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Everything posted by Paully

  1. Good size laker Mike.. What did you get him on?
  2. Soon enough the real ones will look fake next to yours Nice craftsmanship bud!
  3. Welcome Aboard.. I've never fished it but im sure others will chime in.. Btw.. Turn off your CAPS LOCK..
  4. Pimp my hut..That thing looks sweet! like a mini cottage The cougar at 1:45 looks like a real go-getter..
  5. I work as a sub-contractor and i dont own one customer... the company i work for owns all of them. We sign contracts to ensure we dont steal them.
  6. you should check out Second Time Around tires .. they are located on progress at kennedy, He's got good prices on new tires plus free rotation on the life of the tire!
  7. I've heard lots of good stuff about Meegs jigs.. Wtg buddy
  8. you were gonna give him 25,000.oo on the spot?... I must be missing something..
  9. Nice Ride!
  10. Not the best map but...
  11. Without your input we would all be lost.. thank you
  12. Dont forget 2012..
  13. If you read the fine print its in the Contract... 2 naps every 6 hours
  14. Actually its more of a community..
  15. hahaha
  16. Nothing better than fresh lakers for lunch! wtg.
  17. Man i was way off..
  18. I've heard of some going shed hunting Jan. 1st.. If you watch an area you can get a better idea when they lose em.
  19. Would this affect the ice on Rice lake?
  20. Is this around Richmond hill? I've seen a few coyotes around Elgin mills last week..
  21. He's not kidding!
  22. Congradulations.. even thou you only got 5 post.. beginners luck i guess.
  23. Cranking it by hand is quite simple.... Like drilling one Ice hole .
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