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Everything posted by Paully

  1. I was driving this morning just notrth of Major Mac. in toronto and seen 3 coyotes in one field then i spotted a lone one in another field.. all this in about a 5 km stretch!
  2. Good stuff.. That is really cool..
  3. Awsome Lakers ! How deep were you fishin?
  4. Here you go .. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/239852.pdf let us know how you make out.
  5. Good going!!
  6. I've never seen a butt that sinks .. Do they come up for top water lures?
  7. " walking conditions were terrible. Several hours later we arrived on the lake " That sounds like a mission. Nice lookin fish.. and cool video
  8. good thing you photoshopped the view out of your huts window.. otherwise you'd have a bunck of lurkers around your hut tommorow.
  9. Walter does'nt want to come over for dinner.. he's closed for dinner Unless you fish scugog.
  10. Seen a couple of brutes swimming around lovesick lake a few times... never could get one to bite thou the biggest i've ever caught was close to 30..
  11. Too many poppy seed bagels ..
  12. Im sure he's not just stuffing his fridge.
  13. during the summer you can park for a fee.. never been there during the winter.
  14. Great looking pictures bud!
  15. Sweet looking laker! How thick is the ice in that area?
  16. A Preist, A Rabbi and An anal coffee drinker walk into a bar..... Oh wait, its a family site...
  17. That is just messed up!!
  18. Last I seen him he was on his couch...
  19. Dressing up like gumby is not a winter project glen..
  20. From need.. To Want.. To innovation! , oh wait.. thats 3M
  21. good thing you dident have a bunch of rods in the boat! sweet tune.
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