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Everything posted by Paully

  1. Its only a little more effort.. and if you get a nice fish on you wont have to worry bout it gettin off at the hole/ not fitting.
  2. Look for weedy bays that open up to deeper water.. you'll do just fine.
  3. Is that your new water skiing suit? http://www.break.com/index/redneck-crane-water-skiing.html
  4. He's not that bright.. probably something in the possum.
  5. I just got off the phoe with Bps and they dont even carry this product, even thou its clearly shown on the web site... The person on the phone was of little use! couldent even tell me what they did carry..
  6. Where did you purchase yours?.. i dident even know there was a larger version! Im looking to buy one asap..
  7. I plan on doing a bit more ice fishing this year than other years and dont want to freeze my off outside .. Does anyone own this style of hut ? are you happy with it? http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...__SearchResults
  8. I just charged the battery for it and been messing around... Its got alot of cool features..and seems easy to use. It has a wide angle shot option that will make for some wicked sunrise pictures or landscape shots. I cant wait to get outdoors and try it out. Its shock proof from 5 ft. Waterproof up to 10 feet Freezeproof I've owned 2 other cameras and each have broke from one of the above issues... so i figured that i might as well try it out.
  9. Anyone own this camera?... I Just purchased one and am curious what i just spent my money on..
  10. Recycle your christmas tree.. just dump it off the end of your dock
  11. bumpity bump.. Should i bring a boat or an ice hut?
  12. How big was the lake that you were on?
  13. After all that rain over the weekend i would bet all are blown for the next day or so..
  14. Nice fish.. i plan on doing some ice fishin come Jan. 1st..
  15. I drove over duffins creek at kingston and it was brown as far as the eve can see.. good luck, your gonna need it.
  16. finally we can all post without being in fear of getting harassed .... lol
  17. My first laker last year came on a White tube jig that was dipped in mega strike.. a popular sent made by bill dance i think.
  18. on a side note... whats the largest portable hut you can make ?? im sure there's a limit.
  19. " Anyone have knowledge or experience with small outboard repair shops in GTA? Have 2 9.9's one needs a tune up the other needs a little work probably gear oil as well. " dont go to bluffers park marina.. They're were better at talking than fixing my 9.9 johnson.. It took 4 days till i told him to just give me back my motor.. wasent even touched. all i asked for was a tune up and the pull cord to be repaired. he said he was waiting for parts?
  20. From what i gather 4 - 6 inches is good for 200lbs and up....
  21. LoL .. thats funny!
  22. When you say small lake do you mean large pond? The lake i fish is not very big but its fairly long. The deepest part is 60-80 feet but most of the lake is about 30 -40 ft. Jan. 1st is just around the corner
  23. Has anyone ventured out on the ice yet?
  24. Montreal is in ninth and we're only 2 points behind them, with a game in hand. Thats good enough for me...
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