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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. the newer bps reels are pretty good, the johnny morris will out cast a few of my shimano reels that cost a lot more...dual braking systems, cats meow if you're on a tight budget, shop online or ebay and look at classifieds for a while (esp OFC) they come up often
  2. no opinion on rapala reels, haven't used them and not inclined to anytime soon have put some rapala rods thorugh their paces and mixed opinion when they first started making rods they were excellent value for money, I have a tournament long cast that is about 7-8 yrs old i guess and love it..rebuilt the handle, new cork and fuji reel seat, i really like the blank newer rods, not so good...have been though about 5 or 6 north coast rods and 2 finesse rods...the rods are value for the dollar and well designed...but poorly built, warranty is no good to deal with the reel seats in particularly are attached to the blank with cardboard and glue....they will spin around the blank.,...with that said, for the price, i fixed a few myself and still use them, if they break I won't be too choked about it warranty is crap to deal with...the store sends the rod back, wait 6 months, to find out if rapala decided to warranty or not
  3. local fly shop can help you free it's a vague question, it's not a yes or no answer, this fly only catches that fish...ie: a leech pattern will catch any fish that swims, same with many other patterns trout can get fussy at times, a local shop will help you understand the local hatches and good fly selection for where you want to fish where are you located, what river and fish do you want to target?
  4. In the pilot season the contract was likely a flat rate with bonus at end of season if ratings were strong enough...for all consecutive seasons it is a rate per episode with season ending bonus depending on ratings that is on top of their mining revenues (or lack thereof) LOL blowing up a duck blind and making a bad ass blind out of an old rv...that's awesome
  5. There's no assumption or admission of guilt at all, they're simply doing their jobs...if you are fishing legally then you have nothing to worry about...the act of leaving when the CO's show up is suspsicion I'm lucky enough to fish ON, BC, AB and SK(only once a winter) throughout the year....CO's are underfunded across the board IMO and resources are stretched far, they have tough jobs, it's always great to see them out in the woods/water and I turn to avoid roadchecks sometimes, I've had them race after me twice..."why did you turn"..."didn't want to sit and wait for 20mins while you checked the 50 cars ahead of me"...ID, insurance, flashlight in the eyes and on my way...but I don't blame them for pulling me over, they're doing a job
  6. that's a tough loss, I feel your pain...I've lost a cannon g11 in the boat, it wasn't so much the camera, that could be replaced...but my 32gb card, some of them were once in a lifetime pics that can't be replaced, it was a sit down and stare at the water without speaking for a few minutes, it sucked....i now backup all my pics immediately i would think now is your best time to try to get it...drill holes in a grid pattern 10' apart and rig up something to try and snag it....you might get lucky and catch the line, rod and lure would be on bottom, line might be suspended and catching some currents
  7. only tackle i'd be tossing at a silver carp is an arrow at about 300 fps, that looks fun lol
  8. ever considered going for those giant blue cats or flat heads? I think 7 hrs would get you in their range
  9. I use a rio outbound line, it's meant to have a shooting head on it but I just run straight 20lb to my leader/fly, works well also overline 1 wt using the rio pike line, my rod is a fast action 9wt, handles the overline nicely tying the big flies with synthetic materials helps reduce the amount of water they suck up, pick up and punch better I use a 9wt switch rod a lot, cast a mile overhand and hanldes big stuff good I also have a cross current 13/14 i bust out now and then lol
  10. sweet idea, i do a similar thing with plano boxes to hold large pike/salt flies...works better and way cheaper than some store bought boxes
  11. any fly in general doesn't need to be pretty (don't tell the dry fly elitists that ha), especially pike flies though I use either thick mono/fluor or the Rio wire tippet in 20/30lb for leader...it ties well, usually still use a small snap but sometimes tie a loop knot...albright knot to attach tippet to leader if you get into tying some larger stuff, synthetic materials don't absorb water they way a "half chicken" fly does and pick up and cast easier barbless all the way, all my pike lures are barbless, haven't looked back only thnk about those long streamer hooks is they have a small gap and long shank, leads to more shake offs...mustad makes a great long shank, wide gap saltwater streamer hook, perfect for pike details on those pliers? do they float?
  12. yep, the prom dress is the fly fishermans equivalent to a spinner/spoon...swing and hold on! gotcha, those hooks have more of a hump than a barb right? on my phone so cna't see too closely
  13. sweet looking intruder....google the prom dress, lots of different variations like any pattern, effective fly where you're gonna be fishing (pretty much anywhere really) PS props to those barbless hooks I see there, good stuff
  14. great looking flies man...2nd and 4th are my favourite, but they'd all catch fish but wait a minute, where are those intruders? lol have you tried tying any with mono/wire weed guards I really like tying pike tube flies these days, I find less shake offs and a lot of times the fly will slide up the leader (like a plastic worm does) and doesn't get shredded quite so fast
  15. I have a lifeproof case, it does work well (waterproof and shock protection), the fellow that dunked his i the saugeen either didn't have it sealed correctly or the battery charger flap was open....also need to be careful you don't damage the seal on the screen when installing/removing the phone regardless of what somebody's personal opinion is on need vs wants of electronic devices, why wouldn't you want to protect your investment? just because something is disposable doesn't mean i don't care when i ruin it or how often I replace it...i use a single disposable razer cartridge at least 6 months before i chuck it LOL a box of them is 15 bucks I use that navionics app on my iphone....bought the waterproof case and a home made floater, cheap insurance IMO when work gives me a ipad I'll get a waterproof case for that too and find a way to use it in the boat for sure
  16. we purchased 2 of these units at a lodge/outfitter operation...very disappointed with them...the hoses split and cracked within a few weeks, we had to circulate the water 3 or 4 times, to notice any change in temperature, guests complained....they were installed in a "shower hut" so I couldn't imagine them working any better in an outdoor camping situation the vendor refused to acknowledge our complaints, refused to call us back (we had to call back weekly), refused to discount the price at all or to send new hoses under warranty...about a month's worth of effort to call the vendor resulted in 5 mins of actual phone time....we were instructed to keep circulating the water... the zodi's got tossed and I ordered a rinnai hot water on demand unit, that thing is worth it's weight in gold, works flawlessy, easy to install...cost more too and isn't portable, would be great for a cabin the zodi i bought cost about 400, i'd keep boiling water for that price
  17. the colder the water, slower the metabolism and require less o2...a separate bar fridge is good or a cardboard box, so they don't get startled by the light everytime you open your fridge, active fish burn more o2 (kinda obvious) if you happen to keep any in your baitwell or bucket/aerotor setup don't bother to feed them either, as they need more o2 to digest I've had a pet turtle since i was in grade 5, they don't tell you how long they live when they're the size of a loonie at the pet store LOL...i prefer to feed her emerald shiners from the bait shop so she has to work for them...gold fish don't share the same survival instincts i did pretty well keeping minnows alive by starving them, keeping them almost ice cold and avoiding disturbing them, until it was dinner time.....never got fancy with an aerator
  18. be careful, your wallet is going to be a lot lighter soon there are basic materials that every tier should have, but that depends on what you're into tying....starter kits are alright but the ones I've seen I think you'd be further ahead to buy your own supplies, more for your money instead of buying randomly to get started...i would make a list of 20 patterns you want to tie for next season...and then buy the materials required for those patterns anothe vote for flymart, I think he is a board member here, i've bought stuff from him a few times, good prices
  19. sounds like maybe somebody didn't catch many fish on the swing LOL plenty of pinners complain about being low holed by other pinners I've fished an Ion, it's a good reel, good value, echo has a good warranty system...i've heard about those Allen reels, they sound like a sweet deal any large reel will do with a half decent drag...don't need to bust the bank on...the hipwader forum has a 99% ON membership with a lot of GTA folks, might score a local deal if you check the classifieds there
  20. can of beans for dinner...zipper up sleeping bag tightly...you'll be warm all night... when it gets to -30+ you'll need to upgrade to that stagg dynamite hot chili
  21. I liked braking while airborn right before the landing LOL
  22. thanks, I'll look for it
  23. fishing shows are largely the same, hard to find something unique....but I mean, if a bunch of sponsors said they would pay you, give you a sweet boat and gear and your own tv show...wouldn't you endorse their products as much as possible too? the lindner shows are always good, some product spam but also very instructional, how to use electronics, how to work structure, etc Dave Mercer is a good show and Lost Lake is another one I like I thought there was a new show coming up, a youtube video was posted on this site, some kid made a video synched up with that gotye song....called Raw or Unedited something like that? I liked the youtube vid, looks like that guy would make a good show
  24. the hook eye isn't completely closed because I would guess the lock wire is inserted after hook manufacturing I've played around with those hooks, they work great, as intended....but I tend to find a regular wide gap worm hook is good enough for me you will lose baits regardless what hook you use, part of fishing, but I don't think I ever remember losing a tube because that lock wire slipped out....I think you can buy those lock wire things if you look through a cabelas/bps catalog have you tried just closing the gap with pliers?
  25. just regular spinnerbait wire, can buy coiled spools for cheap, fold over for an eye hole and wrap it under the body or do you mean to attach the hook to fly body? I prefer rio wire tipped, $20/spool....but regular dacron works just fine and is cheaper
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