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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. yep, they don't care about money at all...first nations are keepers of the land...they always look out for the best interest of the land and wildlife
  2. nice pictures, I've always had a soft spot for foxes, intelligent and cunning critters...cute too
  3. to each their own, IMO the only good advantage of fluoro is the density and abrasion resitance of some brands take an equal length of mono and fluoro, same brand same lb, and compare the stretch...the variance of refractive index between the two is minute to start with, it's not invisible under water in real world conditions here's a link to download a fun read, are you a math teacher? lol http://www.bigindianabass.com/big_indiana_bass/mathematical-theory-of-fishing-line-visibility.html fluoro vs mono debate aside...if you're new to bait casting you will benefit from a quality reel, less professional overrun...I'm a fan of most things shimano and daiwa, some quantum...but in the past few years I've really been won over by the high end BPS gear, johnny morris and carbon lite models are very good performance and value for the money...not the best but pretty damn good...dual braking systems are awesome...for your 300 budget you can get a sweet combo
  4. I'm not opposed to the hunting, similar to grizzly quotas, there's not many given out, but there is a difference between exotic and threatened species....and I guess there's trust in the gov't bio's and we assume they are marginally competent to manage wildlife populations, although that is questionable sometimes....regardless the hunt was legal so not much to say there... if you can afford a trophy hunt you can afford the taxidermy fees...in this case it wasn't legal to import the trophy to their home country, and given the history of offences it seems like they would know that..so what was their plan? dish out 100K to not take a trophy home they bought the tag and hired an outfitter to guide but didnt pay the 10k + for taxidermy....most outfitters and taxidermists have a good relationship...IMO they knew what they were doing was illegal and the outfitter tipped off enviro canada I hope the animals weren't wasted, maybe the hides will be auctioned off?.....it seems justice was delivered though, no problem with them returning to hunt because I'm sure their passports are red flagged and they will be checked out on any future visits
  5. Why not? fluoro is overrated...most freshwater uses don't see any game changing advantage by using fluoro vs mono be sure to use leader fluoro, not a mainline blend, if you plan to use it for tooth fish or around rough cover
  6. it would be interesting to know who tipped Environment Canada....if you can afford to hunt polar bears (with private jet travel), you can afford the taxidermy...
  7. yep, shimano bought out innovative textiles, which produces power pro...didn't take long after power pro hit the market
  8. shimano has their spool ratings for mono and power pro
  9. sad news, I've read a few of his books, good reads, he focused a lot on trophy bass..he did a lot for the fishing industry
  10. use the phonebook as a homemade tensioner to wrap the new guide...use 2 sheets of computer paper so you don't rub the phonebook ink onto your new thread
  11. the union reps and stewards i deal with are a complete joke...they don't know the clac agreement, they always tell the disgruntled employee you'll get your way, we'll fight for you....then they are proven wrong, the company went above and beyond clac and labour laws to keep the employee happy but it is NEVER good enough...greedy/lazy employees rely on the union to fight for their dishonesty, $36/hr starting isn't good enough I guess...and now this mine site is the most expensive cost per ton to produce and is being shut down prime example, saying you were hurt at work and posting videos on facebook of you sledding and building your house while you're off with pay for 2 months...forgot the fact your two non unionized managers are facebook friends... my old man worked at lear, made car seats for ford talbotville...he had good and bad experiences I tend to agree they have outgrown their usefulness...
  12. looks like a great time...doesn't get much better than sharing a river and laughs with friends, catching fish is just a bonus lots of DeMarco love going on there...I'm jealous, I want one..lol
  13. the $22 licence is the 3 day salt, you can do it with your credit card over the phone, best to do it in advance, the line can get busy if you call at 6 am on a saturday...especially during peak season you are assigned a Florida angler number which is good for life...and then another number for your 3 day salt licence very quick and easy to do, you need to keep your ID on you at all times and present the officer with your angler and licence numbers
  14. always good to hear when poachers get caught
  15. interested to know why you need a blanket down for the dog? does the vinyl get that hot? I'm redoing the floors (among everything else) in my 10 yr old lund..I'm putting carpet on the casting deck because i fish barefoot a lot in the summer and leaning towards vinyl for the rear flooring, or possibly some type of roll on texture that's not too abrasive all my experience has been in tinnies or fully carpeted boats, carpet is nice but higher maintenance and I really only appreciate it on the casting deck interested to hear everybody's preferences
  16. it's not kink free, but works great, easy to tie knots http://www.rioproducts.com/tippet/specialty/powerflex-wire-bite-tippet/
  17. what vehicle/engine? I've never seen a starter that was too hard to remove, all my vehicles have been a few bolts, drop in and out and done...but I've heard some horror stories but they were luxury cars, mercedes and a caddy nevermind, my bad - sled...not a lot of help there
  18. bass pro rods are great value for the money...carbon lite and morris series I picked up a new crucial, 7'2'...pretty confident I'll be very happy with it, feels great, was retail 170 i think but you can find them for cheaper
  19. I have a unique passion for knots ha...and always looking up saltwater knots and practicing, particularly right now in preparation for my next trip you could google malin 7 strand knot/figure 8 knot....if you're fishing big worm hooks you could try snelling it, i think that would work the stuff isn't easy to work with and you gotta "man handle" the knot so to say when you are tying it, it won't pull together to form a pretty knot like mono, has to be pulled TIGHT and I drown the knot in glue still...it's a pain with cold fingers, battling boat control in a bad wind, etc I've pretty much settled on 60 or 80lb big game mono or fluoro for ease of use...but I prefer the kink resistant wire for fly fishing and lighter baits like plastics, i think you get better action from it and is much easier to tie, no baptism of super glue required crimping is probably the easiest , sucks to lose a fish to a bad knot...and i fyou're fising mostly plastics you can pull the crimp inside the head of the bait
  20. that's exactly right on the knot, i find i get good results using a polamar, but if you're retying it eats up leader, if you're tying one knot to a snap it's good for my clinch knots, the thicker it is the less turns i use, max 3 turns for the heavy stuff, sometimes 2, pull it tight with pliers on the hook and wrapped around a gloved hand and then a healthy coat of uv glue or superglue pretty popular to use a piece of shrink tubing over the knot too
  21. I've used it for pike and a bit saltwater, the captain still preferred to crimp a sleeve, rather than a knot...you can tie a clinch knot, but gotta really pull on it, leave a tag end in case it slips, and I always put a drop of super glue on it...that was with 80 or 100 lb, i'm sure the lighter stuff is easier to tie I regularly use the rio wire tippet (20 lb for fly fishing), it's good stuff but not kink proof always use an improved albright if I'm not using a swivel to attach to mainline, 12 turns up, 12 turns down also ordered this stuff, hvae used the single strand but not the 7 strand yet...it's also pretty good, same company that makes the fluoro swivels http://www.aquateko.com/category_s/57.htm
  22. ah, yes, Van island, nothing like driving through Port Alberni and finding the dumpsters full of sockeye...glad somebody is supporting their family but i'll never buy candied salmon from a roadside stand again the MNR is in a tough spot, they need to find compromise, it seems to teeter totter from one side to the other without ever balancing...colpoys bay is a special spot for me, we never left the cottage out of sight and always managed a couple of rainbows or a chinook for the bbq with very little effort, it would be sad to see that change
  23. looks like a great case, thanks for the post....I recently snapped the tip on a heavy action bps extreme ice rod, can't replace it, discontinued, fav pike and laker rod....i've been looking for a good case for next year, I'll be looking into this one
  24. I think the standard processing time is 28 days, depending on volume...but you can pay $30 for priority service and then it's guaranteed in 7 days i think...i might be off on the timeline but it's something like that...I got mine back in less than a week
  25. beauty fish...a lot of fly line on the ground, did he play it on the reel or hand line? props either way, healthy lookin steelie
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