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Everything posted by Paully

  1. From what i read in the regulations it say that the rouge river is closed from sept. 30 for trout anywhere from hwy 2 north. I was in the area today and seen 2 fellows in full trout gear fishin a few clicks north of hwy 2.. am i mistaken or were they fishin out of bounds??
  2. all good here...
  3. The videos make me feel like im in the water.. nice shootin'.
  4. Up the fines and everything will be balanced...
  5. You cant go wrong with a Mepps spinner... small ones for small rivers and streams and bigger ones for bigger water.
  6. Watch out for seagulls... Hope this helps.
  7. Sleeping and fishing.. now thats the life. Nice walleye guys
  8. WTG.. some guys dont get that much beaver in a whole year!
  9. Looks like the leafs just got scored on!
  10. Suck it up and get back to work...
  11. Sweet Report MooseBunk...
  12. Yesterday i was on the 401 @port union and seen a HUGE buck standing right next to the highway... Probably came out of the rouge valley.
  13. I thought a small brown looks more like this..
  14. Maybe an atlantic.....
  15. How can you say these fish are both brown trout and then go on to say the best way to tell is to look at the tongue? I cant see the tongue.. The second fish is a rainbow...
  16. Sweet lookin steel Kemper I never post reports.. that way there's more fish to be caught the next time i go...
  17. that second one looks like a little rainbow?
  18. Get out the Fish crisp!! Nice cooler of fish you got.... I see you opted not to keep them in a white bucket.
  19. Like my mother always told me... The Slower you go the Farther you'll get!
  20. Women Pinch.. Whores use blush. Great color on that one!
  21. lol... too funny. I like the strawberry jam on the rock!
  22. Get the Marshmellows out!
  23. What a loving bunch we have here.. Keep at it and eventually you'll get your reward.
  24. Thats a great picture..
  25. Nice Bow.. It was a beautiful day out for sure!
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