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Everything posted by Ben_Daniels

  1. I agree with Lew 100%... never understood why people get flamed for asking questions about the regs
  2. You can actually get bobbers with a concaved head that are specifically made for popping, a lot of saltwater guys use them for redfish and sea trout with a shrimp or other bait. Might be something to look into!
  3. I hear bottom bouncers and slow death rigs with worms work pretty good during a mayfly hatch, I've yet to try it though
  4. That was awesome Simon, thanks for sharing! Probably a good decision not trying to pick it up. He was lethargic with a fish in his mouth but something tells me he would have gone nuts having his dinner(or your dinner lol) taken away and being picked up! Could have hurt either one of you! -Ben
  5. Is roe that you harvest and transport like fish filets? i.e. do you need to keep a patch of skin attached or something else so a C.O. can identify the species it came from? I never fish with roe I'm just curious.
  6. Great story Solo really enjoyed it! PS when does the narwhal bacon Musky or Specks
  7. If it were me......... 1. I'd go East on 401 2. To South on Bayview 3. To East on Eglinton 4. To South on Laid 5. To East on O'connor 6. To South on Woodine until you hit Danforth 7. Go East on Danforth until you hit Main St.
  8. What are the origins of the fish in There? 5lb pond smallies? You sure? Lol
  9. My apologies!...I though you were on the other side lol
  10. Everyone seems to be using the words land and nature interchangeably? If the guy owns the land its his choice what he wants to do with it. If the government says that he can block the road then he can.... If I started walking around in your suburban backyard and you saw me you'd be pissed and kick me out or call the cops. Seems like a lot of people who are mad here are the same ones that support blocking roads in northern Ontario to "protect" the fly in Industry. Can't have it both ways
  11. Kush Fly
  12. I can't believe your brother's Chumlee from Pawn stars!!! Too cool!
  13. There's a free Tiger Woods game that I like
  14. +1 Ron Paul 2012!
  15. I usually buy higher end rods but you gotta love it when the guy in the back of the boat with an ugly stick is out fishing you lol
  16. Thanks for clearing that up Cliff! It definitely makes sense for Mod's to preview certain peoples posts that have a bad history. Changing peoples posts/wording(editing), if I understand some of the complaints correctly, is another story. It's completely alright by me to delete a person's post, but its not OK to change their post or wording... I hate anyone being censored, but deleting posts probably keeps a lot of crap off here. Having said all this, OFC is a privately owned Internet Message-Board, it's the Owners/Mod's board and therefore its their rules, even if they aren't right. (Most of the time I find them reasonable and easy to get along with, once you understand how the board works). I've probably been put on ModQ at least once lol, a couple years ago I remember getting a couple messages from different Mod's telling me a certain post I made was offside and that multiple Mod's had raised my warning level and that they had to lower the warnings because too many Mod's warned me in such a short perios, after looking at my post I realized that it was a bad comment. There's a lot of cool people and great info on here once you get over some of the quirks of the members
  17. I just recently found out what OP is... but what's ModQ?
  18. Please stop using big words
  19. Clearly they know how to run a profitable business, a winning team's another matter. I guess it makes sense to spend less on a team if they're still gonna fill up the seats, maybe if people weren't such die hard fans they'd be forced to spend more money lol. PS I don't even watch hockey
  20. Christmas Parties are awesome if you like where you work and the people you work with! I never last long in a job where I don't enjoy being around the majority of the people or if there's a crappy work environment...don't know how some people do it. I've been with the same company for the past 4 years it's been awesome, I've made lifelong friends and a lot of connections. They treat the staff and management really well. They really believe in staff parties/activities throughout the year. Softball tournaments, Football tournaments, Ski/Snowboard events, Awards parties, Christmas parties (one guest for free with free booze and food) and a couple others parties throughout the year, paid for by the company for the most part (meals, accommodations and a few drink tickets) . I can truly say that these events have helped build a great team in the 4 years. The turnover rate is very small compared to most in our industry. People that I previously didn't like working with have become good friends after getting to know them at events. I say go to the Christmas party...you never know, you might just have a good time.
  21. could be, did you purchase them at the same time?
  22. I've been using it for a couple years and have no complaints, great line, maybe you got a bad spool?
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