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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Glad you got some time to enjoy yourself with your family.
  2. Do not be sad. He lived a long and full life, and blessed your family with more than a lifetime of memories. He was, obviously , a great influence on your life. Pass on what he passed on to you, and he lives forever.
  3. Not enough pink in the petals to be Gaillardia grandiflora/ Arizona Sun. Not sure of the specific variety but looks to be some form of Zinnia subvariant. The actual flavour escapes me.
  4. Sounds like an excellent adventure for the kids. That should get them well on their way of being hooked. Gives you a good "warm fuzzy" as well.
  5. Found me some decent shade on the waters edge and started pitchin for smallies with my good friends. Tubes, crawfish and shrimp were all working well. A little sampl;ing of the morning catch. Time well spent.
  6. nothing more satisfying than achieving successful results from your own handiwork.
  7. That is my kind of fishing report. Great time out with family or friends. Best of all the hugs and smiles at the end of it all.
  8. Some nice fish there,Vince Gotta get out with you someday. This farmin keeps getting in the way of retirement.
  9. You've got the right attitude. Livin to the full and not letting obstacles get too much in the way . Hope all turns out just fine for you.
  10. I've fundraised for school trips, and baseball. It was always with the express understanding that the kids earn their way and take ownership of a special event. In scouting, we fundraised heavily so that 25 youth and leaders could spend 4 days in Ottawa to participate in Remembrance week. The local Lions Club ( their sponsors ) agreed to cover the cost of a chartered school bus. The rest of the funds came from 2+ tons of recycled aluminum cans. My home looked like a mini scrap yard. With funds left over they also purchased tents and chartered 2 buses for a day trip to the Science Centre. They earned and deserved the rewards, and learned some valuable lessons. ORganized panhandling can only lead to a poor example and bad habits.
  11. Went for a walk along the waterfront to beat up on some bass. Seems the morning shower turned the fish on as there was no shortage of participants. Had one monster smallie that I could not land. I was standing on a 12' wall, so I just shook him off at the wall. Beyond that the rest were all 1/2 to 1 1/2lb. Of course a bass outing isn't complete without the ever reliable WGSF attacking a bass lure. Legs are feeling a wee bit worn now. Probably overdid it some, but it was worth it
  12. Averie's "clinic" sure brings back some fond memories. Cherish every one of those moments. She sure is something to be proud of.
  13. Got to admit that if I wanted to watch the costume show there was always Friday nights at the Roxie Theatre.
  14. Cats and carp, the odd bowfin, pike, perch....
  15. CPAP is also used in treatment of narcolepsy, which is a more serious condition. Not only do you risk being charged, your insurance would be void and you would face immediate suspension of the drivers license. The doctor also faces being in deep doodoo. Cosequences similar to driving as an epileptic.
  16. Have to admit it took 2 months to get used to the mask. However, even if the mask is only worn part of the nightit is still beneficial.
  17. There have been some great shows at Rama. My kid brother was probably there in his kitty face
  18. Been on the CPAP for a couple of years now. The frequency of my migraines has reduced considerably. Machine don't work worth a darn if the sinuses are plugged. A drawback during allergy season.
  19. The Chinese had a huge crop failure last year. They had buyers here offering over $500 a bushel for quality seed garlic. There is also a huge difference in types of garlic. I only grow hard garlic varieties. They have richer oil, stronger flavour, and a purplish hue to the skin. Chinese garlics are usually soft garlic. Easy to plant mechanically, but the lasting quality is iffy.
  20. I just keep it in a cool dry place. You can chop/ crush it, then put it in ice cube trays with a little water and freeze it. You can preserve it in olive oil. Of the garlic I grow, 1/3 goes to pickles, 1/3 for next year's seed, and 1/3 goes to market.
  21. Glad you enjoyed the experience enough to want to go back. Sure beats a summer of "do you want fries with that?"
  22. She'll have the head off that sunfish in under a minute, then she works on the innards . She leaves behind the bony parts, or she rolls in it. Among many nicknames, 'fish theiving dawg' is one of them.
  23. This year's wet spring may have screwed up the fishing, but it sure made for a great garlic crop. Just finished washing the last pick from this morning. The entire apartment reeks of the stuff Now I can have a couple of days to fish.
  24. Have not had a lot of time for fishing the past few weeks. Just a couple of 1/2 day jaunts here and there with my trusty sidekick. She just does not understand that she does not get to eat the bigger fish.
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