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Everything posted by mattyk

  1. Great trip thanks for sharing!
  2. I'm a canadian transplant (from Newmarket) in Philly.
  3. He had a good size fish. Looked like a pike.
  4. A few weeks ago I noticed a topic that a group of guys were looking for one person to join them on a trip to Abamasagi lake. I decided to take them up on the offer as the price was excellent and I had just received good news that I received promotion and tenure at work. My wife encouraged me to go and gave me the the ok. With three kids I don't get very many opportunities like this to fish for a full week. So I headed north to my parents place and up in Newmarket. The guys picked me up at Hwy 400 & Hwy 9 Friday at 1:00am and we were on our way to Nakina. We made it to O'Sullivan Lake Outfitters by around 4:00pm. We were boated in to the camp which was a cool experience. During the the trip we had a few days with cooler temps, but in general the weather was nice. We had to put up with a lot of wind during the week. We caught a lot of fish. Our group ended up with over 1000 fish, I think the number was about 1044. I caught a lot of fish. My biggest pike were 36" and 34" all caught trolling big crankbaits deep and my biggest walleye was 23.5" which hit a 9" musky crankbait. I had some really cool fishing experiences on this trip. This one morning I caught a small walleye and I had a pike attack it. I was able to land both fish, which was a pretty exciting. I had another similar experience when I caught a small pike at the dock and had a bigger pike attack it and held on to it. I was able to bring in both fish in and I shook the bigger fish off from the smaller one. This one evening I was able to catch 26 walleye in one hour casting a 3" mister twister jig and it was so much fun. My fingers were hurting from all the cuts from the fish. On the last day it was really windy and we came back early. I fished off the dock and I caught 14 walleye and pike in an hour which I couldn't believe. The lake was beautiful and we saw a lot of wildlife. On the trip we saw bears, moose, bald eagles, otters, beavers, ground hogs, pelicans, arctic terns, king fishers, boreal chickadees, and several different species of ducks. There was a lot of mosquitos that were annoying but if you sprayed they left you alone. I also got a ride on a float plane which was a first for me and a great experience. The guys let me sit up front and the view was spectacular. I had a great time on this trip and the group of guys were great and really fun to fish with and hang out with! Thanks to Mike (Solo Paddler) for the fishing tips and other information which were very helpful. Getting ready to boat in. Spinner bait walleye off the dock in the morning Pike that attacked my walleye One of the 26 fish in an hour. One of fourteen fish from the dock. Big pike with little pike in its mouth. Beautiful scenery Lake in the morning Back lakes Mr Otter coming to investigate us. The bald eagle was swimming and heading back to shore.
  5. I'm sorry about your loss. My condolences.
  6. That was an excellent report, thanks for sharing!
  7. Real nice fish Doug!
  8. Very nice pictures , really enjoyed them!
  9. Nice smallie!
  10. Awesome pictures Joey thanks for sharing!
  11. Glad to hear you had fun Lew!
  12. Very cool thx for sharing!
  13. Very nice hawg!
  14. Thanks all! We did have a lot of fun!
  15. Thanks for all the input. I thought 25 was too low and the dealer was trying to convince me otherwise.
  16. I'm looking at a lund fury 1600SS with a 25hp merc on it. Does anyone have one of these boats and how do you like it? Is a 25hp enough?
  17. I had the pleasure of taking my kids fishing on the weekend and they were entered into a kids catch and release fishing tournament at the state park right by my house. This was their first fishing contest. My daughter ended up finishing in 3rd place with her 13" bass. She was so excited and she received a medal! I can't wait to head up to ontario for some "real fishing" for toothy critters! My daughter proudly displaying her bass! Measuring the fish. 3rd Place medal!!!!!!! My son with his big bluegill. He was sad that they didn't have a medal for big bluegills. I was lucky enough to have some spare time so I hit the Susquehanna river. I was able to catch this 20" smallmouth but it was really skinny. I think it must have just finished spawning.
  18. Great pictures Phil! Beautiful pike!
  19. Awesome day!
  20. Sounds like a great outing!
  21. Some one actually had it on a stringer.
  22. Thanks guys!
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