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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. A lot of roadside stands don't sell bushels. Not enough mark up unless they produce bulk.
  2. Looks good. Probably taste even better.
  3. There are now DNA enhanced peppers hitting 2.5 to 3 million on the Scoville scale. There is a reason for the extreme gagging and vomit. It's your body's natural defence mechanism to a noxious or dangerous substance. I like heat. I grow a wide variety of hot peppers up to 400,000 SC, but food should have flavour.
  4. My garlic was already harvested back in June, but there is no set date. You should pull the garlic once the leaves have 1/2 turned brown, quickly rinse off any loose dirt, and let them dry for a couple of days. You can store them with the stalk on or off.
  5. I'm tired of hearing companies like GM going to the government with cap in hand. You end up with another Massey-Ferguson. A company that lives off 30 years of subsidy, and could no longer stand on it's own. They finally shut their doors in the 70's when Ottawa turned off the money taps.
  6. Here I thought that I would have lots of time to fish in the summer. I guess farming, for a hobby, has taken too much time. It has been very satisfying. Despite the drought, I'm experiencing bumper crops. And summer means canning season. By the by, Casey is full size now. All of 10 lbs. I may be busy, but it sure is fun.
  7. Get out yer polyester suits and platform boots. Time for some funk.
  8. The Hormone traps work great, if you set them on the outer edges of the property. The japanese beetle comes in from neighbouring properties homing in on the scents of plants and flowers. The hormone trap triggers reproductive attraction. I have used them with great success in protecting commercial nurseries, berry farms and garden centres. You must empty the traps every day. Spraying the grapes with Ortho, Bug B Gone, etc,,, may not be advisable, if you plan on eating the grapes.
  9. When they are on the feed it is amazing how much they will swallow.
  10. I still have my original 300 and the glass rod. It was my first, very own, rod and reel
  11. You mean the old water filled pop coolers. Fingers would be chilled in a minute. Oh the days of running up to Gerry Bye's or Tolles and picking my 6 pack from the cooler and a pocket full of penny candies.
  12. As a kid there were only 2 places to really get a good Verner's. At the Ex and at Eaton's Annex, bsmt level. You still got it poured out from the keg in the 60's and early 70's The ice cream waffles at the Annex and the Ex were damn good too!! Boy do I miss that kinda stuff.
  13. There is nothing more powerful than the human spirit. Jen is proof of that. From what I have seen and heard, nothing will stand in her way. Be proud.
  14. Every mutton head who has run out onto the big lakes despite a small craft advisory. Makes me cringe every time friends, or family, have had to go out on a rescue call for some of these people.
  15. Run the length of Avery point, N to S. Weedline edge at 12-14ft can be very good for drifting and trolling.
  16. That's not a Dart. Maybe a souped up Yugo, but it has no right to a muscle car's legacy.
  17. So much depends on time of year and where. I've been there for some great perch and cat fishing. The harbour is a big body of water.
  18. Any fish is a fish. As long as you have fun.
  19. Sweetest music on the water. The Muskoka alarm clock.
  20. With all that has been going on, it was a treat to have the son take me out for a few hours on a local pond. I've not had a lot of fishing time the past while. Despite the threat of stormy weather, we puttered around on the electric, tossing at every potential pikey looking spot. We weren't disappointed. I can now do some BBQ pike and moujakka, 4 Hours was all the body could handle at that point, but I was happy with the 1/2 dozen we caught. The daughter opted out of the little adventure as her foot was in another cast. No pain
  21. Love to see your boys out having fun.
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