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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. There are good reasons why some of us are desensitized to the blood, violence and death. A corpse, is a corpse, is a corpse. I've seen dozens. Cleaned up more suicides than I can remember. Seen more people die than I care to remember. Most folks working in health care or emergency services get that way. You get used to it. As to stopping and giving aid. Great if you are qualified and stay within the bounds of qualification, No Marcus Welby wannabees please. Good enough if you stop long enough to call for assistance or stay til help arrives. Stopping to spectate or rubberneck like a flock of vultures is just plain wrong, but it happens all the time.
  2. I'm glad the event turned out so well. My hat's off to you all.
  3. Sounds like a great day Cliff. Glad you got the royal treatment from what sounds like a first class pair of fellas.
  4. Got one lodged deep in the throat many years back. Had to go for the scope in Emerg. To this day I gag any time I chew into fish and find bones. Hope the bread works
  5. If you are going through 4-6 dozen a day. See if your local shop will sell you a 1/2 flat of worms. Just keep on ice in the cooler. A darn sight cheaper than buying by the dozen.
  6. Dark skies, but no rain. Good thing I decided to run the irrigation this morning. So hot out I can hear the tomatoes ripening.
  7. Give it a week. It'll be cooler there
  8. looks like a very succesful outing. Say "Hi" to Jordan for me.
  9. No mention of Deano and Jerry Bud and Lou Monty Python Blazing Saddles!!!! The Carry On Gang Gooood Morning Vietnaaaaaaam The Party
  10. That is one cute little poopie dog. I'm sure she'll be spoiled in no time.
  11. His best sketch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0KHt8xrQkk
  12. "Just put de lime in de coconut and drink it all up, put de lime in de coconut and then you'll feel better..."
  13. You've none to worry bouts til the 4 horsemen show up on yer doorstep, my son.
  14. Shoreline along the upper Niagara from Chippewa to Ft Erie. Focus on creekmouths. Welland R from Chippewa through to Welland has a few shore spots. The Rec canal in the city of Welland has lots of shoreline parkland.
  15. Careful bud. You might find a barrel of cod slops on yer driveway some fine summers morn Never say a bad thing about the Rock to a Newf.
  16. I am so glad to hear she is doing so well, post-op. May you all enjoy every blessing intended for your family.
  17. A service buddy from the "Rock" passed it along on condition of anonymity . Something about the Mrs havin his guts fer garters if she found out he was spreading the good word
  18. A NEWFOUNDLAND LOVE POEM (And who said Newfoundlanders weren't romantic?) Of course I loves ya darling You're a bloody top notch bird And when I say yer gorgeous I means every single word So yer arse is on the big side I don't mind a bit of flab It means that when I'm ready There's somethin there to grab So yer belly isn't flat no more I tell ya, I don't care So long as when I cuddle ya I can get my arms round dere I'm tellin ya the truth now I never tells ya lies I think its very sexy Dat you've got dimples on yer thighs I swear on me grannies grave From the moment that we met I thought you was as good as I was ever gonna get No matter what you look like I'll always love ya dear Now shut up while the hockey's on And get me a nudder beer. Doesn’t it just bring a tear to the eye?
  19. This one is for you Terry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ5ob9B9yD4 You just can't catch a break, can ya?
  20. Santa's village is for the pretend Santa. Everyone knows his true summer home is in Rovaniemi on the Artic circle Where else do you think he learnt to ride and tame reindeer? Right Dr Sal?
  21. Went on a long overdue roadtrip to visit folks in Minden. Brought the rods as there is always some puddle to fish in. There's this neice whom I promised to take fishing 2 years back. She's 5 now and didn't forget. The Princess rod was sitting on the kitchen table waiting to be rigged. So off to the local park we go. Lots of rockies, but not too cooperative. Tessie got to see the fish hound in action. Caught her first fish too. Just need the one pic to tell it all.
  22. Now that's good redneck entertainment
  23. Real blood dripped over a minnow drives the fish crazy. They love it. Lesson learnt
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