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Everything posted by lhousesoccer

  1. .
  2. Sounds like a trailcam tucked away up high in a tree should make it easy for you to solve your problem at this spot, if it's that frequent!
  3. .
  4. UPDATE - Angler may face jail time! http://www.outdoorhub.com/news/record-setting-arkansas-largemouth-bass-was-illegally-caught/?utm_source=iContact&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Outdoor%20Hub%20News&utm_content=March+20%2C+2012+Instead+of+State+Record Instead of State Record, Arkansas Man Could Get Jail Time for Big Bass by Outdoor Hub Reporters on March 19, 2012 Previously, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) announced that a record-breaking largemouth bass was caught on Lake Dunn near Wynne, Arkansas on February 28th, 2012. The fish, caught by Paul Crowder of Forrest City, weighed 16 pounds, 5 ounces, which broke the record by one ounce. Now, after an investigation by the AGFC, Crowder faces a $1,000 fine and up to 30 days in jail for catching the fish illegally. The AGFC discovered that Crowder purchased a fishing license three hours after he caught the fish. His fishing license expired in April 2011, according to an AGFC press release. Under AGFC regulations, it is illegal for any person 16 years of age or older to fish without possessing a valid Arkansas fishing license. State record rules also require that an angler hold a valid license at the time of the catch. Crowder’s court hearing is scheduled for Monday March 19th in the Wynne District Court. That means the AGFC won’t certify Crowder’s catch as a state record and so the late Aaron Mardis of Memphis continues to hold the record set 36 years ago on March 2nd, 1976 with a 16-pound, 4-ounce largemouth bass caught on Mallard Lake near Manila in Mississippi County.
  5. That's actually no joke. Several University Outreach Extension Offices as well as State F&W agencies in the US have invested quite a bit of State and Federal grant money trying to develop both palatable recipes and commercial markets for them. http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/asian-carp-cooking-chicago-chefs/Content?oid=1571974[ http://www.dnr.illinois.gov/news/Pages/IDNRAddsAsianCarptoHungerProgramMenu.aspx FROM Draft Management and Control Plan for Asian Carps in the United States Submitted to the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force Prepared by the Asian Carp Working Group April 2006 Recommendation Inform recreational fishers about Asian carp harvest and preparation methods. Provide information to recreational fishers on how to catch Asian carps and the culinary attributes of these fish. This could be enhanced by encouraging tournament-type events to increase recreational harvest. Establishing partnerships with chapters of the American Culinary Federation would encourage development of Asian carp recipes. A potential negative effect of this strategy is the possibility that some may eventually view these fishes as a beneficial species. Educational information for the public should include information on the positive environmental benefits of removing and consuming these species. Stakeholders representing a cross section of interests should work with partners to develop appropriate outreach products for recreational fishers to encourage Asian carp harvest, cleaning, preparation and consumption. Angling and bowfishing for Asian carps should be promoted, including angling techniques, equipment, baits, and tournaments throughout the geographic distribution of feral Asian carps. The Missouri Department of Conservation and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources have published articles describing techniques for catching and preparing Asian carps in their outreach publications (Perea 2002; Chapman 2004). The Native Fish Conservancy, together with bowfishing organizations and Bass Pro Shops, is organizing an Asian carp cook-off in central Missouri (personal communication, Robert Rice, Native Fish Conservancy).
  6. Two games, 5 points. After a 40 game absence. Yeah, real detached.
  7. Hey Dr. Salvelinus, so I'm driving home from work tonight listening to HNIC Radio on my Sirius satellite, and they out of the blue mention that the second assist for Crosby last night has been re-recognized. Turns out I'm not crazy after all! They at first said he got his stick on the shot from Letang and deflected it to Dupuis who then scored. That was his second assist in the 3rd period. Then, Crosby WASN'T listed in the box score on the assist. And now, I just checked and he's listed again. Go figure. http://www.nhl.com/ice/recap.htm?id=2011021054&navid=sb:recap
  8. Yeah, that was weird. I didn't catch the end of the game, so I checked the box score on NHL.com and I swore I saw that Sid had 2 assists, and then I looked just now and it says one. He was up there for 2, I'm sure of it, last night. Good point on Jedi, as well. I'm born and raised in southwestern Ontario, Leafs fan my whole life, but beyond that, I'm a hockey fan pure and simple and I like watching talented players and teams play good hockey. You're just as likely to find me watching a Calgary game or a Pens game as you would a Leafs game (moreso lately, cause the Leafs just plain suck!). There's no denying Sid is one of the best ever and arguably the best player currently playing. To come back after missing the last 40 games and still be able to contribute - not sure there's many out there who could do that. And if he can keep his melon intact, it's only going to get better through the rest of the season and post-season. And yes, I'm starting the "fire Burke" chant, right now .....
  9. The marsh complex at Turkey Point is loaded with largies. Also, you can run across to Long Point Bay. You'll have unlimited (thousands of acres) of water to fish for largies inshore in the canal and cattails and bullrushes and out on the sandbars for smallies. I grew up fishing it, and it's still phenomenal today.
  10. 2 assists tonight for Crosby doesn't seem too detached to me.
  11. Don Cherry is a hockey genius who should be head coach of the leafs.
  12. http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/field-notes/2012/03/arkansas-bass-wiped-state-record-books-angler-didnt-have-valid-fishing-lic March 12, 2012 Arkansas Bass Wiped From State Record Books, Angler Didn't Have Valid Fishing License Editor's Note: On Wednesday, March 7 we posted a gallery of photos and the story of a new state-record largemouth bass caught in Arkansas. Since then, the fish was disqualified when officials discovered the angler who caught it did not have a valid fishing license. Steven Hill, who wrote the original story for F&S, contacted the angler and the state game and fish commission today. Here’s what he learned: by Steven Hill The new state record largemouth bass announced last week by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has been wiped off the books after AGFC officials learned that Forrest City angler Paul Crowder bought his fishing license after the fish was caught. The commission announced the new record on its website in early March. On Friday, March 9, the AGFC made the following announcement in a press release posted to the site: “The AGFC discovered that a license was purchased for Crowder three hours after he claimed to have caught the bass. Crowder’s fishing license expired in April 2011. Under AGFC regulations, it is illegal for any person 16 years of age or older to fish without possessing a current Arkansas fishing license. State record fish rules require that an angler hold a valid license at the time of the catch.” Reached by phone Monday, Crowder did not dispute those facts. “My license wasn’t current,” Crowder said. “It was just an oversight.” Crowder said he took the fish to AGFC officials not knowing that his license was expired. “I sent my friend to the store with my driver’s license and she got me a set of licenses, because we was having to wait three or four hours to get the fish weighed,” Crowder said. Because the investigation is ongoing, Keith Stephens, public information coordinator for the AGFC, would not say exactly when officials first became aware that something might be amiss with Crowder’s license, but he said the information that spurred the investigation was not received until after stories announcing the new record appeared in Field & Stream and other media outlets. He said more details would be forthcoming once the investigation is complete. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission goes through a series of investigations when a state record is at stake, Stephens said, including x-rays to make sure the fish has not been tampered with. “The license was checked,” Stephens said. “We just found out something later. When it came to light that he hadn’t bought his license when he said he did, obviously you can’t fish in Arkansas without a license, so it makes sense you can’t have a state record if you don’t have a license.” Crowder said it’s not the first time he’s been cited for fishing without a license. “I should have had my license,” Crowder said. “I’ve had several tickets for fishing without a license before, me and my two kids too. It ain’t that we don’t mean to get them, we just forgot to get them.” The 16-pound, 5-oz. bass weighed one ounce more than the current Arkansas record bass, which was caught caught March 2, 1976, by Aaron Mardis on Mallard Lake in Mississippi County. AGFC wildlife officers seized the fish as evidence, and Crowder has been charged with fishing without a license. He faces up to a $1,000 fine and up to 30 days in jail. Crowder has a court hearing March 19 in Wynne District Court. “It hurts,” Crowder said. “I’m not proud of it.”
  13. Not staying calm is part of Don's appeal to me. Too many people self-censoring for fear of their own job, covering their , being all P.C. Love him or hate him, agree with him or not, I think it's refreshing in this day and age to see someone actually get jacked up about something they believe in.
  14. Well, if that is the case, then we must have a Cup in our future at some point, eh?
  15. He's from Sudbury.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyUf7r_9yNs&list=FLeCwugh4Uh14FTsOu7gXUvw&index=8&feature=plpp_video
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