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Everything posted by Terry

  1. from the first punch, till the end Randy had control
  2. my guess is you go go inside the building and someone will tell you to wait over there till you are called.... they will make you sit through a long seminar, on time shares or property in Florida or something like that....
  3. I had a MotorGuide wireless and it was in the shop more then on my boat I was using it as a back up unit for tourneys and every time I needed it it crapped out on me,,, they kept repairing it for free till the warrant ran out, then they wanted as much as a new one cost to fix it...I argued that because it was the same ongoing problem they should keep repairing it, till they get it right....they disagreed....about 20hours of use on it and it's garbage....I will not be supporting them in the future... Minn kota gets my money now
  4. oh yeah welcome to my nightmare........ I would never tell anyone to buy a new house to use as a rental property....... being a slum lord has far fewer risks and most times greater returns
  5. I don't hunt much anymore.. but in almost every case, they set quotas because the population needs culling or to maintain a certain number of animals in any given area..... that's why in many areas you can get many deer tags for the same season....... if it was a legal hunt, then no problem he has the right to do it and if he didn't do it ,likely, a car or truck would have done it or it would be killed by the MNR to reduce numbers....... and the cycle of life goes on
  6. I forgot it was this weekend I will have to check if I have prepaid for that one on dishnetwork.....
  7. I was without power for a few hours in Bradford.....
  8. I GUESS.... the odd place might get away with something like that but, in most cases the guys working there get minimum wage and checks the gas levels, so they would know if they were really out of gas and I don't think they would want a day off without pay, so it would be hard for the owner to keep a lid on it
  9. very nice where were all the fish when the tyler derby was on??????????lol
  10. well it is actually a sewing shop they specialize in zippers....fly ...zipper... aaaaahhh never mind..is it lunch time yet...lol
  11. I will check, was she from the Bradford paper or the Innisfi paper? I will scan anything I see and post
  12. that's good to know but these days ..camping.hmmm .well for me roughing it means room service ends at 9pm..anything less is uncivilized and is for the young
  13. very nice you know people are getting lazy when they buy a 8hp with electric start and power trim.. wish mine had it...lol
  14. thanks for the info time to raise the huts
  15. I have been wanting to try that lake but it is far more expensive then the other lakes in the same area, so I have not gone there I do know guys that fish there for walleye and they say they have not gone out of the bay where they stay, because the fishing is so good they don't need to go looking for them...
  16. yeah last time I was on a cheap flight an announcement came over the PA, coach passengers please disembark the plane from the side door ,now... first class passengers, please fasten your seat belts, we will be landing in 3 minutes
  17. yes..that is true but hear is the thing that gets me.... gas oil and electricity we sell to other countries and there is not regs on how much of it we can sell... so with hydro..they sell to the other countries and make their full profit..then we don't produce enough for domestic use..so they buy it back from the country they sold it too, at a now inflated price which they tack onto our cost plus they add their profit margin and they make double the profit on the same electricity...talk about double dipping..and it works the same with the oil and the stuff doesn't even have to leave the country...it's all done on paper......there should be a law, that our need must be filled first.....period
  18. the thing that pisses me off is our exported oil have not dropped and world prices are not going up at the moment.... we should indeed have a law that domestic needs must be filled before we can ship one drop out of the country
  19. I had a long love affair with Pamela Anderson But I found her very one dimensional And it turned out to be very one sided, guess I had a hand in that So I turned the page and moved on, ending a very sticky situation if only one could read between the lines
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