Well my annual trip to Canada has come and gone. I always look forward to spending time back home with my family, friends and the Canadian wilderness. We were lucky this year as the weather was perfect. I don't think it got hotter than 23 or 24 degrees during the day and at night it would get down to about 8 or 9. I was checking the weather back home in Delaware and it didn't get below 32 degrees during the day. I have 3 little ones so I don't get to fish as much as I would like to. So I usually go out and fish a couple of hours at a time. Usually during the morning and evening. We spend a lot of time swimming, hiking, fishing off the dock, boating and looking for frogs, turtles, etc. I usually like to fish for musky but I was able to get some bass fishing in. The bass fishing was great this year on the lake. I was also able to get my first two musky on this lake. The first fish was caught on a double cow girl off a rocky point and she hit like a ton of bricks! Very fat fish!
I had several follows and I had one fish rip my bulldog. The second musky that I caught was by accident. I was fishing for bass with my lite action rod, 6lb mono a little hook and a leech. I catch about a 12" smallmouth bass. I bring her right by the boat and as I'm about to pick her up and musky darts out from underneath the boat and grabs the bass and swims off with her. This was very exciting. She was just holding the fish sideways in her mouth. She never let go of the fish. I fought her for about 10 minutes. Luckily i had my frabill musky net in the boat. I was finally able to get her up to the top and the bass fell off the hook but my friend was able to get my net and get the fish in. Very exciting experience.
During the week I caught several nice smallmouth bass in the 19-18 inch range. My kids were also able to get in on some action. My daughter caught a 18" off the dock and my son was able to get a 16". There were also lots of rock bass and sunfish to keep the happy!
18" double header
daughters 18" bass, she was too scared to hold
sons 16" smallie