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Everything posted by Lunker777

  1. You can tell in the video that the graphics are just like the rest... horrible..... I always get pumped up for fishing games.... and I always get let down. I wont be able to try this one unless they come out with it for PS3
  2. I tried it for my first time yesterday with a buddy.... He is a master at draggin tubes, been doing it for years. We caught 23 SMB in about 3 hours. That was a "slow" night I'm told. Any ways.... the way we did it was as follows..... Tie snap swivel to main line...Then make your leader... we were using about 3 ft... but it can vary in different conditions. I tied a swivel onto some floro then tied my hook to that. We did it like this because its an easy way to alter weights for the conditions your out in..... We would attach a bell sinker or similar type to the snap swivel, then attached the leader also. It was good because yesterday was so choppy out that we took a while to dial in the proper weight. Beats re-tieing all the time right ? We dropped it next to the boat pretty well, let it go right to the bottom thenlet out any where from 10yrds-20yrds on line. then just drifted with it. Keeping in touch with the bottom at all times..... Best rod for the job Im told is a medium-medium light.... 6'6-7-6 .... spinning gear also.... Try to go as light of tackle as possible !
  3. Just read it.... its pretty vague... Do I have to unscrew the side plate I guess is all Im asking... and is there any small parts in there that I should worry about losing easily ?
  4. Hey everyone. Just want to know the general maintenance for a bait casting reel. I have a Abu Revo SX and I want to give it a quick cleaning/lube job.... just wondering the best way to go about it ? Thanks !
  5. Yep, I just got the message too !
  6. hahah Thanks for the heads up ! I personally don't eat fish. I couldn't imagine what a 4# largie out of rondeau bay.... in 80 degree water temps would taste like. Probably not something I would care for ! All my fish live to see another day !
  7. hahahah ...... Havent you saw that new multiplucation table..... 4x4 DOES infact = 8 .... hahahah
  8. It all depends on the type of water your fishing. If its pretty clear.... no weeds, etc. You can get away with a light #thrust. If its heavy cover... I would go with the heaviest thrust you can afford. I have a 14' aluminum, and my 36# only makes it about 2ft. into the weeds. I think I would need about an 80# just for my boa tto chop those weeds up. Maybe even more ! Energizer batteries are pretty good.... Thats what I have.... I can use my trolling motor for days straight and still have tonnes of juice. I have the big 850(I think) cranking amp one ! I would say go with the cheaper battery if its just for Rec. use ! No need to have top line... that way when something goes wrong... its cheap to fix.
  9. hahah I dont think the guy in the white shirt is..... But I too noticed that Jim ( camo guy ) was DEFFINATLY checking out the goods on the dock ! hahaha Funny that you noticed that too !!!
  10. A scary one !!!!!! GGGEEEZZZZZ ..... I hate those things ! hahah Sorry for not being any help though !
  11. Your right ! Its a "Clacker" .... it makes quite a sound when your bringing it in ! Those are the ones I have and used for the last 2 1/2 years. I actually have those EXACT ones in my box ! haha Good product !
  12. Thanks everyone for the comments.... JP, haha maybe I should just find some steel rope and use that ??? haha 65# braid ? hahah I could tie my boat up with it ! hahah I tried the excalibur weight again last night... I rigger it differently this time.... Carolina rigged.... it went... bobber stop/bead/weight/bead/swivel and I was checking my line after every 2-3 casts for any imperfections on the line and didn't see anything. We'll see how things work out !
  13. I know on the musky charter I was on last year.... he had a sack on board that he would put a big musky in to revive it. They are the ones to worry about right.... once it should some signs on life he would send it back. If you read deeper into the post on the other website, one guy says something about a boat that had a livewell built to hold 2 fish that size.
  14. I don't know to much about the tourney, but I guess most musky tournaments are a kill tourney... and this particular one is a catch and release tournament. So I guess the anglers need to make a livewell on their boat big enough to hold a musky of this size.... then you buy these portable livewells for weigh in. Pretty huge livewell eh ??? hahah
  15. Just came across this one on another forum ! wow. http://www.michigan-sportsman.com/forum/sh...ad.php?t=298772
  16. Yea I could see after a while it would start fraying but it was literally like 10 casts.... if that. I've just deemed it to the weight... or the knot.... SO I guess ill have to try some other methods and see what happens.
  17. Nice Report Mike ! Good to see the little girl bringing in all those fish ! How long till shes settin up lines and showing Daddy how to fish ? haha
  18. Its approx been on the reel for a month and a half maybe ??? I put it on for opener weekend ! You know how power pro fades when it gets wet.... well the line was still nice and dark green !
  19. I had a bead on the last time it broke off.... I was trying it for the exact reason... to act as a buffer to prevent the weight from beating on the knot. Now, I didn't know you had to have a bead each time you tried to texas rig ?
  20. Well Im not sure how to tell.... but it seemed like a pretty clean break... like it was cut. The first time I got it snagged on some cat tails.... Im using 30# power pro.... When I gave it a yank to get it lose, it snapped.... the second time... I casted it out... sat for a second then I felt a couple taps... set the hook and snap again.... The third time was the same.... Now yesterday... I rigged up a carloina rig using standard lead weights.... it lasted a good while and then on a heavy cast I snapped the line above the swivel... So im guessing when rigging like this, you should re-tie often to prevent line fatigue ?
  21. Congrats on the BIG great grand child !
  22. I was texas rigging them ! I've read some reviews on tungsten weights on BPS website.... and some people have had the same problem with the "XPS" weights from bass pro ! I think the tru-tungsten weights are the top line.... all the reviews seem to be great on them... Im ordering a bunch from tackle warehouse and being done with it hahah Lotsa $$$$$$ though....
  23. Hey all Another "who uses them" question .... i bought into the "tungsten revolution" here latley.... I bought a pack of 3/8 & 1/2 "Xcaliber" tungsten bullet weights. Well .... after my first outing with them.... out of the 5 weights I got in the packs ( 3-3/8 and 2 - 1/2 ) ...I have 2 left.... on of each ! It seems like everytime there was any sort of tension... like a hook set... my line would break off..... Im convinced its due to the weights.... I have never had this problem before ! I guess the question is, what kind of luck have you had with the tungsten weights and what is your fav. brand ? Thanks for looking !
  24. Yea you could feel something was going to come up around here.... We have nothing yet, but the radar is showing some stuff coming across Windsor towards us now ! Hopefully we get a decent light show, but thats it !
  25. the knock out by Silva was one of the best Ive seen in a while ! Made griffin look stupid.... maybe thats why he ran out right after the fight ! hhaah a
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