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Everything posted by Lunker777

  1. I picked up a pair of "Solar Bat" glasses last year and they are AWESOME !!!! Its crazy to see the difference between a cheap $40 pair from bass pro off the rack and a quality set of lenses ! I bought the "cool eyes D" in the mossback gradient lense. But I have a MONSTER head... so they kind of looked funny ! I traded them in on a pair of "double XL" and I absolutly LOVE them !!! If I could make one change, then I should have listened to Jos @ angling outfitters and gone with the yellow lense as opposed to the Mossback gradients. So in the end... I would suggest looking at Solar Bat glasses becasue they are awesome quality... and the price is very reasonable. Oh ya.... JP was the one who suggested these frames to me !! If you watch his show.... he wears the Cool eyes D frames. They look a little better on him then they did on me ! haha
  2. I used a guide down there last year.... cost a bit of $$ but I was expecting that and saved my money just for the trip ! You can get a licence as BPS in orlando, I just got a 3 day... Jose Garza is a VERY good guide... he lives in michigan and goes down south for the winter to guide. We caught approx. 50+ fish for the day. my Biggest was a 5lbs fish.... nothing CRAZY... but our shiners were smaller than usuall.... he had another customer out only a few days earlier on the same lake and caught a 8.5lbs Bass ! I have faith in him and he is a great guide. He will let you cast and use plastics etc., or you can relax and shiner fish.... shiners produce the bigger fish usually... Hes a younger guide, but very very good.... I found that you got a more personal experience with him. Plus his prices were a little cheaper than your more well established guides. Just Google Jose Garza fishing ! [email protected] 313-522-7439 hope this helps !
  3. hahah Last year my Ex and I went to the fishing show aswell.... Mr.Mercer casted his crankbait in my lap suggesting I wasnt goin to "get lucky" because I brought her there ! hahahah Well now we arent together, so I guess bringin someone to a fishin show on Valentines day is a bad idea.... or is it ? hahah
  4. thats the biggest perch i think ive ever saw !!! Id be gettin those mounted. ( I know ur buddy caught one though)
  5. Seeing as I missed the game new years eve... the only one I missed ofcourse.... I am pumped to see tonights action. Its going to be an EPIC battle and I am PUMPED !!!! A few coors lights, Pulled pork sandwhiches and good friends comin over to watch !!!! Goin to be a good night Lets go Canada !!!!!!
  6. somethings not clicking with me..... How is it possible to row in the north atlantic... in winter... naked... with out gettin hypothermia ? Also, a small row boat in the NA would have very little chance would it not ????
  7. I just got myself a new room mate and He is into NFL pretty big... I watched my first game in HD on sunday... it was crazy !!!!!! Im not a fan of football at all, but watchin it in HD makes the game that much more interesting. I think my Proline addiction might return ! haha
  8. I second that !!!
  9. Great report Buddy !!!!!! It deffinatly was a great year for you !!! Congrats on the 6#'er beauty fish !!! Till next year.... tight lines
  10. Took the words outta my mouth ! haha except for the Alaskan Steel ! I would love to hook into a big Goliath !!!!!!! I have a trip booked next july for some west coast deep sea fishin... I think we will be targeting tuna mostly, but the odd Marlin does get caught I guess !
  11. Ive had a 42" Samsung plasma for about 4 years now. Knock on wood, I havent had any problems. Im actually going to be upgrading here on boxing day ! I guess the only real peice of advice I can give is, If your going to purchase in the near future... wait for Future Shops boxing day sales. My buddy picked up a 54" Samsung LCD 1080P last year for $999 !!!!! I thank everyone too for the help cause it helped me pick, I think I will be going with the LCD this time. I already had the plasma and it was good... but my apartment has the rising sun in the windows till about noon... so I DO notice quite a bit of glare. I play video games, watch sports, and love movies. I know the plasma is good for movies and sports, but not video games and the lighting I have. LCD it is !
  12. I think the worst display of pushin a sponsor comes from Izumi....Example... The beginning of the show starts out and they are walleye fishin but seem to be nailin the smallies. Then at the end for some odd reason.... a 5 minute spot is thrown in and they are Musky fishin LSC with Drifters II charters..... "Oh well get that musky smell off your hands with this NO scent fish soap(It was the guests product ) " .... guest... "oh ok bob ! " ... Bob... "once your hands are clean, help yourself to one of these delicious Tim hortons donuts " As he turns holdin the box PERFECTLY open and everything ! Lik I mean COME ON... I understand they sponsor you and everything but really ???? That whole scene was just thrown in there to plug a few sponsors quick.... I think they caught one fish... BRUTAL !
  13. Hey everyone ! I need some advice..... I recently ended a 6 1/2 year relationship. Mutual thing..... but anyways... I have been left with the apartment... Which by myself I cant afford. So I have been left with 2 options. 1- get a roommate or 2- move home.... Im 24 and I really dont want to move home ! SO im looking at the room mate option.... Im just lookin for some advice for people that have gone through this ??? What kind of things to look for or cover before agreeing to someone moving in ? I know its not fishing related but I need to some help quick.... Thanks !!!!
  14. Hey everyone .... I have a Mercury 18XD motor. Last weekend I decided to hit the water with a buddy. I launched the boat and when I tried to fire it up, it was a little stubborn.... finally she fired up and it was idling rough. When at WOT it ran great.... even a quarter throttle it ran awsome. Its just idling rough now. Im 95% sure it has to do with the weahter ( getting cold ) because I have read that you might have to tweak the carb. come the colder months. Well with the close of the season uppon us, I want to get out this weekend and give it one more try ! Just wondering if I could get some help for the more experienced motor guys out there ? Thanks for any help !
  15. When it gets cold enough I would think ?
  16. Looks good !!! Why not try Balsa ?
  17. Just got my uncles first for him this year and hes 50. Your time will come... be patient ! haha Nice eyes though!
  18. I think if you shrink the size of your presentations... I have heard that helps when the bass are really lathargic. Possibly try some live bait drop shotting for the deeper bass... If you say they sit about 5 feet off the water... bait 5 feet up the line ! The other option I have read... well 2 actually... try float fishing for them with live bait.....OR for the deeper fish... Jig some spoons. I read an article a couple months back about fishin with spoons for bass and how its becoming the "next" thing... but especially in deep cold water. I have also heard that natural colors right now are the ticket... I really think that if you shrink the baits you are using... small tubes etc. you may have a change in luck. I cant remember when I read it but Im pretty sure when your targeting really late bass... the smaller the bait the better... they arent in the mood to tackle a big bait fish... so they want something easy thats right ontop of there face so they dont have to do much to eat. Im in no way an expert.... just tryin to help ya out with what I THINK I know hahah let me know if anything works for ya !
  19. Congrats man !!!
  20. AND they dont make a vacine so you can catch the bug anytime !!! BE CAREFUL !! hahaha Nice fish by the way !
  21. Yea those are nice boats for hunting, but he will still need a good pair of boats to go hunting in ! hahaa Im lookin for new boots as well ! Good thread and good luck finding some !
  22. another +1 for Joss..... hooked me up with A TONNNNNE of stuff here recently... I just found out where he was in september.... I think Im due for a drive to his place soon.... told me he would upgrade my f/f to a combo unit this winter for a great price. The guy knows his stuff !
  23. All snow blowers nowadays are pretty well created equal. The same components are generally used for multi-ple companies. Engines especially. They will all break.... "A machine made by humans FOR humans WILL break !" The deciding factors should be a little more then the name of the product ! I presume your buying the JD from Home Depot or something. BUT if you have a dealer local.... the John deere blower is what I would go with. Parts and service are readily available.Parts are over night and the shop is right there when need. When you buy a crafstman or murray your buying the product and then have no support afterwards. If you live in an area where is snows regularly... you dont want to be with out the blower for days while the part comes in or while it gets shipped away to be fixed. Also, if you can make it to a dealer, they have 4 more models to choose from..(6 in total ) and they have no payments, no interest for 6 months ! hahah PS... I work at a John Deere dealer. I sold approx 20 snow blowers last year, and didn't have a problem with one of them !!! This year I have sold around 10... we haven't had any snow yet, so I can't comment on the performance !
  24. Skinny fish eh ??? That last one has a real pointy head to it ! hahah Nice fish !!! Musky fishing is addictive.... Ill be out there again this weekend ( The Thames) ... hopefully I can lay into them ! Good luck on beating your PB... hopefully its soon !
  25. hahaha I dont think I would ever let ANYTHING that had to do with a skunk in my boat..... its like your asking to get SKUNKED !!!! You gunna be out this weekend Brian ?
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