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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. Hey Bruce It was good to see you there.
  2. The Match Anglers Club of Ontario MACO and the Carp Anglers Group CAG will be there. Drop by and see at booth 1132 in building 5. I will be there Sat. I will show you the latest technique and bait to storm the carp angling world.
  3. Hello Jacob.
  4. Nice.
  5. Well said.I believe your point is very valid. No matter what we think or which side we think we're on, we cannot escape the fact that we live in and are part of the natural world. All creatures exploit and effect the environment.
  6. The same thing has happened here in Hamilton Harbour. The herring gulls have been pushed off their nesting sights by cormorants and ringbill gulls. Off of Eastport Dr. here the gulls start competing for nest sites at the end of March. The one impoundment wall that runs perpendicular to Eastport is completely white with gulls by April. Then the cormorants show up and you can see it happen. First there is a small black section then it grows and grows and by may it is 3/4 black. Of course the small trees are all dead.
  7. Well the guy was right about one thing.In europe carp angling is number one. You may in fact sit for days never mind hours waiting for a fish to take your bait. The opportunities to fish there are much much less there compared to Canada. The idea that you can just buy a licence and then just go fishing is completely foreign to them. You may have to take a course and buy a licence for each individual species of fish, you may need a separate license to fish at night. Fishing out of a boat is far less popular there and all the land is owned. So you will require permission and quite often fees are charged even on property owed by municipal governments. We are truly blessed with abundance here as far as fishing goes.
  8. I fish beside the CCIW building during the spring and I can tell you that they are already doing field work on how to cull cormorants. It took a while but I believe that they have the data that warrants this.
  9. This is a very interesting discussion. Wanna bet a graph that looks something like this is sitting on the walls and desks of people looking at the issue, in the OMNR and at the Canada Centre for Inland Waters. But there is no getting around that we , that is people, really have taken a big chunk out of the fish population. It just seems a shame that just when we should has seen the positive impact of C&R practices that that has been negated by the rising cormorant population. Part of the reason I took up promoting carp fishing was to help take the pressure off of other species. It may be something small but I feel good about that.
  10. The Pogues Dirty Old Town The Sick bed of Cuchulainn The band played Waltzing Matilda
  11. Those are great pictures. Thanks
  12. Maybe you guys should switch to the osprey as it seems to have much more refined tastes. Koi can cost tens of thousands of dollars.
  13. No. Like I said I got the picture off another forum. We do have a pair here and we get a bunch that stop for a few days in March before heading north across the lake.
  14. Too busy to stop to eat. Not only urbanites eat on the go I guess.
  15. It is good to hear from you Michael. That was a great report. Do you want me to put you on the roster for the CanAM ? It will be at Long Sault on the weekend of Aug.6. Jeff Vaughn and Vali will be running it so it should be an unforgettable event. I am sure the guys are looking forward to seeing you back in action on the Larry.
  16. It's not where are they it's when were they. You need to go back 30 or 40 years.
  17. If you headed down south for a little sun of some warm water fishing you better be careful. There's a a new sheriff in town. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/b2xnWYx8YK8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  18. Thank you very much for the tip. Here's one for you. Try either bread or maggots. You can roll the fresh bread into balls or tear off a piece and pinch one end of it, put the hook through the pinched end. Use a light weight. Good Luck. And yes Tobasco or any other hot sauce is good. Just a dab'll do ya.
  19. The meat is red because there is a richer blood supply to those muscles next to the skin along the flanks. . There are more blood vessels there because these muscles are in constant use by the fish. They are the cruising muscles if you wish. When a fish accelerates to escape or catch prey then the large muscles come into play. Bleeding should help. But removal is sure.
  20. <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gWIqaSIApCE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
  21. Hey. Lets keep the fighting on the ice where it belongs. In a hockey arena. <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wpFkD0JCnmc?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
  22. My link
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