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Everything posted by Lunker777

  1. So by "in trust" is he gettin the value of the truck in a trust fund ? Man hahah I wish I was that young with all those toys haha
  2. Im confused..... so will he win $450 000 at the end of the derby and a boat if he is still big fish by tonight at 8 ???? hahaha Explain please That would be insane for a kid that age !!! Good for him
  3. I love talking to the Veterans My grandpa wasn't IN the war.... he lived in the UK and when the war was on he was only about 5 years old. We talk about the war all the time. When I was in college I used to come home every weekend and he would give me a ride back on sundays and that was usually the topic of conversation. He doesnt remember much because he was young but he studied it more than I did.... I think he could be a historian on the war ! He told me stories that he does remember and I just listen and try to put myself in his place. Crazy ! We went back to England last year for my grandparents 50th anniversary and my grandpa and I went to the imperial war museum and also we took a flight to poland and visited Auswich. Talk about a humbling experience ! We also visited the "Western Aproaches" which was the naval head quarters for the Allies during the war. There was some crazy things going on there aswell ! About an hour outside of Liverpool, there are HUGE HUGE warehouses..... They used to be the hangers where the Lancs were stationed during the war. I try to picture in my head the sight of the place when the war was on. The sight of hundreads of bombers just waiting for the moment to take off and fly over europe ! The feeling the boys musta felt when the time came to saddle up and go.... I can't even imagine ! I wish I could see the Lancaster fly as often as the hamilton folks do ! Its a Beaut !
  4. wow.... thats awsome ! I hope he wins !
  5. I would spend the extra few bucks and go with a Revo S from Abu ! I think the quality of gears and braking are a little better in this real over the Citca. I looked at Citcas before I bought my Abu... I dont think ill buy anything over Abu garcia ! I have the SX( was looking at the S but I got the SX for a crazy price...$108 ) and the difference between a cheap baitcaster and a quality one are crazy.... i never believed it till I tried it ! casting, drag, braking.... all come together in a quality reel !
  6. you can count me in ~ I got a head start last night and slayed the perch... final tally was 61 kept and at least 3 times that thrown back ! All sizes kept were above 10" . I plan on hitting the water tomorrow and sunday ! Bassin all the way !
  7. Yea I agree..... I fished with a buddy the other night and I threw on the plain chart. and he had plain white and I boated probably 2-1 or 3-1 ...... all bass..... then the other day I threw on a fire tiger and had pike following me the whole time.... no bass.... so I think the pike bite here is on perch ! ahhah theres lots of perch in our bay so maybe thats what the pike like !
  8. hahah Food looks great..... whens the G2G ??????? My pork butt is waiting for me at the butcher as we speak... going in the cooker tomorrow morning to soak up all the juices all day while im at work ! I usually just throw mine in a bath of dianas sauce to cook.... both times Ive done it, it turned out well !!! again.... I wish I was there to try some of yours.... If you want I can PM my addy and maybe you could mail a sandwich to me ??? haha
  9. EXACTLY !!!!!!! An episode of Oprah comes to mind.... the one where she had these guests on that were SOOOOO upset they were taken for THOUSANDS of dollars by these scam groups all over the world "Hey there Mr. X....... I live in south africa and my brother in America died.... I have an acount with 10 MILLION dollars in it, that he has left me... and your the one I chose to help me.... just send me EVERY peice of personnal info you have and ill transfer the money to your account.... I just want a quarter of it back, you can keep the rest for your troubles.... sound good ???? " How do people fall for this stuff ????? I hate when they use the excuse " I was just trying to help out" or " the person sounds really down on their luck " .......... COME ON !!!!!!!
  10. RIGHT ON !!!! Im going to check the site right now !
  11. and to think... during the war there were HUNDREADS of them flying over head ! I couldn't imagine the sound of those engines all rumbling together..... Even the sound of one Lancaster flying is awsome ! To bad I couldn't of been there ! Beautiful plane !
  12. Im going on to my 4th Chartreuse with double willow leaf Booyah in 2 weeks !! I cant seem to NOT catch anything on that bait haha Well execept last night only a couple ! But in my neck of the woods.... White and Chartreuse are the go to colors ! I have about 7 or 8 different variations that include chartreuse in the skirt..... Works GREAT !
  13. these things pop up on kijiji all the time ! For boats, atvs, cars, etc. Usually I find that when you click the add the first time.... after thats its magically gone ? hahah I found a guy near me trying to sell 2 Polaris 800 ATVS for like $2000 and they were BRAND NEW.... maybe 20 hours on each..... I called my uncle... he said get ahold of the guy and we'll get them right now.... went to go back to the listing and POOf..... it had be removed from kijiji ! If it has to do with the internet.... I want to be able to see and touch the thing before money is exchanged... and if its to good to be true .... when it comes to the net..... IT IS !
  14. ummm.... I just got it from the local magazine shop ! Mind you they have about 1000000 different mags ! haha
  15. WOW.... hahahah good one !
  16. Just finishing up my second issue of FLW Outdoors magazine... BASS EDITION ! hahah I made the mistake the first time of getting the walleye edition.... bad move ! I was like, where the heck is all the BASSIN stuff. Its a great read I think, and I dont get into reading that often ! and for only $4...... I think its a steal ! Theres lots of good tips and articles in there.... if you haven't grabbed one yet.... I would suggest it !
  17. I just got off the northam site.... you can use pay pal !!!!!! I might have to order some of their baits... they look pretty good !
  18. So thats why I saw my GFs pic on that dating site last night.....
  19. Deleting your account wont work either ! hahah no matter what, your imbedded in the world wide web for life. The way I see it, there isnt much on my facebook I dont want others to see... and if I delete it, it wont change anything other than I wont be able to log into it.... Dont worrie about it much... I guess the chances of a company using YOUR pics or info are as good as winning the big $35,000,000 tonight !
  20. Im not sure either... but I will venture an educated guess.... I know there are such things as "wake baits" that stay JUST below the surface creating a bit of a wake as you bring it in.... now I would say you can get the same affect with certain lures that will allow you to keep them just below the surface..... Dont hold me to it though ! haha
  21. hahah AWSOME !!! Pulled pork is a huge favourite of mine ! I actually just ordered a small pork butt from the local butcher to make some myself ! haha I should get the call around noon to pick it up.... then it will be in the slow cooker ALL DAY tomorrow.... I cook mine in Dianas sauce all day long.... tastes pretty freaking good to me ! hahah Mind if I stop by for dinner tonight... yours looks like it will be off the charts !!!!
  22. hahah weird... but I have all 10 seasons of "Friends" on DVD...... Ive gotten bit by the Big Brother bug here this season.... I think the key to that show if you have to watch it from the beginning.... Food network has a bunch of good ones aswell.... I like food... and tv.... good combo If you can get HD.... Rush, Equater, Treasure, and there is one more I cant think of... but they have a BUNCH of good shows..... Mark Krupa in Hd is SWEET !
  23. I have been fishing with spinner baits ALOT this year..... I ALWAYS used Booyahs but I decided to try the terminator "titanium" ones to help with keeping the bait true..... I find the Booyah baits to bend very easily ! Well when I attempted to order the terminators... I accidentely orders Strike king spinners. I have NO IDEA how I mixed the two of them up ! IDIOT !! They add stinger hooks to them and the profile of the head of the bait is weird and seems to get caught up alot more than the Booyahs. Needless to say the strike kings have been demoted to use when guests are on the boat ! That way if they lose one to a pike, Im not worried ! haha I wish Booyah would come out with a titanium frame spinner bait... that would be sweet ! What type of spinners do you like to use ? and why ?
  24. Ive noticed that when I fish with a spinner bait that I get tonnes of blue gills and perch trying to get the skirt. They will nip at the ends of the skirt hahah I had a couple nice 8-10" perch chasing down my spinnerbait yesterday but I couldnt get them to commit ! hahah I think the hunting like pirahnas is a good guess.... next thing you know, you'll have to watch where you put your toes in the water..... DEADLY PERCH !
  25. TJ posted this EXACT same joke like 5 hours before you did ! haha
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