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Everything posted by Terry

  1. it is not something that I would want to do but it is legal, there is a quota....so who am I to judge....
  2. I stand by my statement I find your comments racist
  3. in Bradford 8" of snow and 3' drifts just a few miles south of the lake
  4. Tomcat, you are right but if they are the only PDFs you have on board and you wanted to take them off to go swimming to cool off or to put sun screen on or for whatever reason, at the moment you take it off you are breaking the law.... I just thought people should know the facts...... I have a self inflating one and I find it hot and uncomfortable on hot humid days, so I do take it off and have the regular PDFs on board...
  5. it is true these inflatable PFDs do have to be on you to be legal, if you have them sitting on your chair or in storage, you had better have enough regular lifejackets or you will be charged
  6. very nice Mister Champ has been a great lure there as long as I can remember
  7. yeah, way to nasty to go to work but a fishing trip would be OK
  8. Pinch you seem to be a raciest against white people from what I read from your post Canadians are not just white, so why would you change his comment to have the word white in it,,your words not his and he was talking about his boss bringing a Ukrainian family into the country to work as far as I know .Ukrainian people are white for the most part...and that is the immigrants he was talking about..so you would be stating that he is raciest against white people..... he didn't say recent immigrants/ landed immigrants or recent canadians he was talking about businesses going out of country looking for employees and he wanted people in canada to know about the jobs......nothing racist in his words at all...you seem to want to bring race onto the conversation as do others..I don't see why you want to do that
  9. lucky lucky you will be set to go for tyler's tourney
  10. it's better then nothing but I have never been happy with them
  11. I have not had a hut for over 10 years now but I found the more you made it look like a fortress, the more people wanted to break into it.. so in the end we quit locking them, and just took everything home each day
  12. he thought the J was a T that's better...lol
  13. the big problem is.......... it depends who you ask.as to the answer you get..just like the MNR regs. every cop every CO has a different take on what the law states......... and when I got kicked out of a marina, after the cop told me he was not sure of the law but it was his job to defuse the situation, as he put it, so by making me get my boat out of there solved the immediate problem..in his eyes so much for rights
  14. I would love to hear the true facts as to who owns/controls places like marinas I have been kicked out and the police were called and they told me the owner does have the right to keep me out and stop me from fishing.... I could see if someone took a piece of property and dug canals and blocked access to it from the lake they may own it but who knows
  15. I see nothing wrong with what he wrote he didn't say he hated or didn't want immigrants..he just would like people that are like himself and what is wrong with that most immigrants move to the same areas of the city or country whole streets are filled with immigrants from the same nation..they want to be near people like themselves and speaks the same language so why can a Canadain want the same thing without people flying off the handle...a vote for someone who looks like, talks like and does like ones self is not a vote against anyone else.....damn political correctness is out of hand
  16. catching them is a bonus... just getting on the ice is what counts...... wish I could make it down that way this winter.........damn work...
  17. this type of berry only grows in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
  18. looks good keeps the wind off and that's more then half the battle... instead of an atom accelerator, why not get a black trap to hold the heat from the sun
  19. they might, I hear some flashers put out a lot of interference but the marcum lx5. for 200 bucks more and not as useful in the summer, I am more then happy with my x67c
  20. no..it's funny and well worth the read....... glad you posted it
  21. I find it hard to believe but it sure is funny
  22. I'm think the belt to the water pump too loose or the pump is wearing out....or a dirty cooling line/system and when the car is idling not enough water is getting through
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