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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Sweet ride Cliff Looks in perfect condition Awesome you got her slimmed
  2. Mike, that's just awesome Looks like you both had a great time Great father & son report
  3. Great report, fish and pics Rich Congrats to the both of you on your PB's Thanks for sharing Leechman
  4. Great report fish and pics l2p The brown pics are awesome Thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. Can't beat a day like that Congrats
  6. Awesome Lasz Loved the pic of your daughter getting airborne
  7. Done... Good luck with the contest!!!
  8. Excellent monsterfish Great looking ski
  9. Now he's hooked Cudo's to you Paul His smile says it all
  10. Here's to many more Happy belated first Joey & Paul
  11. Awesome work Terrance as always
  12. Nice one Rich Those spinnerbaits are phenomenal
  13. For me it was a very slow year fishing wise.... Early spring I always target speckles cause it's the only species that is open and always look forward to a nice snack lol Caught lots of them this year but were on the small size... between 6" and 8" for the most part. I did manage a PB laker 24" which was nice and a PB whitie 22" A few SMB's and LMB's and that is about it for this season... Now that fall is coming, I'll be looking for another kind of PB... the kind with 4 legs and fur Leechman P.S. Edited to say: Check the tournament section for my 2 PB's
  14. Sorry to hear about the skunk Lew but at least you got quality time out on the water with your daughter Doesn't get much better than that Leechman
  15. Awesome report, pics and videos Terry Yeah when I got up this morning, I looked outside and saw white on all the roofs that I could see from my bedroom window.... I went downstairs and looked at the thermometer from the kitchen window and it displayed 0C A frosty one for sure Jacques
  16. Got to love when the walleyes come out to play Great cleaning technique Randy Butterflying'em is how I do it also Thanks for sharing Leechman
  17. Fish Farmer, look again.... I just clicked the link in Wayne's reply and see the pics If you don't beleive me.... here's one of them
  18. I'd buy land here in the valley (and lots of it ) and build my own pond.... right in front of the house so that each morning, first thing I'd do is, sit down in a chair with coffee in hand and cast a line out from the deck
  19. Nice muskie Rizzo Congrats
  20. Thanks Mike!!!
  21. That is very beautiful work Sam I truly enjoy looking at the pics you posted but this one stands out for me the most Keep up the excellent work!!! Leechman
  22. Attaboy rickster Some real nice eyes in them pictures
  23. Awesome Erik!!! It sure is No worries chessy.... I believed you Thanks Frankie!!!
  24. Great report Mike That's a million dollar smile right there
  25. Thanks for the tip chessy
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