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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Got out to relax for a few hours this afternoon with my good friend the Smerch. Sunshine on a quiet riverbank where the fishies come out to play. Great way to recharge the batteries.
  2. Some fisheries have seen amazing improvemts as well. By the late 70's, lakes like 6 Mile, Muskoka, and others in the region, had just about hit rock bottom.A good weekend was 1 or 2 respectable pike and a 1/2 dozen bass for the entire weekend. That was back when everyone still fished and kept most of what was caught. Thirty years later, the cottagers don't fish, and most anglers C&R There is a lot more boat traffic on weekends, so what. Hit those lakes during the week and enjoy some great fishing.
  3. Fishing is too much when it takes on as many hours in a week as your work. Personally, I do not think there is such a thing as too much. That is said from having sat at the other extreme of continuous 100 hour work weeks until I had an M.I. The extreme of leaving no time for yourself, and little time for your family. Of not knowing a proper vacation in over 6 years. If it brings you joy and pleasure. Allows you to relax and unwind. Gives you time to refocus your thoughts and clear your head. It surely can't be bad. By the way, I aim at fishing 80- 100 days a year and try to hit 6 or more of those days in new locales.
  4. One of the easiest controls for spotting and blighting is applied in spring. It's a tried and true accepted organic practice. You go out and buy a limesulphur/dormant oil kit. The compounds are mixed together with water in a sprayer and you spray the tree before buds start to crack, or after the last melt of snow, whichever is first. The mineral oil works the same way as oiling cormorant eggs. It coats insect eggs left on the tree and kills them. Limesulphur is a simple, yet effective, fungicide. It does smell like rotten eggs, but it works.
  5. It's a good harvest year, so far, for apples. Another 10 years and you will be counting bushels instead.
  6. Congratulations. We are just a year up on you 2. May you enjoy 28 more.
  7. In Niagara on the Lake, you are required to posess a municipal permit to fish from municipal lands. The extra kick in the teeth?... Only residents may apply for one.
  8. They needed a Canajun to write a proper theme song
  9. Past month has made fishing an impossibility. Something to do with not living within my limitations. Any how, I found myself a nice quiet spot for relaxing and did me some catchin. Caught me a few of these. And a few of these. And a whole lot of pannies just for the fun of it. A day well wasted.
  10. We got the storm in St Jakobs in the middle of the day. 100k+ winds, driving rain, thunder and lightning, etc... . Pretty much wiped out most of the vendors at the market. Stormed here last night, but I was too tired to notice.
  11. Love seeing them smiling faces on the cute kids. Thank You.
  12. What is so unusual about requesting a horsepower ceiling? As I recall there were a number of lakes that successfully petitioned for similar horsepower restrictions, and other associations were successful in obtaining restrictions on all motorized craft. Mind that was back in the 80's and 90's. It very much depends upon the reasons behind the request. There are a few big stakeholders, such as the resort, that would be quick to oppose such a request.
  13. Looks like a summer to dream about for some time. Real nice fish there.
  14. Good on ya for giving your friend the "bug" All you have to do now, is introduce him to OFC. His mind will never be the same again
  15. With the later onset of spring, and colder water temps. The lilies, and other aquatic plants were emerging a full month behind, and then some. It makes the fishing a bit more challenging in one regard, yet easier in another.
  16. My sincerest thoughts and prayers to your father and yourself. Take the time to cherish your time together, and dwell on the positive.
  17. Bicks used to have plants all over Ontario. The one in Scarborough closed years ago. Rumor has it the Dunnville plant is again slated to shut down.
  18. You'll just have to drink yerself pretty
  19. I usually don't cook up the berries til after picking season is done. That way the brew is ready for Christmas. I have just a wee bit left to tide me over til then
  20. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
  21. The cannery has been going full tilt while I was stuck in the house. A bushel's worth of dil pickles More salsa Peaches. Had a hard time keeping the vultures away. They had eaten 4qts of fresh peaches overnight Will be at least another week before I'm allowed off my leash to go fishing, but I might still need the chauffeur. Elderberries are ripe now. Time to stock up so I can make some more brandy.
  22. Roping off an area to provide a safe swimming area for people is no crime.
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