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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Quality time with the young lad is always a good thing. And while Mother ain't lookin over yer shoulder, you can teach the lad some of them finer points of manhood. Like poker, beer......
  2. Lots of folks there every weekend now. It gets some locals downright gnarly.
  3. Looks like a good time. Although I think I'll wait a bit before getting out that far on Simcoe.
  4. Before I took up with the ice fishing, I would sit in front of the TV, drink beer, watch too many shows put on by so-called "fishermen" or watch the Leafs pretend to play hockey
  5. Yes, sometimes, you will put up reports and get few responses, but you will get a couple hundred views. Some people may or may not care for your reports or the style of fishing, or the target species. It comes with the territory. I share because I can. I just haven't had much worth starting a thread with lately. Other times we just aren't here to reply to a thread, haven't much to say, or someone has said it for us already. Some of us have been kinda pre-occupied with some real heavy crap lately and fishing just isn't on the mind. 11 pages of music bits was a great way to forget about some of that crap. This is not to put you down. I'd love to think of nothing but fishing all day. Unfortunately it just ain't possible. You do put up great reports and some neat stories. Be happy that you can.
  6. Glad to hear you fellas had a great day. We opted to stay close to home and hunt for crappie ( something to do with the son not getting home til 2 am ) Less than stellar results. Highlight of the day was a 3lb smallie. He got off at the hole by lodging the hook in my hand.
  7. That's cause they all shipped out to Toronto.
  8. As I had stated previously, our opposition is very well organized. We could do to learn a few lessons from them. We need to take up memberships in sporting clubs and use those clubs as our lobbying force. The OFAH is one umbrella lobby organization, but it is not enough. Clubs also have to develop a positive public presence with lots of media attention. We like our quiet and isolation when fishing and that is good, but our public image must be loud and visible.
  9. Minorities actually get a lot. They do it by being vocal and visible, organizing, lobbying, and buying influence. Things our opposition are very good at.
  10. A bunch of guys yelling into the camera such inflammatory things like "Hi Mom" or "we are the best". Nobody here on the English side of the world does that do they?
  11. The looks on the boy's faces say it all. They got smug and gave it away.
  12. They are giving the gold away.
  13. Getting close now I didn't buy enough beer!
  14. They're giving the Russkies a real taste of Canajun hockey. Just 2 more periods to go.
  15. Great show. Nice to see the pros getting some of the same luck as the rest of us shmucks and they still manage to get some really nice skis. They shoulda been wearing the pink fuzzy hats Some great tips this episode.
  16. I used to get the continual phone calls to come back to bell, I no longer receive those calls. I made 2 threats. 1) I threatened to sue them for harassment and breach of privacy. 2) I was going down to the call center and ripping someone's throat out.
  17. Canadians like to talk change but won't foot the bill or the consequences. That is why we allow ourselves to be lied to every election. Every election promises are made, and after every election the same limp excuses of "priorities", " no money left in the budget", "poor economic times", "change of political climate",...... Don't get me wrong. I'm no better. In fact I'm worse. I used to write the campaign dribble you were being fed during some elections.
  18. Good pics. Love the clarity and the vivid colours.
  19. Canada should have been complaining about the ref as well. Starts with a bogus "high sticking" and a blatant head shot.
  20. I see someone hurt ther leg every year with large holes not marked.
  21. Nice looking perch you have there. My largest is 14 3/4"
  22. Listen to them sing. Revenge is SWEEEEET!
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