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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Sounds like a really good day, Cliff.
  2. Yep, growing up in the Muskokas in the 60's, perch was always the bait of choice. My uncle and his friends gave me a nickel for every perch I caught or trapped.
  3. After 24 hours of dire nasty predictions for our area, another non-weather event down here in Niagara.
  4. The weather and the drought messed up fishing patterns in a big way during the summer months. In the fall it merely delayed the fall feeding patterns. My typical hot fall spots in September and October were not active until November and December. Those last 2 months were fantastic..
  5. Over the past 40 years I've heard blame for over fishing placed on just about everything. Originally the blame was put on books and magazines. A lot of people grumbled about hot spot information being given out in the Molson Big Fish Contest. Then there is always the TV pro. Now we want to blame the internet. There is a grain of truth in all the accusations. Don't forget to blame all those advertisers and sponsors hoping the generate traffic in their tourist areas. Tournament fishing plays it's part as well. There has been more than one tourny pro willing to sell GPS hotspots at $5 a spot on the internet. Lets face reality here. Any fishing spot within reasonable distance of a major urban center is going to see a lot of fishing pressure. We are just starting to experience, in southern Ontario, what most of Europe and much of the eastern USA has experienced for quite some time. Toronto's sprawl now extends well beyond Barrie. We have only ourselves to blame. But if it makes everyone feel better, and smug, just carry on using the forums as the latest scapegoat. Maybe next year we'll be blaming RC drones.
  6. Might as well go private, or ban fishing reports here.
  7. I'd need a lottery win for the things on my wish list.
  8. I'm surprised he hasn't friended you yet.
  9. Great montage for your year. Your girl is sure growing up fast.
  10. Looks like fun. We had our first ice outing with the grandkids Caught a few dinks and a migraine. Best moment was DeeDee getting her foot stuck in the hole
  11. We get them down our way on occasion. Usually in the later part of the ice season on flats just off a point.
  12. Was good to see the old diehards and share a pint or two. The crowd just keeps getting smaller every year. Pretty soon we'll be down to a couple of old timers on a park bench with a brown paper bag
  13. I will get the recipe from my mother. It is something I have not interfered with, myself, as that is Mother's special dish
  14. Nothing like my Gram's recipes from home. I grew up in her kitchen learning all the nuances to making good pulla, both as a coffee bread and as a decadent sticky bun. As far back as I can remember, Gram always took time to teach me how to braid so I could make my own tea ring every year.Just can't cheap out on the quantities of butter and cardamom. And the final proof to a good dough was in getting that perfectly smooth satiny texture There is also no such thing as old, stale pulla. Just slice it thin and toastin the oven to make rusks for dipping in the tea. May just have to make some sticky buns for New Years
  15. Today is the big dinner. Could not get the family all together til now. We start of with a turkey complete with stuffing and gravy. Fresh baked rolls. Turnip casserole, creamed onions and sweet squash casserole, broccoli and a mountain of whipped potatoes. Dessert will be homemade cherry or pumpkin pies and a jar of elderberry brandy for toasting.
  16. You will be head over heels in love for the rest of your days my friend. There is no feeling like it.
  17. Day 2 of the feast is now in the history books. We started with a cold plate with 3 different salamis, wurst, brie and 4 other northern cheeses. Plus a plate with 4 different spreads and breads. Don't forget the shrimp. This was followed by baked spring rolls, egg rolls, mozzarella rolls, chicken breast and quiche pies. Dessert was Finnish cookies and pulla. Now to wash it all down with some good old domestic brews.
  18. We had the 4 little darlings up at 6 am. After all it takes 3 hours to get through everything. The wee ones don't know how to rip and tear yet
  19. IF a diet of milk and cookies can't kill Santa, nothing can
  20. And the feasting begins. Must admit we are truly blessed in this land, both in the blessings of family and the bounty on our table. Christmas Eve is all comfort foods. Moose sausage, piggies in a blanket, dried sausage, prosciutto and cheeses aplenty, jalapeno poppers with crab, and devilled eggs. Washed down with some beer, and elderberry brandy. Assorted cakes and cookies for dessert. After that we drove to the Falls to take in the Christmas light displays.
  21. A couple of fellas I know used Lucky Sons on Simcoe. Said they were pretty good.
  22. I've celebrated a couple of Italian Christmases up in the Soo. On the Eve there is no meat. Lots of Bacala, shrimp and lobster tails and a hearty serving of Polenta, washed down with copious amounts of wine. A Christmas day feast of a roast pig and side dishes beyond counting. I think it took us 2 hours to get through the dinner. To help with the digestion we would go for a caminata with a couple of bottles of wine. Then we would settle down to the desserts
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