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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. I never had a father, but I had fantastic uncles. The dearest of them passed early this morning from a sudden onset of cancer. Thankfully he did not suffer long. Harry B Lofgren was the eldest member of our extended family. He was a lifer with the RCN, a scoutmaster, loving husband and father, mentor and role model. I cannot begin to describe just how much this "Lofty" tower of a man meant to me. I do know that he even left a very big lasting impression on my own 2 children. Uncle Harry loved the outdoors and loved fishing. He would not let disability deter him from fishing, even if it meant crawling on hands and knees to get in and out of the boat. He would never pass on an opportunity to drop a line. Tonight it'll be "up spirits" alone. Pussers and lime as I toast his final "crossing the line"
  2. The lad is getting big, Simon. They grow up sooo fast. Gotta love the carrot top. That is also one fine looking fish for sure.
  3. I like 9-12 inch for keeping crappie. I really love keeping slab gills for the pan. A much firmer and tastier flesh.
  4. Had just started my work day when it hit. We were all called in to watch live, and told an hour later to cancel all loads to the U.S. as the borders had been closed.
  5. That was the link my daughter sent the Mrs.
  6. A couple of months back, the one 4 yr old granddaughter, DeeDee, caught her very first large fish. The Smerch was kind enough to offer to mount her first trophy. A couple of months later and here is the result. Hopefully the link works. Thank You so much, Mr Bill https://www.facebook.com/judyanndowns#
  7. You just have to set a day for yourself every month. Feels so good when you do take the time to unwind.
  8. Long time no hear, Jacques. Some fine looking fish there.
  9. Down in Digby they used to have a 25lbr. preserved at the local chamber offices back in the day. By the way, if you want fresh off the boat, used to get great seafood, and reasonable up in Parker's Cove. A little off the beaten path, but a great scenic drive up and over the ridge.
  10. Too busy watching, and cherishing every minute, as my grandaughters grow up. Far better than any TV show I can think of. I do have music on the go most hours of the day.
  11. Great little out trip and report. Purty sure I recognize a couple of those spots. Pity my body just don't work that well any more for inland canoe treks.
  12. Sounds like another place on "the List". Great report.
  13. My spring was fantastic for numbers of fish caught. I just don't expect a lot during this heat wave and drought.
  14. Sounds like the ideal working arrangement. Great report.
  15. Definitely not a normal specimen for our zones. Could not be sure myself if it was an araucaria or related to an aralia
  16. I use a 1/4 oz bullet a foot ahead of the harness.
  17. We were out last night from 8:30pm to 1:30am dragging black harnesses through the weeds. We got a few out on the river we were fishing.
  18. I am sure you are right in your choice. "In life we but turn another page".
  19. Seem to spin just fine, but the spinner is only 1/2 of the story with the harnesses we manufacture.
  20. Now that makes for a great trip and report. Thanks for posting your adventure. I hope to have a road trip lined up next year.
  21. The son and I are doing OK with pike and walleye the past few weekends. We slow troll harnesses at 1/2mph or slower.
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