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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Oh the shame. I bet nonna is rolling in her grave right now
  2. I'd be taking that bread when stale and drying it into rusks for dipping in coffee. We do the same with stale pulla.
  3. I'll be skipping the ice show. Apparently I have a second date with the grandaughters to make 2 more batches of Christmas cookies
  4. I get to make some traditional breads every winter. Finnish pulla for Christmas, and a few batches of oat, brown and unleavened flat bread.
  5. This was one of the hot topics at the MNRF discussion sessions last night.
  6. We fish some of the harbours on Ontario and Erie. Really have to treat that ice with respect. Bite in any of them is either on or off. depending on where the bait schools are. Perch pike and trout are the usual
  7. The litter problem is every where you turn. The streets of most local burgs here in Niagara are nothing but trash heaps. Depending on how my legs are doing I pick up 500-1000lbs of pop cans a year. The numbers don't sound like much until you translate 1lb = 30 pop cans. Shorelines are a nightmare, and No, you can't just blame the fishing folk. I know one rowing course where I can haul out 200 water bottles weekly. Then there are those wonderful drive by dumpers on the road and the water. Just love when they pull up ahead of where I'm picking up and empty their vehicle. I would move north to the 17 in a heartbeat if my family weren't so afraid of leaving behind their "urban conveniences".
  8. You've missed the first 2 weeks of activities me son.
  9. A great man from another bygone era.
  10. Great read. Your young one has you dialed in pretty good. LOL
  11. Great video recap. Love the soundtrack. Didn't know there were any fans of Ponty left around
  12. You have 2 choices of drift for trout. East side up stream from the Game & Fish Clubhouse, or behind the Legion. The 12 Mile creek is very muddy right now. You could try martindal pond for bass or pike.
  13. Great to see your kids enjoying fishing time with Dad.
  14. I like the new wood skin. Now if only I could find n easier way to participate in the discussion
  15. Nothing like a good feed of bluegills and taters for supper.

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Jealous my friend. My next feed of gills probably won't be until May !!!


    2. bigugli


      We keep finding them up into December

    3. Skipper D

      Skipper D

      yes Sir , and for me over here its a good daily feed of Haddi Bits that dose it for me ... lol

  16. The aircraft would fly in just above the tree tops to avoid radar and climb to 1000ft just before the jump. Closest I came to doing that was tree top jumping from a Chinook helicopter in the 70's
  17. I can imagine it. During exercises the paras would come in for a low level jump riding in a trio of Hercs. The ground would shake as they passed overhead.
  18. Went out with the daughter on another hunt for panfish. Was not expecting -7 this morning. Found lots of bluegill to play with. Some good ones for keeping as well. Nice way to spend the morning. In the distance one could hear the constant drone of various historical aircraft from the Warplane Heritage Museum. It was easy to make out the Lanc, Herc and Mitchell. Too far off in the distance were a pair of single engine fighters. At least one was American with it's distinctive P&W engine.
  19. No access from 7am for me. Was still down when I left the house at 1 pm
  20. I can see it now. OFC follies with Mr B.
  21. As the harvest starts to wind down, I'm finally finding a little time to get other chores done. Monday was pickles and hamburger relish and getting some pork belly into a pail of brine. So far today I've been pouring lead for jigs and pencil weights. I'm now stewing down tomatoes for another batch of salsa. Now you can eat your hearts out. Just finished a morning session with the smoker. 2 sets of honey garlic sausage and 8lbs of apple cured bacon just sitting on the counter cooling down. Guess I'll reward myself and spend the rest of the afternoon fishing.
  22. Congrats, and welcome to the fraternal brotherhood of Grandpas. It can be a wild and bumpy ride at times, and I would not miss it for a moment. You're in for a feeling I can't put into words.
  23. I had so much trouble with other plastic rapalas like the Shad and the X-rap that I refuse to buy any of their plastic product. I will continue to buy their wooden plugs. They have never failed me. Of course I rarely need to replace those as they seem to last forever.
  24. When My daughter started dating, all the neighbourhood boys were terrified of meeting "The Dad". And if they weren't scared before meeting me, they certainly were after. Most boyfriends did not last long.
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