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Everything posted by camillj

  1. or perhaps a piece of styrofoam with electrical tape wrapped around it
  2. Cant put a number on it ... it started off as a 0 - completely lost my mojo very early in the spring due to un-fishing related things (I suddenly just couldnt stand to be alone on the water)... and I actually missed opening day for the first time in 40+ years ... in fact if not for a few short get-aways to my beloved ZEC it would have stayed a 0 ... but I am itching to get on with life and finish this year with a bang... besides... I can smell the chrome in the air .. and I think I heard my mojo calling !!!!
  3. well .. I realize I am a little late to the party here ... but .... my first reaction was DEFINITELY a 'lake run' brown ... and had it not been for Dmasse's "definitely Atlantic - I just released some just like that" I wouldnt have had any doubt at all. So For now .. I'll leave it at .. since I havent ever seen an Atlantic that could be confused with a Brown ... I'll downgrade to ALMOST Definitely a Brown ... I could be wrong ... stranger things have happened Just out of Curiosity Rich, was the meat more yellowish or more pinkish in colour ? Lake run Brown tend to have a more yellowish tinge to the flesh.
  4. Hmmm ... well I thought I was being soooooo smart a year ago when I started hedging (by keeping half and half in both US and CDN currencies) after the big drop from 1.30 less than a year before that ... now I am losing painfully every day - unless of course you measure the total in US dollars ... but since I live (and spend most of my money) in Canada it really does feel like I shoulda sold US and bought CDN back at 1.15 ... or even at 1.05 - when everyone still questioned the rumors we were headed to par Oh to have a crystal ball ... but yeah I would say it will have to find its way back to some sense of reason - sooner or later - the key now is not to get sucked in to the 'buy high' and 'sell low' mentality - I guess my oh-so-clever USD are gonna just have to sit there and 'mellow' for the foreseable future.
  5. I paid em about $500 for a speck ... worth every penny !
  6. Hmmm ... lets see in 10 or 20 years ... Sandy Lane or Queens Fort (West coast Barbados) .... Magdalena, Malta or Marsalforn, Gozo.... or if I realllly had the cash to spare .... a perhaps little villa in Mustique .... but really and truly for now at least ... right where we are now in our humble little place in Etobicoke just walking distance from both sets of parents - who we are blessed to still have with us - and less than two hours from each of our kids who are experiencing their first few years away from the nest under the guise of continuing their education...the grass is always greener but having been there (and come back) I dont feel that I am missing out staying right where I am for a while more.
  7. Cohos .... the odd small run will still come in (mostly lost souls from US stocking) .... but really the name of the game now is fall chrome !!!!!!!!
  8. Nice catch there Glen ... its getting a little chilly up here for that kind of attire though ... I think we'd be cuttin glass out there dressed like that today
  9. If you get yourself a good set of ice screws and make sure you reinforce the corners it will (should) hold up just fine .. the main issue is that you will want to stretch your legs (believe me) and in a traditional tent this can often be a problem ... but there are lots of portables that look just like a tent without a floor (including the one I use) so I see no reason it wont work. The ones that come stock with this hut are by FAR the best I have ever seen .. just never tried to buy the screws separately ... http://cgi.ebay.ca/4-Person-Eastman-Ice-Cu...1QQcmdZViewItem I bought the 2 man unit last season and while it was a little smaller than I would have liked ... it was TOTALLY secure in the wind... even in the big winds of Muskoka
  10. Wow I never heard about the laminating thing before .. is there a particular reason this was made illegal ?
  11. OK .. not sure if its just me showing my age ... but the FIRST thing I add to any boat is a shear pin which I tape to the tiller with black electrical tape ... first time you touch bottom its gone and you're stranded .... I ALWAYS also carry a long nail and nippers in my tackle box(which could in a pinch be cut to size to be used as another shear pin for someone elses boat) ... I guess the newer motors dont use them anymore Aside from the 'usual' safety items - like 100' rope, flashlight, whistle, 2-way radio I also make a spark plug wrench and a small piece of emery cloth a ALWAYS items ... then at least I can pull a plug and 'clean' it in a pinch ...WD40 also adds a certain je-ne-sais-quois for starting cranky/damp motors
  12. Nice TJ .. congrats ! Love that mouse trap by the way .... what do you put in the bottle for bait ?
  13. OK ... I see a potential problem ... the gravel ... I personally never liked the big rocks - they trap too much food ... and certainly not the painted black and white ones ... you really have to clean that stuff as it will sometimes be the cause of cloudiness (even without anything else in the tank) ... you may need to 'flood' this gravel in a bucket for quite some time (add a little bleach even) to get the water to flow through it and stay clear ... until it does everything else is just icecream on s*&t ... so rinse it completely clean in a big 5 gal bucket and then re-add it to your tank ... also may consider leaving it out for a few days just to see if this is the cause of your clouding.
  14. Well said Joe ... there's a lot more to right and wrong than whats written in the law books or in contracts... and while I certainly have no idea what all the facts are in this case... and frankly no interest in being the 'judge' ... I would think that if we remembered that we dont get to 'log off' or hide behind the rules in real life, we would all think longer and harder before we do harm to our neighbors... especially harm that cant be undone if you find out you were wrong.
  15. Thanks for the report Wayne .. always love to hear about the big girls on GB ... I gotta say I think the follow is almost as much excitment as the fight (almost) ... but what makes GB so special is the fact that the next world record is very likely to come from there ... almost every time out I get (at least) a glimpse of a monster ... its what makes 10 hrs without a hit worth getting excited about coming back for
  16. Except trolling a Mepps without a really good ...swivel ... sometimes just dragging a worm on a hook will do that too ...
  17. Wow Kennyman you sure brought back a few memories ... I used to do a lot of tank mtc when I worked in a Pet store as a kid ... anyhow I totaly agree - K. I. S. S. rule really does work well ... KOI are 'messy' so regular changing of at least 20% is a good idea and I would say you need to consider dumping everything and giving the gravel (I assume you have gravel) a good hard thorough washing - hot water then cold then hot again - this could be the source of your clouding ...always better to under feed than over feed (not just becuase of clouding) Personally I like the natural plants idea ... you need to let the tank find a good equilibrium and will have to take into account the natural vs artificial light ...but in the long run you'll have a happier tank if the plants and bacterial / zooplankton find a balance. My best results (believe it or not) were when I was out of the country on a six week vacation ... I came back to find my angels had bred and everything was healthier than I had ever seen it ...
  18. Deep and slow bud .. deep and slow .... just like when you are fishin !
  19. ok .. so was there a bear (and rubber gloves) involved ???? ... got me wonderin
  20. Yea I saw that on MSN yesterday ... too bad the last shot of the curled up dried out musky on the pickup truck bed was'nt a release shot ... oh well the kid's definitely hooked now
  21. woo hoo .... let me go dig out the new auger blades ... its only 4 months til opening day on lake Joe
  22. Very nice shots ! Thanks for sharing. Yes .. definitely a brown ... the rainbows will be coming soon too though
  23. I hate it ... but couldnt live without it ... all 3800 contacts ... all email ...calendar ...phone... I can literally get my work done from the middle of a river if need be Just DONT even look at it while you are in the car ... period ! ... you WILL rear end somebody.. or worse
  24. Yes my frend, life goes by too fast ! As much as these dates cause us pain, they also remind us to treasure each day... and I think we need that to keep us on track. I know that after 35 + years ... twice a year (his birthday and the day he died) I share the emotions you must be feeling (my father was taken from me when I was 7) ... and I think, as much as it hurts to remember ... it would be so much worse to forget. My thoughts are with you today brother.
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