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Everything posted by 12footspringbok

  1. Actually it looked pretty decent wednesday thursday... I drive over it in 2 spots 25 kms apart everyday. I'm not into fishing the rivers in the spring though. Brian they will always be 'bows to me. Although I have been referring to them as steelhead ever since I got my pin last fall.
  2. Oh man we just need John from CRAA to chime in here and this thread will be complete...
  3. I don't have one but I'm really liking some of the videos of guys fishing that do have them. Fishing shows without the Bull advertising.
  4. No problem. Its just too easy to point fingers. Like you said, bad apples in every group.
  5. Lol The finger pointing begins... I wonder how many pounds of roe you or all the other C&R river fisherman have in their freezers Solo? Just think all those dead potential baby brown trout, cohos, chinooks, or steelheads...
  6. Just curious what was the bait you were using on the dropshot? I'm hopefully going to be out this weekend wouldn't mind trying this.
  7. People need to wake up! This sort of a thing isn't a right or left issue. Its a little guy gets screwed issue no matter what "colour" holds the power.
  8. We've been rocking at my shop since August too. The thing is so many shops closed up 4 years ago that the few places left just can't handle the work right now. I'm in the position of running the machine that is the bottle neck at my work right now. King salmon is right about no one wanting to do machining. A good apprentice is hard to come by and when we get one we can't pay them enough to keep them around. We get the odd temp but its like going backwards when you have to babysit someone all day. I'll take the extra work right now though. We did workshare for a year at my work that was waaaaay worse. The amount of prototypes and quoting of parts we have been doing you guys on the production side should be busy for quite sometime.
  9. I knew I shouldn't have posted in this thread.... If I was GM though I wouldn't be forever trying to put lipstick on a pig... I would have completly gutted the team years ago and by now my team would have been full of awsome young players. Sounds like a crazy concept eh? There will be no further discussion on my behalf...LOL
  10. I'm not going to get into that argument...LOL Oh and I'm sorry Billm and Billy Bob you guys are just having "fun" I guess...
  11. You 2 should seriously get a room....
  12. I knew there would be some die hard leaf fans come out of the wood work defending and justifying this terrible deal. Its always good for a laugh!
  13. Just so you know the pull start yamaha has the charging system option as well.
  14. For what its worth my buddy bought a brand new 20hp short shaft yamaha for his 14ft boat similar to the one you're looking at last summer. Pull start is really easy on the yamaha alot easier than we thought it would be. The boat is fine with 2 of us in it. Tops out around 20mph flat calm. With 3 in the boat it struggles to stay on plane...LOL Anyways thought I'd throw in my 2 cents...
  15. We wonder why hardly any reports get posted anymore... Keep up the good work.
  16. Pretty much every species of fresh water fish you can find in Canada can be found in the Notty at certain times of the year. I've seen or caught quite a few different species but, its pretty hit and miss. Sometimes if i feel like doing something different I'll fish it in June or July just for a change. You never know what you might pull out of there. Trust me...
  17. Great topic thanks for starting it anders! I'm glad to read I'm not the only one crazy enough to try a longer steelhead rod for walleyes. I brought my 9' steelhead casting rod up north last fall to fish the afternoons while up hunting on the french. My friends thought I was crazy, but the longer rod really worked well for the deep points we were fishing. I'm going to be looking for something in the 8' range but not quite as heavy for my spring trip up north. Sound like I'll have to check out some of the rods mentioned here.
  18. Gee doc, would you say this is threatening our rights and liberties?
  19. I had a good conversation about this topic with my old barber last week. I remarked how fast people forgot about extreme winter seasons both hot and cold. He laughed and told me he doesn't argue with customers that keep talking about the warm weather this winter like its something new. LOL He went on to ryme off a bunch of years that were really warm. I did some interesting reading a while ago about the deep water horizon oil spill messing with the gulf stream and possibly causing extreme weather patterns. Over in Europe right now they are having a crazy cold winter...
  20. Nice work guys! I think I may have been parked next to you guys sunday morning. Action was insane until about 9 then there were quite a few lulls but still some fish coming through. A side note... I can't help but think that access will be the next crossed off the list to non-residents after the lack of respect for peoples property I saw when leaving sunday...
  21. This would be nice! I used to like going to Simcoe Bait and Tackle. Lou might have been a bit crusty on the edges but he always had what you needed.
  22. You don't look like a really heavy guy.... If you want to get out for lakers and whities get out for lakers and whities.... Sorry couldn't resist... Your last statement about going up north is what I'm doing this weekend...
  23. Ya sorry Skip should have worded that better. I know cures for cancer already exist... They are just suppressed. The Documentary i posted is proof of this. There is a bunch of good documentaries out there on this topic. Cut Poison Burn is the most recent one I have watched.
  24. Call me Debbie Downer if you want, but I remain pretty skeptical that a cure for cancer will be found... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vbLwAaYWGXs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  25. Nice work Mike! You will get some bigger perch in Cooks thats for sure. Just have to sort through the little guys first.
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