless it's a local who makes a return trip or somebody who happens to pack bolt cutters for a fishing trip, you won't have issues with people cutting the locks or the chain..... it's the tree that will get cut down in most cases.....so pick a thick tree......
  25. she had a very definitive home range...I saw her every season 4 yrs straight...she became my white whale....ha....I hooked into her a few times but never when i was targetting her with proper gear or at least a leader. it was a fairly small system so i didn't share my knowledge of her with too many people...but I wasn't the only one who knew of her....a local canoeist knew exactly where to find her too and looked for her on the water....she was a monster and apparently wasn't too shy of people on the water. first time I saw her cruising towards me like a missile was a fun experience...aka what the hell!!!, back pedal and then slipped and on my ass, head under the water...LOL...I doubt she'd ever have attacked me unless I was threatening her on her nest.... on another occasion I had my feet dangling over the edge of our boat in the water, looked down and saw a snapper a few feet below....different opinion there, my feet were out ASAP!!!!!
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